Chapter 112 Victory!

From the previous book, after the flame chicken killed the iron shell shell with one blow, Da Yuan took the iron shell shell back.Another elf was sent.

"Go, Iron Rhino!"

A white light flashed, and an armored rhinoceros appeared on the field constantly pawing its hooves, looking at the flame chicken with high fighting spirit.


The flame chicken glanced at it, and didn't take it seriously. It didn't know how much it could defeat this kind of brute force and slow-moving elf.

"Iron Armored Rhino, use Bash!"

The armored rhinoceros let out a long roar, moved its limbs and charged forward, its whole body was gradually wrapped in light yellow fluorescent lights, and there were trails of blue fluorescent lights following behind it.

"Flame Kick!"

The flame chicken pulled back its right leg slightly, its feet were wrapped in blazing flames, and kicked out suddenly when the iron armored rhino rushed in front of it.


This kick directly landed on the armored rhino's chin, and the huge force caused the armored rhino to fly backwards, and the scorching flames also burned a dark mark on its jaw.

"Spray flames, kill it!"


The Flame Chicken didn't have any energy stored up, and a crimson columnar flame shot out instantly, hitting the armored rhinoceros directly before it landed.Impacted by the jet of flames, the armored rhino flew upside down for a certain distance before landing on the ice, its eyes spiraling!
"The armored rhino loses the ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins!"

"Damn it, how could it be so powerful!" Da Yuan put away the armored rhino angrily.

Xiao Luo asked with a smile: "I said, you have to pass the Pokémon Appraisal Test to join the alliance, right?"

Da Yuan was slightly taken aback, and asked, "How do you know?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "Because it is impossible for you not to get the badge!"

"Damn, what are you talking about, don't look down on people. Go to the three-in-one magnet monster and help me teach him a lesson."

Dayuan's third elf is a three-in-one magnetite, which surprised Xiao Luo slightly: "Facing the fire element, you dare to use an elf with steel attribute?"

"Hmph, what's the point of having unfavorable attributes? Magnemite has defeated many fire-type elves!"

Xiao Luo shrugged and said, "Okay, you should attack first!"

Da Yuan was a little unwilling, but didn't know what to say.He also understands now that the gap between himself and Xiao Luo is really big.In all fairness, he was not sure that he could defeat Xiao Luo's flame chicken.It's just that the three-in-one magnet monster is the most powerful elf in his hands, and he has no choice.

"Three-in-one Magneto, use one hundred thousand volts!"

The three-in-one magnet monster was wrapped in yellow electric light, and a thick [-] volt zigzag hit the flame chicken.

"Spray flames!"

When the flame chicken opened its mouth, a flame spewed out, hitting [-] volts.


The two tricks collided with each other and exploded.

"Three-in-one magnet monster, use the lock!"

When the three-in-one magnet monster heard the words, the three eyes glowed red, and the figure of the flame chicken was printed on the eyes, which was very clear.

"Locked? Could it be..."

"Hmph, three-in-one magnet monster, use electromagnetic cannon!"

The three-in-one Magneto made bursts of noise, its body was surrounded by yellow light, and the golden light condensed little by little, forming a huge light cluster in the middle of its body.


Xiao Luo was startled, and immediately commanded: "Flame Chicken, use Destroy Death Light!"

The flame chicken opened its mouth, and also began to condense golden energy with a destructive aura.

"Hmph, three-in-one magnet monster, let's go!" Da Yuan showed a sinister smile.

"call out"

The thick electric current formed a straight beam of light, which was extremely thick and majestic, hitting the flame chicken.

It's almost...

It didn't take long for the flame chicken to destroy the death optics, and the speed of condensation was a little slower, and it was still condensing when the electromagnetic gun hit.Xiao Luo looked extremely calm, but in fact he was also very nervous.Once the electromagnetic gun hits, even if the flame chicken does not lose its combat ability, it will fall into a state of paralysis, and it must be replaced.

Just when the electromagnetic gun was about to hit the flame chicken, the flame chicken's eyes opened angrily, and a golden light shot out, meeting the three-in-one magnet monster's electromagnetic gun.After destroying the dead light, he made a counterattack, resisted the electromagnetic gun, and continued to advance until the middle of the arena. The two tricks were in a stalemate for a while, and then exploded.

The shock wave generated by the strong explosion sent the two elves flying upside down, and the three-in-one magnetite hit the high platform where the trainer was standing.The flame chicken was unable to move due to the side effect of destroying the death light, and was also blown into the wall below Xiao Luo.

"Three-in-One Magnemite, are you okay!"

The three-in-one magnet monster responded with a sound, and levitated again.

"Very good, use the triangle attack now."

The three-in-one magnet monster formed a triangular colored mirror in front of him and hit the flame chicken.

Xiao Luo snorted coldly and commanded: "Flame chicken, dodge!"

The flame chicken's eyes were fixed on the triangle attack, and when the triangle attack flew in front of him, the flame chicken relieved the side effect, and with a little force on his legs, he jumped up high.Dodged the triangle attack.

"How could it be possible to recover so quickly!" Da Yuan said in disbelief.Even Ake in the stands showed a slightly surprised expression.

Xiao Luo commanded with a little anger: "Counterattack, use jet flames!"


The flame chicken roared angrily, and slightly charged up, a jet of flame hit the three-in-one magnet monster from the air with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

"Three-in-one magnet monster, after avoiding it, use one hundred thousand volts!"

After hearing Da Yuan's command, the three-in-one magnet monster avoided the direct attack of the jet flame at the critical moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo said again: "Don't let it run away!"

Hearing the words, the Flame Chicken maintained its jet flame and swept over. The three-in-one magnet monster couldn't react before being hit by the jet flame. The strong flame hit it and hit the ice ground. The ice was instantly melted by the flame, and the three-in-one magnet monster fell In the icy lake water.

"Three-in-one Magneto..." Da Yuan cried out unwillingly.

The flame chicken landed on the ice, and after waiting for a while, the three-in-one Magneto wobbled out of the water.Just as soon as it flew out, it fell to the ground again, losing its ability to fight!
"The three-in-one magnet monster loses its ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins, so the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town!"

The audience on the field responded with warm applause and cheers, giving Xiao Luo great affirmation.

Xiao Luo put away the flame chicken, left the competition field, and went to look for Xia Yi and others.


Seeing Xiao Luo, Ake praised: "Xiao Luo, you have become stronger again!"

Xiao Luo smiled slightly and said, "It's because the opponent is too weak."

Ake said: "I don't think so. I always feel that you will become my biggest opponent this time!"

Xiao Luo smiled and stopped talking.Why didn't he think so.Ake is the opponent he most wants to defeat.

Later, Xiao Luo accompanied them to watch a few games. The trainers in these games were of average level, and their strength was evenly matched, and they played extremely fiercely.In all fairness, it was much more interesting than Xiao Luo's game.

Not long after, it was close to the time of Ake's game, and several people went to the rock field together, and Ake entered the player waiting area to prepare for the game.

Little Luo was not worried about Ake's strength.He came to the game mainly to see how strong Ake has become.

The third game at the Rock Field ended soon, and Ake appeared on the contestant's platform immediately after.His opponent was a rough young man.

In the first game, the opponent used Nidorino, and Ake sent Gotha Duck to fight.Under the command of Ake, Gotha Duck directly hit Nidorino on the raised rock with a powerful water cannon, making him immediately lose his fighting ability.

In the second round, the opponent used Raichu in a targeted manner, and was also controlled by Gotha Duck's powerful illusion technique, knocking him unconscious.

In the third round, the opponent took out the water arrow turtle, which was much stronger than the previous two elves.But in the end, Gotha Duck solved it with a freezing fist and a phantom wave.

Ake fought extremely easily from the beginning to the end, and the opponent's elf was defeated without even touching a feather of the Gotha Duck.

Ake's strength made Xiao Luo a little uneasy, and he clenched his fists unconsciously.And at this moment, a soft palm wrapped around the fist.

Xiao Luo looked up and found that Xia Yi was looking at him with a smile.

"I believe in you, you will definitely beat him this time!"


Xiao Luo nodded vigorously, and then smiled at Xia Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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