Chapter 113 Water Field!

(Written before, I admit that I am guilty! There should have been four chapters yesterday, but the evil Two-dimensional caught my attention. So I just watched it in one go, there is no code! I apologize!)

The next day, the venue of water.

"Okay, dear viewers and friends, the third match in the Water Field is now underway. Now, let's invite players from both sides to come on stage."

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, walked out of the passage, and stood on the contestant's platform.He looked around the stands, and sure enough, he found Lan Yun.At this moment, she was sitting in the front row of the audience, smiling at him.

Xiao Luo gave a wry smile, and said to himself: Ake, this guy is really not willing to suffer at all.

When he and Ake chose the venue yesterday, they both chose the third game. Xiao Luo was water, while Ake was grass, and the game time was the same.That night Xiao Luo asked Xia Yi and Cole to watch Ake's game, hoping to collect more information.I just didn't expect that Ake had the same idea as him.


Xiao Luo's opponent is a girl who is slightly older than him, with a thin and small body, which is cute and pitiful.

"The green team is Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town, and the red team is Limei from Ziwan Town. There are three Pokémon that can be used in the competition, and the competition begins!"

Following the referee's order, Xiao Luo first took out the elf ball and threw it out.

If you can't hide it, you simply don't hide it.

"Come on, Hackron!"


White light flashed, and Hackron's elegant and slender figure appeared on the field.

"Wow, Contestant Xiaoluo actually brought out the rare Hackron. So what kind of elf will Contestant Limei bring out?"

"Hackron!?" Li Mei was obviously a little surprised, but then calmed down, took out the poke ball and threw it out, "Go, Master Bai Hai!"

The poke ball was opened, and Master Bai Hai appeared directly in the pool, facing Hacklong far away.

"Wow, contestant Li Mei took out Bai Haishi with the ice attribute in a targeted manner. It seems that this will be a wonderful match!"

"Master Bai Hai, use the freezing wind trick!"

Master Bai Hai took a breath, and blew out the icy wind mixed with countless snow particles, hitting Hackron.

Xiao Luo calmly commanded Ha Kelong and said: "Tornado!"

The orb on Hackron's chest glowed with white fluorescence, and a huge water-blue tornado was generated out of thin air, blocking the trick of the freezing wind and sweeping Xiangbai Haishi at the same time.The freezing wind of the Baihai Division could not resist the movement of the tornado, and the snow particles were swept by the tornado.

Very strong Hackron

Li Mei was taken aback for a moment, then commanded: "Master Bai Hai, quickly hide in the water."

Bai Haishi swung his tail and dived into the bottom of the water, avoiding the attack of the tornado.

"Hackron, pay attention!"

Hackron cautiously stared at the water, waiting for the white sea lion to appear.

"White sea lion, use a jet of water."


The water surface exploded, and the whole body of the white sea lion was wrapped in the torrent, and it rushed from behind Hackron.

"Behind, use the iron tail."


The two gemstones on the tail of Hack Dragon emit fluorescence. After the body rotates 180 degrees, the tail is drawn out.


The powerful force directly smashed the torrent around the white sea lion's body and hit it.The white sea lion flew upside down and landed in the water, splashing a large splash, with an extremely painful expression on his face.

"Solve it, use super speed!"

Li Mei said anxiously: "The white sea lion dives into the water!"

Dots of blue light rose, and Hackron launched a super fast trick and rushed up.The white sea lion dived into the water in a hurry, but Hackron chased after him with sharp eyes.


Hackron's impact caused the water surface to explode directly, and water droplets scattered all around. Xiao Luo and Li Mei, who were standing on the contestant stage, were both affected and covered in water.

After the water calmed down, Hackron quietly floated in mid-air.Below, the white sea lion turned its belly and had lost its ability to fight.

"The white sea lion loses its ability to fight, and the Hack dragon wins!"

"It's amazing. Xiaoluo's Hacklong almost crushed Limei's White Sea Lion and took the lead to win the next round."

"Come back, white sea lion!" Limei's face was a little ugly, and she took out the poke ball again and threw it: "Go, mosquito-repellent frog!"

"Limei's second elf is the mosquito-repellent frog, so what kind of wonderful performance will the mosquito-repellent frog have? Let us wait and see."

Mosquito frog? !

Xiao Luo smiled, and even Hackron looked at the mosquito-repellent frog with great interest.

During the training period, the mosquito frogs and fast-swimming frogs that Xiao Luo's elves fought the most were the mosquito frogs and fast-swimming frogs, and four or five of them would be killed in a dozen. They really knew them all too well.

Li Mei obviously didn't know this, and seeing Xiao Luo smiling, she thought she was belittling her, so she commanded the mosquito-repellent frog angrily, "Mosquito-repellent frog, use the water gun!"

"Hackron, destroy the death light!"


The mosquito-repellent frog stretched out its hands, and a spiral water gun sprayed out, hitting Hacklong directly.

Hackron, on the other hand, lowered his head slightly, and a little golden light condensed on his single horn. When the water gun approached, a golden destructive energy shot out directly, instantly repelling the water gun all the way, hitting the mosquito-repellent frog.

The powerful force directly impacted it to the wall below Limei.After a blast, the mosquito-repellent frog completely lost its fighting ability.

The referee was also stunned for a moment, the speed of the solution made him a little slow to react, and then raised the small flag in embarrassment, and announced: "The mosquito-repellent frog loses its fighting ability, and Hackron wins!"

This blow instantly ignited the venue, and the cheers were deafening. Even the commentator took off his disguise and was really surprised.

Hackron's power shocked Meili almost to the point of despair.However, she still did not give up the game, but quickly took back the mosquito-repellent frog, and once again took out a poke ball and held it in her hand.

"Please, Gyarados!" After a long time, Meili returned the poke ball with a firm expression.


A white light flashed, and the huge figure of the Gyarados appeared in the pool.


The appearance of the Gyarados made Hackron's expression serious. He had to take this kind of elf seriously.

"Gyarados, Water Tail!"

The Gyarados roared angrily, its tail was wrapped in a layer of liquid water, and it drew towards Hackron.

"Tie Tail attack!" Xiao Luo commanded calmly.

When Hackron heard the words, the two gemstones at the tail emitted a dazzling white light, meeting the water tail of the Gyarados.


The two intersected, and after a stalemate for a while, the two elves were shocked away, and the Gyarados fell heavily into the water, looking a little embarrassed.

"Tornado!" Xiao Luo took the opportunity to attack.


Hackron screamed, the orb on his chest emitted a soft radiance, and a huge water-blue tornado appeared in the pool, rolling up countless water splashes, and quickly rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus.

"Gyarados, fight back, use the water cannon!"


A thick spiral jet of water sprayed out from the mouth of the Gyarados, hitting the tornado directly.


The two collided and exploded, and there was a sudden "heavy rain" on the field.Vision is severely affected.

"It's now, Harkron, use the speed!"

Bits of blue light rose, and Hackron's figure dragging the blue light flashed away in the rain!

The water splashed again, and the huge body of the Gyarados was knocked against the edge of the pool.

"Damn it, Gyarados, use the destructive death light!" After being attacked repeatedly, Meili became annoyed.


The Gyarados roared, and golden light condensed in its mouth, and then a golden energy wave spewed out from the Gyarados' mouth, hitting Hackron with a strong aura of destruction.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and said calmly: "Hackron, show off the results of your training, dodge!"


Hack Dragon's eyes are sharp, and the destructive death light is close in front of him, but there is no sense of tension. His slender body swims quickly, coiling into several circles, and the destructive death light of Gyarados passes through the circle formed by Hack Dragon , hit the wall of the rear field, and exploded with a bang.

"Wow~ What a powerful Hackron, he actually used the softness of his body to escape the destructive death light of the Gyarados' anger. This time, the Gyarados is in danger!"

Hackron's beautiful dodge once again pushed the audience's emotions to a small climax, and thunderous applause was given to Hackron without hesitation.

"Come on, Hackron, speed!"

If it is sick and kills it, if you don't attack at this time, wait until later.Little Luo seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.


The Gyarados was impacted by the speed again, flew out of the pool, and hit the wall of the meeting place. This blow still did not make it lose its fighting ability, which shows its strong physical strength!
"Destroy the dead light, solve it!"

"call out"

A golden energy wave quickly came out from Hackron's horn, and hit the Gyarados again without any accidents. After an explosion, the huge body of the Gyarados finally fell to the ground!

"Gyarados lost the ability to fight, and Hackron won! Therefore, the winner is Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town!"

Amid the warm cheers from the audience, Xiao Luo calmly retracted Hackron and left the venue.

(End of this chapter)

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