Chapter 115 Crush!

Pixie was dealt with so cleanly that Dole realized how powerful Little Luo was.became more cautious.

After Dole put Pixie away, he threw the elf ball again: "Go to Dashihua!"

A white light flashed, and an energetic big food flower appeared on the field, jumping non-stop as soon as it entered the field, looking very energetic.

"Big Shihua, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"


Dashihua's Flying Leaf Kuaisao is a little different.One after another, the blades were thrown out one after another, the blades were very large, and they spun towards the sickle helmet with a sharp wind and a "swoosh" sound of breaking through the air.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, but did not command.But the sickle helmet reacted by itself, and saw that its two knives moved in unison, and the flying leaves were evenly cut in half by it.

After Dole saw that the Flying Leaf Knife was ineffective against the sickle helmet, he changed his attack method: "In this case, the big flower eater uses Leaf Storm!"

The big food flower let out a long cry, and countless emerald green leaves formed a tornado, roaring and attacking the sickle helmet.


"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet once again issued a protective trick, and the emerald green shield was like an indestructible barrier. No matter how Ye Baofeng tortured him, the sickle helmet inside was safe and sound.

The leaf storm dissipated, and the sickle helmet also lost its protection.

The two elves confronted each other again.Dole clenched his fists, facing Xiao Luo's sickle helmet, he really didn't have a good way to deal with it.Xiao Luo was not in a hurry, just quietly watching the development of the situation.

Dole was very unwilling: "Damn it, the big edible flower uses poisonous powder!"

The Dashihua sprayed a large amount of purple powder from its huge mouth, spreading towards the sickle.

"Sword Dance!" Xiao Luo said calmly.

When the sickle helmet heard the words, he raised his two knives, and his body spun quickly.The rotation brought out the wind to blow away all the poisonous powder.After all the poisonous powder was blown away, the sickle helmet stopped the sword dance, but the light on the sickle flashed away, obviously the attack power had increased a lot.

"Damn it, come back Dashihua!" In desperation, Dole could only put away Dashihua.

"The flame horse, I leave it to you!"

Dole sent out his third elf—a tall and handsome flame horse, burning with flames all over his body.Like a unicorn, it has a long, pointed horn on its head.

"Flame horse, use flame jet!"


A condensed crimson flame spewed out from the mouth of the flaming horse, directly hitting the sickle helmet.

"Sword dance!" Xiao Luo remained calm.

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet launched the sword dance trick again, and the body spun quickly.Jet flames hit and were divided by its rotation.

"Hmph, I won't let you succeed this time. The flame horse continues!"

Xiao Luo snapped his fingers, and also commanded: "Sickle helmet, continue."

The two elves came to a stalemate like this, the flames of the flame horse continued to shoot out, and the sickle helmet continued to rotate.This scene also made the audience guess which side will be the first to be unable to hold on to the ground.

After a long time, the flaming horse snorted and stopped spraying flames.As soon as the flaming horse stopped, the sickle helmet also stopped, but there were obvious burn marks on its body, and its breath became slightly quickened.

"Hey Doo--"

The sickle helmet let out a high-pitched cry. This time the sword dance lasted extraordinarily long, and the increase in attack power had already exploded its combat effectiveness.

Xiao Luo pointed at the flaming horse, commanding: "OK, let's go, split tile!"

The sickle helmet flickered and rushed up quickly, the sickle glowing with a dazzling white light.

"Hmph, flame horses use flame wheels!"

After hearing Dole's command, the flame horse also ran quickly, its tall body was wrapped in raging flames, and met the sickle helmet.


The two intersected, a violent explosion sounded, and thick smoke rolled.The sickle helmet slid out while standing upright.But the Flaming Horse closed its eyes and flew out horizontally.When it fell to the ground, its eyes had become spirals.

"The flame horse loses the ability to fight, and the sickle helmet wins."

"How could it be like this, one hit..." Dole glanced at Xiao Luo unwillingly, and withdrew the flame horse.

"Dashihua, please again!" Dole sent Dashihua again.

"Big Flower Eater, use Leaf Storm!"

"Rock Blades!"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The big food flower sent out a leaf storm, and the sickle helmet also sent out a rock blade. The sharp stones broke through the storm formed by the leaves and hit the big food flower.Dashihua was hit when he couldn't dodge, and was knocked to the ground in an instant.It's just that the rock blade was weakened by Ye Baofeng, and its power was not very great. In addition, this big flower-eating flower had amazing perseverance, and it struggled to stand up slowly again.

"Fix it, try the knife on the street!" Seeing this, Xiao Luo gave another command without mercy.

"Hi Doo~"

The right sickle of the sickle helmet glowed fluorescent again, slightly inserted into the ground, dragged all the way, and rushed towards the big food flower.The big food flower was unable to dodge, was directly chopped off, and hit the wall of the venue.Because the sickle helmet did not keep his hand, Dashihua looked seriously injured, and there was obviously a long knife edge on his body.

"Dashihua..." Dole cried out in distress.

"Dashihua lost the ability to fight, and the sickle helmet won, so the winner is Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town."

"Congratulations to Xiao Luo for winning this competition. I believe his sickle helmet also left a deep impression on everyone. Then let us look forward to Xiao Luo's next exciting game."

Xiao Luo put away his sickle helmet, refused all reporters' interviews, and left the arena with Miaomiao...

When Luo returned to the alliance hall, the Akko people were already waiting there.

"Xiao Luo, your last blow was a bit harsh!" Ake said after seeing Xiao Luo, "That big food flower is obviously at the end of its strength, why did you hit it so hard?"

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes: "This is beyond my control, that guy with the sickle helmet has that personality."

What Xiao Luo said was also the truth, the sickle helmet was the same as the Fiery Monkey, it did not leave room for strikes, but it did not have the talent of the Fiery Monkey, which reassured Xiao Luo a lot.

Ake was slightly taken aback when he heard what Xiao Luo said, and then he smiled and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel that there is something wrong with all your elves."

"You're not much better than me."

Ake: "..."

"By the way, what venue do you have yet to call?" Xiao Luo asked.

"I know!" Cole hurriedly raised his little hand and said, "Brother Ake still has a field of ice that he hasn't played yet, and brother Luo still has a field of grass!"

"That's right!" Ake nodded, "I checked it just now. Mine is in the first session tomorrow."

"Then I'll go and see mine too!"

Then Xiao Luo went to check his own game.The match was scheduled for the third round of the Grass Field.

After the match was confirmed, Xiao Luo and the others planned to leave here to solve their stomach problems.At this moment, the three of Xiaozhi and Alan walked by together.

After seeing Xiao Luo, Xiao Zhi said: "Xiao Mao lost to A Liang, and now he has gone back." Xiao Zhi actually has a good relationship with Xiao Mao, Xiao Mao lost, Xiao Zhi's expression also fell down.

Although the result was within Xiao Luo's expectations, he was still slightly disappointed when he actually heard the news.

He comforted Xiaozhi and said, "It's okay. After all, we have traveled less than Ah Liang. In the future, that guy Xiaomao will definitely be better than Ah Liang."


Xiaozhi nodded vigorously: "I will defeat Ah Liang and avenge Xiaomao."

Xiao Luo smiled and punched him: "I support you, if I meet A Liang, I will help Xiao Mao teach him a lesson."

"If it's Xiaoluo, it's definitely fine." Xiaoxia said, "But for Xiaozhi... let's save it!"

Kele also seconded from the side: "Sister Xiaoxia is right, I think so too. Brother Xiaozhi is too stupid."

Xiaozhi immediately lowered his head, countless black lines hung down, and even Pikachu's expression became ugly.I learned a lot from Xiaozhi.

Later, Xiao Luo introduced A Lan to A Liang and Lan Yun.A group of people walked out of the alliance hall in such a mighty way, and rushed to the nearby restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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