Chapter 119 Advance to Top 16

"how so!"

Long Longyan's failure seemed to be extremely unexpected by Ake, and he was a little unwilling to say: "I will not give up."

After finishing speaking, A Liang took Long Longyan back, took out the elf ball and threw it out again: "Pippi, I'll leave it to you!"

White light flashed, and a cute Pipi appeared opposite the Electric Shock Beast.


The Electric Shock Monster looked at Pippi with great interest, and let out a strange laugh. The somewhat terrifying face made Pippi show a fearful expression.

"Pippi, don't be afraid, use your fingers!"

Pippi's hands flashed white light like stars, and he waved them immediately.

Xiao Luo immediately commanded the electric monster and said: "Stop it, use split tiles!"

The Electric Shock Monster once again showed impressive speed, rushing to Pippi in an instant, and swung out the arm shrouded in white light with great power.Pippi screamed in pain and was sent flying.But this didn't stop Pippi from waving his fingers.After Pippi finished waving his fingers on the way to fly upside down, he opened his mouth and a flame spewed out, hitting the Electroshock Monster who couldn't react in time.The impact of the jet of flame made the electric monster stagger back, and also screamed in pain.

"Damn it, that's okay!" Xiao Luo commanded: "Electricize the monster, kill it, and use tile splitting again!"


The electric shock monster roared, and rushed up again quickly.

"Come back, Pippi!"

The tile-splitting trick of the fighting style did a lot of damage to Pippi, and it was difficult for Pippi to stand up when she was lying on the ground.If Pippi was hit again by splitting tiles, then Pippi would definitely lose his ability to fight.

"Don't even think about it, electric shock beast, quickly solve it!"


The speed of the electric shock monster accelerated again, and when the recovered red light hit Pippi's body, the split tile of the electric shock monster was promptly swung out.


Pippi screamed and flew out again.When it fell to the ground, it has lost its ability to fight!

"Pippi loses the ability to fight, and the electric monster wins!"

"Come back, Pippi!" A Liang smiled wryly, took Pippi back again, and said to Xiao Luo: "It seems that I lost! However, I will not give up the game."

After finishing speaking, A Liang sent Qilin Qi to fight again.

"Qilin Qi, use phantom light!"

Qilinqi hissed, and a colorful flame shot out from both eyes, hitting the electric shock monster.

"Electricize monsters, use thunder!"

The electric light wandered between the horns of the electric shock monster, and a thick thunderbolt shot out instantly, meeting Qilinqi's phantom light, and the two tricks collided with each other, making an explosion.

"Electricize monsters, use Frozen Punch!"

The electric monster charged upwards, and its fists exuded a biting cold air.

"Qilin Qi, use phantom light after avoiding it!"

Qi Linqi turned sideways to avoid the attack when the Frozen Punch came.Just when it was about to launch a phantom light attack, Xiao Luo's command sounded again.

"Electricize the monster and tie it with its tail!"


After hearing the words, the electric shock monster trapped Qilinqi's waist with its two tails.Qilinqi was shocked, and gave up using the illusion light, trying to break free from the control of the electric shock beast.

A Liang's face turned ugly.

"It's now, electric shock monster, use thunder!"


The lightning shot out instantly, enveloping Qilinqi completely, and Qilinqi wailed continuously.After the thunderstorm, Qilinqi fell to the ground struggling in pain with black smoke rising from his body.

"Solve it, use Frozen Punch!"

The Frozen Fist of the Electric Shock Monster came out instantly, and beat Qilin Qi straight to the ground.The ground was cracked, and cobweb-like cracks appeared.

After Qilinqi screamed again, he lost his ability to fight.

"Qilinqi lost the ability to fight, and the electric monster won, so the winner is Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town."

"It's so powerful, I can't believe it! Xiao Luo's electric shock beast actually defeated the three elves of A Liang's player!"

The audience at the scene was also mobilized, with thunderous applause and applause one after another.

After the game was over, Xiao Luo brought Miao Miao to the alliance hall.Not long after, A Liang also came here.

After A Liang saw Xiao Luo, he smiled and said: "Congratulations, Xiao Luo, you have successfully entered the top sixteen!"

"Ah Liang, your performance in today's game seems to be very bad!"

A Liang smiled wryly, and said, "Don't hit me, okay, I just underestimated your strength too!"

Xiao Luo laughed and said: "Then the game is over now, can you tell me about your original plan to deal with me? I always feel that something is wrong. It seems that none of your main elves are on it!"

A Liang said with a smile: "Qilin Qi is also one of my main forces. It is the first elf I tamed in Chengdu and has been traveling with me."

"Actually, I'm not talking big, Xiao Luo, if the explosion of Longlongyan succeeds, then you have already lost!"

Xiao Luo was slightly startled, and asked, "How do you say?"

A Liang explained: "Because my Qilinqi will exchange power, and Pippi will heal wishes. Do you understand?"

Xiao Luo thought for a while, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat from fear.

If the explosion of Longlongyan was successful under such circumstances, even if the electric shock beast did not lose its fighting ability in an instant, it would not be possible to continue fighting.Then no matter what elf Xiao Luo sent out with the third one, he would definitely lose.Because Qilin Qi will exchange power!
Power exchange is a trick to exchange one's own attack power with that of the opponent's. After using this trick, one can imagine how passive Xiao Luo will be.And even if Xiao Luo is super strong and can beat Qilin Qi, but what about Pippi!

Pippi's wish for healing is to sacrifice himself so that the exchanged elves can instantly recover their health.In other words, Xiao Luo has worked so hard that Qilinqi has almost beaten it, and they took it back, and then when Pippi appeared on the stage and used the healing prayer, Qilinqi was alive and kicking again.This is equivalent to that A Liang is equivalent to owning two Qilinqi, and they are Qilinqi who can exchange power.In this case, Xiao Luo really couldn't think of any way to win.

"Aren't you too insidious!" Xiao Luo said with a dark face.

A Liang shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's the point of saying this now, you've already lost! You have to work hard for the next game!"

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "Don't worry, I promise to win you a championship!"

A Liang asked: "Are you confident that you can defeat Ake?"


"Then how do you win the championship?"

"Comfort and comfort you, if I really win the championship, you will be defeated by me, the league champion, in the top 32, and you will not be wronged!"

A Liang: "..."

After a while, several people from Ake also came here.A few people came to the restaurant together and chatted while eating.

In the following competitions, Ake also advanced smoothly, Xiaozhi and Alan were also very capable, and both entered the top sixteen.

That night, the alliance hall also announced the list of the top sixteen matches.Xiao Luo's opponent is a female player named Xiao Ju.Ake's opponent is an uncle-type character.Xiaozhi confronted Hong like in the original book, but this time it was 6VS6.Ah Lan met a handsome young man, and she should be a perfect match.

After watching the battle list, Xiao Luo returned to the elf center, and after exchanging a few elves with Dr. Damu again, he returned to his room and began to recharge his batteries and wait for tomorrow's game.

(End of this chapter)

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