Chapter 117 Chapter [-] Grass field victory!

Miaomiao's defeat was expected by Xiao Luo, but he never expected that Miaomiao would lose so cleanly.

Helpless, Xiao Luo had no choice but to ask Geng Gui to lift Meow Miao up.Let it lie on its side.He took out Yuan Lu Shark's elf ball again, and said, "This is a game, play hard, you know!"

After speaking, he released the round land shark again.

"Hmph, Xiangwei, you want to avenge Pichu and defeat that guy."


Xiangwei responded by wagging its palm-like tail.

"Xiangwei Meow, use charm!"

Xiangwei Meow spun around charmingly, blinked her eyes, and a pink heart-shaped pattern floated out again, flying towards Yuanlu Shark.

"Round land shark, hurry up and avoid it!"

Among Xiao Luo's elves, only one water elf is ♀, and the others, including the round land shark, are all ♂!And from Meow Meow just now, we can know that Xiangwei Meow's gender is definitely ♀.That's why Xiao Luo directed Yuan Lu Shark to avoid it.


Yuan Lusha didn't listen to Xiao Luo's command, but when the heart shape floated over, he took a breath and blew hard, blowing Charming into the air.

Xiao Luo suddenly became embarrassed, the corners of his mouth twitched and he didn't know what to say.

"Is this okay?" Xiaoyan was also a little surprised, "In that case, Xiangwei, use a series of slaps!"

"Yuan Lu Shark, use the iron head technique!"


When Xiangwei Meow rushed up and wanted to use a series of slaps, Yuanlu Shark's body took off directly, and hit it backwards.

"Good job Lu Shark. Do it again, Iron Head Skill!"


Yuanlusha smiled strangely and launched the iron head skill again.

"Damn it, Xiangwei, attack with your life!"

After Xiangwei Miao heard Xiaoyan's command, he quickly got up, his body glowed faintly while running, and met the Yuanlu Shark.


The two elves collided, and after a short stalemate, Yuanlu Shark lost to Xiangwei Meow's sacrificial attack, and was knocked to the ground with a cry of pain.

However, the force of the self-sacrificing attack is mutual. Xiangwei Mao had been attacked by the iron head skill before, and this time he received the reaction force damage of the self-sacrificing attack, and he was already breathing heavily.

"Xiangwei, take advantage of this time to deal with it with a wake-up slap!"

Xiangwei's tail glowed with white fluorescence, and rushed forward again.

"Round Land Shark, Flying Sand Feet!"


The round land shark twisted its body when it heard the words, and kicked a lot of sand and dust on the ground with its feet, hitting Xiangwei Cat.Xiang Weimao couldn't dodge and was hit in the eye by sand dust, so he cried out in pain and kept shaking his head.

"It's now, Yuan Lu Shark, use Dragon's Fury!"

The round land shark opened its mouth wide, and a milky white energy ball formed in its mouth, and there were traces of red electric sparks on the outside.With the roar of the round land shark, it hit Xiangweimaow.

"Xiangwei, get out of the way!"

Although Xiaoyan tried her best to direct, but Naihe Xiangweimiao couldn't see and couldn't dodge, so she was hit by Dragon's Wrath.Dragon's Fury took Xiangwei Meow for a distance and then exploded.After the smoke and dust passed, Xiangwei Mao had lost the ability to fight.

"Xiangweimao lost the ability to fight, and the round land shark won!"

"Damn it, I'm so pissed off!" Xiaoyan withdrew Xiangwei and threw the poke ball again: "Snappy, teach it a lesson!"


A white light flashed, and the gigantic body of the Kirby beast appeared on the field, and it let out a menacing cry as soon as it entered the field.

Xiaoyan's Snorby does not have the lazy look of ordinary Snorkels, but has an extremely ferocious expression and a powerful and threatening voice.

As soon as the Kirby appeared, the round land shark showed a scared expression, and its eyes flickered.Especially when Snorkel looked at it, it almost cried in fright.

No wonder you can hit here!

Xiao Luo's expression became serious. This Kirby was far more powerful than he had imagined. He never thought that Xiaoyan would have such an elf.

"Come back, Yuanlu Shark!" Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and wanted to take the Yuanlu Shark back, after all, this Kirby is not something it can deal with.

"It's a good idea, Kirby beasts are forbidden to pass!"


The gigantic body of the Snorlax instantly appeared behind the Yuanlu Shark, and opened its arms to block the red light recovered by Xiao Luo.

"It's now, Snorbeast, use Mount Tai to overwhelm the top!"

Snorlax turned around, and its huge and fat body pressed down on the round land shark.

After the round land shark uttered a terrified cry, it crouched down with its head in its arms, waiting for the huge body of the Snorlax to come.

"Damn! Go, Hot Monkey!" Xiao Luo felt distressed and ignored the rules of the game, and immediately threw the Hot Monkey's elf ball.


The fiery monkey just appeared next to the round land shark, and when the Snorlax was pressing down, it simply stretched out a fist, blocking the huge body of the Snorlax.Powerful strength No matter how hard Snorbymon uses, its body can't be pressed down a bit.


When the round land shark opened its eyes and saw the fiery monkey, it immediately ran behind it, baring its teeth at the Snakemon and screaming.

"Hey, referee, he fouled, two hit one!" Xiaoyan immediately shouted to the referee seeing this.

"Referee, I admit defeat in this game. My round land shark was just born and is still very young, so it can't stand the attack of Snorby beast!"

Naturally, the referee could see that Yuan Lu Shark was still ignorant, so he said reasonablely: "Then Xiaoyan's Kirbymon will win this round. Now in the last round, Kirbymon will fight against Fiery Monkey."

Xiaoyan had no choice but to say angrily: "Hmph, forget it, let you go!"

The Fiery Monkey held the Yuanlu Shark with one hand and threw it lightly. The Yuanlu Shark flew all the way above Xiao Luo, and was held firmly in Xiao Luo's arms.Afterwards, the fiery monkey pushed the Snorkel back staggeringly with a little force, and confronted it with a very excited expression.

"Snorby, use the destructive death light!"


Snorkel opened its mouth, a little bit of golden light condensed, and then shot a golden energy wave, hitting the fiery monkey.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, but did not give any instructions.The attack of destroying the death light may be difficult for other elves to deal with, but for his fiery monkey, it is simply child's play.

When the destructive death light flew in front of the fiery monkey, the fiery monkey swung its fist upwards, directly turning the destructive death light at [-] degrees, and flew straight towards the sky.

"What!" Xiaoyan was shocked.

"Come on, Fire Monkey, concentrate on hitting, and finish it!"

Fiery Monkey rushed up quickly, and his right fist was slowly wrapped in white light.The Snorkel is still unable to move due to the aftereffects of destroying the dead light.Therefore, the concentrated blow hit the Snorkel's fat belly without any accidents.It can be clearly seen that Snorkel's belly was sunken by the hot monkey.Afterwards, Snorkel's fat body flew out in an instant and hit the wall of the venue. The wall was broken, and some audience members in the front row were startled and almost fell off.


"This...Xiao Luo actually has such an elf!" Ake was dumbfounded in the stands.

Xia Yi said: "Xiao Luo subdued a very powerful monkey monster very early on, but it has always been afraid of fighting. Therefore, Xiao Luo has never brought it with him. I didn't expect it to evolve into a fiery monkey now. "

Lan Yun said in horror: "This is too scary, the Snorby is the heaviest elf among all the elves, and it was beaten like this. That Snorby won't die, right?"

Ake shook his head and said, "No, Snorlax has thick fat and plenty of energy, so it should be fine. It just looks like it will take several days to heal!"


"Ka... Kabymon!" Xiaoyan yelled in a crying voice.

"Karby lost its ability to fight, and Hot Monkey won! So the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town." The referee looked at Hot Monkey with some fear.

"It's amazing. Contestant Luo's Fiery Monkey hit Xiaoyan's Kirby with one blow, and won the third round of the Grass Field. Congratulations to Contestant Luo!"

Xiaoyan yelled to Xiaoluo: "Why are you so over the top, you actually hit my Kirby so hard!"

Xiao Luo said lightly: "If you didn't want to deal with my Yuanlu Shark, I would have ended up like this. You asked for it."

Xiaoyan said bitterly: "You wait, I won't let you go..."

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes, and left the battle field indifferently holding Miao Miao, who hadn't recovered yet.

(End of this chapter)

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