Chapter 116: Battle of Cute Animals!
Because Ake's game was the first, Xiao Luo was woken up early by Xia Yi the next day, and came to the ice field to watch Ake's game.

Now that the competition has progressed, the trainers who can stay have already gained a certain level of strength.Therefore, Ake's opponent is not too weak.The first two elves fought off Ake's duck-billed flame dragon, and the last elf almost defeated Ake's Gotha Duck.Ake finally won the game and successfully advanced to the top 32.

Afterwards, several people rushed to the field of grass together. After watching a match, Xiao Luo entered the player waiting area.Get ready to start your own race.

"Okay, now the third round of the Grass Field will start! Please invite players from both sides to come on stage."

"Let's go, Meow Meow!"

Xiao Luo greeted the meow next to her, and then walked onto the contestant's stage.

"The red side is player Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town, and the green side is player Xiaoyan from Jinhuang City. There are only three Pokémon that can be used. The game begins!"

Xiaoyan is a standard beautiful girl, and her clothes are very fashionable, and her personality is very lively and cheerful.

When the referee raised the flag to announce the start, she actually shouted to Xiao Luo from a distance: "The one on the other side, your name is Xiao Luo, right?"

Xiao Luo couldn't figure out the situation, so she nodded in a daze.

"Let me tell you, the two elves in front of me are very weak. So, you can't use too strong elves. Otherwise, I will be angry!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Meow, does the other side want me to release water?"

"This... seems to be it, meow~"

"Then should I let it go? There's a beautiful woman on the other side!"

"This...Xia Yi is watching the game, meow~"

Xiao Luo's face darkened, and she said depressedly: "Got it!"

Afterwards, Xiaoyan took out the elf ball and threw it out: "Go, my little cutie!"

The poke ball opened in mid-air, white light fell, and a pokemon that captivated the audience appeared on the field.

"Wow, what a cute elf!"

"My God, what kind of elf is that..."

"Kawaii, how can you use such a cute elf to compete!"


"It's so cute, brother Ake, what kind of elf is that, why have I never seen it before!" Cole's eyes also became heart-shaped.

"Ahem, that's Pichu. It's relatively rare in the Kanto area, and it's more common in Chengdu. It's Pikachu's pre-evolution form."

"Wow, it's really unexpected. Contestant Xiaoyan actually took out Pichu as the vanguard. Does this Pichu have some great secret skills!"

Apparently, even the narrator doesn't think much of Pichu.

Xiao Luo looked at Pichu, the corners of his mouth twitched, and asked Meow Miao: "What should I do?"

"How do I know, meow~"

Xiao Luo had no choice but to shout to Xiao Yan: "Beauty, are you sure you want to use this elf to compete?"

"En, en!" Xiaoyan nodded again and again, "I want it to show its face. You can't go too far, don't take out too powerful elves!"

Xiao Luo got a headache when he heard the words: Not too much, why not too much.Nima, any elf in my hand can kill your Pichu with a single sneeze, just kidding me!You won't win by pouting and being cute all the way, right?

After much deliberation, Xiao Luo still decided to use the giant tongs mantis.It's not that it is the weakest, but that it listens to Xiao Luo's command the most.Let it use two layers of force, it will never use three layers.Xiao Luo is not sure about the other elves.

"Xiao Luo, don't you have a round land shark? You can just let it play meow~"


"Damn it, I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!"

It was only then that Xiao Luo remembered that because only three elves could be used in the previous games, Yuanlu Shark was always on him, occupying one of the six elves.Originally, I wanted to exercise it, but its level is too low, and I haven't found a good opportunity.Almost forgot it existed by now.

"In that case, Yuan Lu Shark, you can play!" Xiao Luo took out Yuan Lu Shark's elf ball and threw it out.


A white light flashed, and a vigorous round land shark appeared on the field.It also thought it was playing, so it kept running back and forth on the field, very excited.

When Xiaoyan saw Yuan Lu Shark, her eyes lit up and said, "It's actually Yuan Lu Shark, who was born not long ago, right? It's so small!"

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "That's right, it's just right to use it against your Pichu!"

"Little Luo actually has Yuanlu Shark!" Ake was extremely surprised in the stands.

"It was given to brother Luo by Cole!" Cole said proudly.

Ake: "..."


Yuanlu Shark saw Pichu, his eyes widened.


Pichu looked at it suspiciously.

"Alright Pichu, attack with electric shock!"


Pichu worked very hard to release a flash of lightning, hitting the round land shark.Judging from its power and speed, this Pichu is obviously also a newly born elf.


The round land shark ran quickly, and while avoiding Pichu's electric shock, it also rushed to its side.Then, it stared at Pichu with its big eyes for a while, then grabbed Pichu and carried it high, and ran around the field.This action frightened Pichu to scream, and tears flowed out.


Seeing this scene, Xia Yi who was sitting next to Lan Yun couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at, Xia Yi?" Lan Yun asked curiously.

"Haha, this is what Yuanlu Shark likes to do most." Xia Yi explained, "When I was in the forest before, it carried my Pokby and ran around the forest like this. It seems that it didn't Realize it's a game!"


"Hey, what are you doing, quickly put down my Pichu!" Xiaoyan cried out distressedly on the high platform.

Xiao Luo was also a little embarrassed, so he had to call out to Yuan Lu Shark: "Yuan Lu Shark, put it down quickly. This is a competition, not a game!"


Yuan Lu Sha still listened to Xiao Luo very much, so he gently put Pichu down.It's just that it has been holding Pichu for several laps, and now after it is put down, Pichu's eyes spiraled, his body twisted twice, and he lay on the lawn.

The referee took a look at the situation, walked up with a dark face, and raised the flag to announce: "Picchu has lost the ability to fight, and the round land shark has won!"

The audience at the scene fell silent for a moment, and then burst into roaring laughter


"Haha, I laughed so hard!"

"Haha, these two elves are so cute, it's actually decided like this. Haha..."


"Hmph, damn it, how dare you treat Pichu like this!"

Xiaoyan took Pichu back, took out another elf ball and threw it out again: "Xiangwei, teach him a lesson!"

A white light flashed, and a cute pink kitten appeared opposite the round land shark.

The appearance of Xiangwei Miao attracted countless screams, and even Miao Miao next to Xiao Luo became nympho.

"I like this, meow~"

"Hey, as long as you like it!"

Xiao Luo took Yuan Lu Shark back.From Xiao Luo's point of view, it will take some time for it to adapt to fighting.

After Yuan Lusha took it back, Xiao Luo picked up Meow Meow and fell off the field.

"What are you doing meow, don't meow~"

But it was too late, Xiao Luo had already thrown it across from Xiangwei.

"Meow, show your masculinity, defeat it and conquer it, and then I'll get it for you."

"But I don't know how to fight, meow~"

"Aren't you going to scratch like crazy? Why can't you fight?"


Xiao Luo said: "Meow, you have to understand my painstaking efforts, I am using the game as a bet to help you."

Meow meow:"……"

"Okay, meow, let me try!"


"Hey, what is Xiao Luo doing? Isn't that meow meow can't fight?" In the stands, Ake wrote doubtfully.

Xia Yi snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, Miao Miao must have taken a fancy to that Xiangwei Miao!"

Ake: "No way!"

Cole asked from the side: "What do you mean by being fancy?"

"Kids, don't ask nonsense..."

"But, sister Xia Yi, you are not a few years older than me!"



Xiangwei made a threatening cry to Meow.

"Hello, meow~" Miaomiao greeted Wei Miao with a reddish face.

"Miaomiao who can speak human language?" Xiaoyan was obviously taken aback by Miaomiao.

Then he said angrily: "Squinting face, it's not a good thing at first glance. In this case, Xiangwei, use charming!"


After dancing around to the tail, Miaomiao blinked at Miaomiao very coquettishly, and a pink heart flew towards Miaomiao.


"Quickly avoid meow!" Xiao Luo shouted hastily.

Miao Miao has been fascinated by Xiang Wei Miao's action just now, after hearing Xiao Luo's command, she was stunned and asked, "What?"

Dead bird!Xiao Luo covered her face with her hands.

The pink peach heart shattered when it touched Miaomiao, Miaomiao was completely charmed, her eyes immediately became heart-shaped, and her mouth was drooling.

"Very good, Meow Xiangwei, next use a series of slaps!"


Xiangwei ran up quickly, and his tail "slapped..." slapped on Miaomiao's face.After a series of slaps, Miaomiao still hasn't woken up.

"Next, deal with it with a wake-up slap!"

This time, Xiangwei Meow's tail glowed with white fluorescence, and it drew towards Meow Meow again.

Hearing the crackling sound, Xiao Luo felt a pain in his flesh.

After recovering from the slap, Miaomiao was already lying on the ground with her eyes spiraling, with a smile on her face, and unconsciously screaming: "It's so beautiful, meow~"

"Meow Meow loses the ability to fight, and Xiangwei Meow wins!"


(End of this chapter)

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