Chapter 118 Main Field VS Ah Liang!


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After Xiao Luo returned to the league hall to join Ake and others, he didn't go to watch the game anymore.To celebrate entering the top 32, Xiao Luo and Ake accompanied Ke Er, Xia Yi and Lan Yun to have a good day here.

That night, Xiaoluo and Ake came to the league hall again to check their top 32 groups
The grouping of the top 32 is particularly interesting.Several small pools made of iron sheets were moved into the alliance hall, and the pools were filled with carp kings.The contestants need to catch the carp king with a fishing rod, and the group information is engraved on the carp king.

Xiao Luo and Ake both caught one at random, but Ake's was E-3, and his opponent was a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.And when Xiao Luo's opponent was B-2...

"It's Ah Liang!" Ake was obviously surprised.

Xiao Luo said with a bitter face: "Ah Liang, it's really a bit of a headache!"

Ake asked, "How are you going to deal with it?"

"Ghost knows, Ake is too insidious, and I can't think of a good countermeasure."

"Hehe, maybe he will have a headache when he knows that the opponent is you!"

Xiao Luo smiled wryly. At the beginning, she said that she would help Xiao Mao teach him a lesson when she met A Liang, but she did not expect to meet him.However, against A Liang, Xiao Luo was somewhat worried.

As Xiao Luo said at the beginning, in terms of strength, A Liang is comparable to Xiao Mao.What is worrying is that Ah Liang is a very scheming person. If he accidentally falls for his way, he will definitely lose very ugly.

After returning to the elf center, Xiao Luo contacted Dr. Damu to exchange a few elves.After roughly deciding on the Pokémon to be used in tomorrow's game, we returned to the room.Lying on the bed and falling asleep...

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning!

"Okay, now the second round of Group B will start. The red team is Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town, and the green team is Aliang from Kaji Town!"

The main venue is a very ordinary venue, without the high platform on which the trainers stood before.

Xiao Luo and A Liang walked out at the same time and stood on the field.

"There are only three Pokmon that can be used, the game begins!" After the referee announced the start of the game, he stepped aside.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't release the elves...

"I really didn't expect to meet you here, Xiao Luo!" A Liang said to Xiao Luo with a smile.

"I didn't expect that either!" Xiao Luo smiled wryly, "If possible, I'd rather hand you over to Ake."

"Please forgive me. Ake is the runner-up of the Chengdu League. How can I be his opponent?" A Liang said, "Even if I face you, my winning percentage is pitifully small. I thought about it all night yesterday, and I didn't have any chance." Think of a great countermeasure!"

"Then don't think about it, wouldn't it be nice to fight face to face with me!"

A Lang shrugged and said, "That's not my style!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Okay, this is my first elf, go to Longlongyan!" A Liang threw out the elf ball.

A white light flashed, and a Rumbling Rock appeared on the field.

"Longlong rock? Then I'll use it, go water elf!"

In order to be cautious, Xiao Luo still took out the water elf of the water system to fight.It's just that he didn't notice that when he called out the water elf, A Liang showed a tricky smile.

After the white light flashed, the water elf appeared on the field sitting cross-legged, his expression still cold, like a thousand-year iceberg.

"Longlongyan, use the magnitude!"

There was a faint gray light all over Long Longyan, he jumped up slightly and landed again.Circles of gray ripples rippled out, making the water elf show a painful expression.

"Water Elf, use Surf to solve it!"


With the sound of the water elf's cry, a tall water wave appeared out of thin air, lifting the water elf high up.Huge waves of water surged towards the Longlong Rock.

"Come back, Longlongyan!" A Liang decisively took out the poke ball and took Longlongyan back.This made the water elf's surfing come to nothing.

"Qilin Qi, you're here!"

After the water wave passed, A Liang took out a poke ball and threw it again.A white light flashed, and an elf that looked like a deer but not a deer, with a yellow front and black back appeared on the field.This qilinqi had an obvious scar on its neck, and its eyes were extremely sharp. It looked like an extremely powerful master.

"Come back, water elf!"

When Xiao Luo saw that the other party had brought out a super-type elf, she also wanted to replace the water elf.After all, Xiao Luo didn't dare to be careless against Ah Liang.

"Stop him, Qilinqi uses black eyes!"

Qilinqi's eyes glowed red, and then a pair of black phantom eyes flew out, imprinted on the water elf's body and disappeared.After Xiao Luo's retracting light hit the water elf, it failed to retract the water elf.

Seeing that the water elf was restrained, Xiao Luo had no choice but to command: "In that case, water elf, attack with hot water!"

The water elf opened its mouth and sprayed out a jet of steaming water, hitting Qilinqi.

"Qilin Qi, use Begging Rain after avoiding it!"

Qi Linqi's speed was very fast, and he dodged the attack of the water elf's hot water in an instant, and then he turned his head to the sky and screamed, and the sky became gloomy, and the raindrops began to fall.

Xiao Luo frowned slightly, he couldn't understand what A Liang was thinking.Begging for rain is of no use to Qilinqi, but beneficial to the water elves.Because begging for rain will enhance the power of water system tricks.

If you can't figure it out, just don't think about it.Xiao Luo continued to direct the water elf: "Water elf, use surfing!"


The water elf's surfing trick was used again, and because of begging for rain, the water waves were taller than before.

"Hmph, Qilinqi, use Dalei!"

Xiao Luo was shocked. At this moment, the water elf was launching a surfing trick, and he couldn't fight back at all.

Thunder is self-evident for the Shanghai of the water elves.All of this was beyond Xiao Luo's expectation.He never expected that Qilin Qi would actually strike thunder.

After hearing Aliang's command, Qilinqi emitted a large amount of electric light all over his body.Then, a thick thunderbolt soared into the sky, turned and descended in the air, and struck towards the water elf standing on the wave.At the same time, the water waves also engulfed Qi Linqi.The two elves uttered painful cries at the same time.

After the water wave passed, Qilinqi quickly stood up from the ground, while the water elf was still struggling in pain.

"Qilinqi, thunder again!"

Qilinqi once again sent out a thunderbolt soaring into the sky...

"Damn it, come back, water elf!" Xiao Luo hurriedly took out the elf ball to take back the water elf.It's just that he forgot the black gaze before, and the recovered red ray hit the water elf and disappeared again, and the water elf was not recovered.

The thunder struck straight down, hitting the water elf again.The water elf uttered an extremely painful cry, and then lay down on the ground, losing the ability to fight.

"The water elf loses his ability to fight, and Qilinqi wins!"

Xiao Luo's expression became ugly. After losing the ability to fight, the water elf could finally be taken back.

After taking back the water elf, Xiao Luo took out another elf ball and threw it out again: "Electric Shock Monster, it's your turn to play!"


As soon as the Electric Shock Beast came out, it smiled sinisterly at Qilinqi "hehe", with a bad look on his face.

"Electricize monsters, we also use thunder!"

At this moment, the effect of begging for rain is still there, and Xiao Luo wants to reverse it.

"Yihi Bao"

The Electric Shock Monster immediately sent out a thunderbolt, which was much thicker than Qilinqi's, and rushed into the sky.

"Come back, Qilinqi!" A Liang smiled slightly, and immediately took out the elf ball and took Qilinqi back.

The thunder of the electric monster was like the surf of the water elf, and it hit nothing again.

Damn, do you dare to be more shameless?

Xiao Luo's face turned dark with anger.

"Long Longyan, please do it again! Use the magnitude!" A Liang threw out the poke ball and ordered at the same time.

As soon as Long Longyan appeared on the stage, he launched a shock-magnitude trick, and circles of gray ripples rippled again.

"Hmph, electric shock monster, jump up and use iron tail!"

Hearing the words, the electric monster jumped up high, avoiding the shocking attack.At the same time, the two tails glowed with white light at the same time, and they drew towards Longlongyan.

"Longlongyan, grab it!"

Long Longyan stretched out his arms, one in each hand, trying to grab the two tails of the electric shock beast.It's just that it overestimated its own strength. As soon as it got the tail, it found that it couldn't stop the two tails of the electric shock monster at the same time.So he reluctantly gave up one, and held on to one of them tightly with both hands.

And the Electric Shock Beast mercilessly slammed the other steel tail on its body.

To Xiao Luo's surprise, Long Longyan didn't give in at all when facing the steel-type ultimate move - Iron Tail.He firmly grasped the tail of the electric shock beast, but he didn't let go.

"Very good, Longlongyan!" A Liang said excitedly, "Now, use the big bang!"

Grass mud horse, I hate this trick the most!
When Xiao Luo heard the words, he said angrily: "Delusion, electric shock to monsters, use freezing fist."

The Frozen Fist of the Electric Shock Beast shot out instantly, and the fist with the icy air hit Long Longyan who was emitting white light.

Another double attack.Long Longyan couldn't hold on any longer, the white light from the beating dissipated, and rolled back.When stopped, it has lost the ability to fight.

In the end, Long Longyan still failed to use the big bang trick.

"Long Longyan lost the ability to fight, and the electric monster won!"

(End of this chapter)

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