Chapter 120 Battle of the Top 16

The battle of the top [-] has finally begun. Under the eloquent rendering and explanation of the commentator, the game is going on one by one.Those who can reach the top [-] are very strong, and the competition is exciting and intense.Several winning trainers also attracted the attention of Xiaoluo and Ake.

The matches between Ake and Alan were ahead of Xiaoluo.Ake's opponent is average, so Ake easily used three elves to win the game.It was Alan's match that surprised Xiaoluo and Ake.A Lan's opponent, that Mr. Pian Pian, was extremely powerful, and he defeated A Lan with only two spirits, one of which was Kuailong.

After Ah Lan's defeat, Xiao Luo played.Xiao Luo stood on the field, facing that beautiful girl named Xiao Ju.

"Okay, now the fifth round of the competition begins. The red team is Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town, and the green team is Xiaoju from Nibi City. Let us wait and see what kind of fierce collision the two sides will have!"

The referee raised a small flag at the side of the field and announced: "There are six Pokmon that can be used, and the game begins!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Xiao Luo and Xiao Ju threw out the poke ball at the same time: "Go, stinky mud (gala gala)"

As soon as the two elves entered the arena, Xiao Ju couldn't wait to command: "Galla Gala, use the bone boomerang!"

The bone stick in Gala Gala's hand was spun and thrown out, hitting the smelly mud!
Xiao Luo smiled slightly, but did not give instructions.Such an attack could not do any harm to the soft body of the smelly mud.

Sure enough, when the bone hit the smelly mud, the body of the smelly mud was sunken, and then with a slight flick, the bone stick was thrown into the air.

Gala Gala ran up quickly, jumped high, and caught the bone stick.

"It's now, Gala Gala with a bone stick!"

Gala Gala held the bone stick with both hands, and slashed down on the stinky mud.However, stinky slime is just a lump of slime, and this attack isn't very effective either.Smelly was beaten limp to the ground and bounced up again, still not suffering much damage.

"Wow, Xiao Luo's stinky mud is so powerful, Gala Gala's attack doesn't have much effect on it!"

"Damn, how could this be!"


Galagala also showed an ugly expression.

"Smelly mud, use mud wave!"

"Swing fight~"

The smelly mud let out a long drink, and a circle of gray mud appeared around it, spreading around like waves.

"Gala Gala, jump up!"

Hearing the words, Galagala jumped high and avoided the attack of the mud wave.

"It's now, stinky mud, mud bomb!"

Smelly Mud opened its mouth to Gala Gala in the air and spit out several black mud clods, which quickly hit Gala Gala's body like bullets and exploded.


Gala Gala screamed and fell to the ground.And with great luck, the incidental property of the mud bomb - poisoning, also appeared.A purple color appeared on Gala Gala's face.

"Good job, stinky mud, now take it out with a venom attack!"

Hearing the words, Smelly Mud sprayed out a cloud of purple liquid and hit Gala Gala!
"Gala Gala, hurry up and avoid it!" Xiaoju said anxiously.

Galagala struggled to dodge, but she lacked physical strength, so she couldn't dodge the venom attack in the end.Double the venom attack made Galagala fall to the ground in an instant, losing the ability to fight.

"Gala Gala lost the ability to fight, Xiao Luo won the victory!"

"It's unbelievable. Xiao Luo's stinky mud eliminated Xiao Ju's Gala Gala in just two hits. What kind of Pokémon will Xiao Ju use next?"

"Come back, Gala Gala!" Xiaoju took back Gala Gala and sent out a second elf: "Fire elf, it's time for you to appear!"

"Here it appears, Xiaoju's second elf is a fire elf! So how does she plan to deal with Xiaoluo's stinky mud?!"

"Fire Elf, use the flame jet!"


A scorching crimson flame spewed out from the mouth of the fire elf!
"Mud Bomb!"


Smelly mud opened its mouth and spit out several black mud clods, meeting the flames of the fire elf!The two intersected, exploded, and billowed thick smoke was produced.

"Damn it, since that's the case, fire elf, shock with explosive flames!"

The fire elf let out a long cry, blazing flames swirled all over his body, and rushed towards the smelly mud like a burning meteorite.

Xiao Luo smiled, maybe Xiao Luo couldn't do anything about it before, but now...

"Smelly mud, dust shot!"

Smelly Mud raised his hands, and a large mass of garbage appeared out of thin air in his hands, exuding a stench, and threw it vigorously towards the impacting fire elf.


A strong explosion sounded, and the fire elf was blown upside down and fell to the ground.

"Fire spirit..." Xiaoju called out worriedly.

Because the whole body was wrapped in flames, although the fire elves were blown away, they did not suffer much damage.Hearing Xiaoju's call, he quickly stood up from the ground.

"Smelly mud, bomb with mud!"


Smelly Mud once again unleashed his mud bomb trick and hit the fire elf!
"Fire spirit, dodge and flash with lightning!"

The fire spirit jumped to the side, avoiding the attack of the mud bomb.Then, dragging a white light, it quickly slammed into the smelly mud.

"Mud wave!"

"Swing fight~"

Gray mud appeared around the smelly mud, sweeping towards the fire elves.

"Fire elves, jump up!"

After hearing Xiaoju's command, the fire elf jumped high and appeared above the smelly mud.

To suffer!

"It's now, the fire elves are shocked with explosive flames!"

"Smelly mud, hurry up and use the mud bomb!"

The fire elf launched an explosive electric shock, and the flames burning around his body were extremely blazing, forming a huge fireball and rushing towards the stinky mud from top to bottom.At the last moment, Smelly Mud also used the trick of mud bombing.


A strong explosion sounded again, and the venue shook slightly.

"It's appeared! The fire elf's explosive electric shock and the smelly mud's mud bomb exploded violently. Who will win the two elves?!"

After the thick smoke dissipated, the two elves lay motionless on the field.

The referee raised a small flag and announced: "The fire spirit and the smelly mud lose their fighting ability at the same time!"

The fierce battle excited the audience in the stands, bursting into bursts of applause and cheers.

Xiao Luo shook her head helplessly, and took back the stinky mud, and Xiao Ju also took back the fire spirit with a wry smile.

"Go Hippo King (Scallion Duck)!"

"Oh my god, the two elves this time are so strange! Contestant Xiaoluo is a rare hippopotamus king, and contestant Xiaoju also uses a very rare scallion duck!"

The Hippo King looked leisurely, with his hands behind his back, his eyes were slightly squinted and he was looking at the scallion duck.The Scallion Duck has been scratching its back with the scallions since it appeared, looking at the Hippo King proudly.

Xiao Luo smiled: It seems that this scallion duck is also very individual!

"Scallion duck, use the trick of splitting!"

The Scallion Duck played with the scallions in his hand and rushed to the Hippo King.

What a great speed!

Xiao Luo was a little surprised, and immediately commanded: "Hippo King, protect!"

As soon as Hippo King issued his protection trick, the onion duck's splitting came over, and the green onion in his hand slammed on the protection.

Seeing that the split did not work, Green Onion Duck continued to protect the anti-shock force and opened the distance from the Hippo King.

"King Hippo, use the space to deceive!"


The Hippo King's eyes glowed with blue light, and after a space formed by energy enveloped the entire venue, it disappeared again.

"Cheating space?" Xiaoju was a little confused.

"Hmph, it's a deceiving trick. Onion Duck, use the bird special attack!" Seeing that nothing happened, Xiao Ju felt that Xiao Luo was bluffing, and ordered Onion Duck to continue attacking.


As soon as the Onion Duck started to run and wanted to launch the special attack of the bird, a layer of blue energy restrained it and controlled it to ascend into the air.

"What's going on?" Xiaoju was taken aback, "How could it be so fast!"

"Very well, that's it, hit it on the ground!"

Hippo King stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the Onion Duck was controlled and smashed to the ground, screaming.At the same time, the room for deception is also fleeting.

"Green onion duck, hold on, use the air to chop!"

The Scallion Duck struggled to stand up, the Scallion poked quickly in front of him, and a light blue energy ball with a sharp aura was forming.

"Phantom Light!"


A ray of colored light hit the Duck onion and knocked it into the air.The air cut also died halfway.

"What's going on, why is it like this! Why!" Xiaoju grabbed her hair almost collapsed.

"Cheating the space, the slow elf will attack first within a certain round! Don't you know this?" Xiaoju is considered a beauty after all, so Xiao Luo explained to her aloud.

Xiao Ju said angrily: "Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

Miaomiao shrugged beside Xiao Luo, and said, "This is a woman, meow~"

After Xiao Luo explained, Xiaoju immediately had a countermeasure. She directed the panting Scallion Duck and said, "Scallion Duck, move at high speed and get close to it!"

Scallion Duck immediately launched a high-speed movement trick, and his figure moved from left to right, quickly approaching the hippopotamus king!
Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, a little confused as to what she wanted to do.

When the Scallion Duck finally approached the Hippo Queen, Xiaoju issued another command: "It's now, use Cleave!"

The corner of Xiao Luo's mouth twitched, thinking that this woman must have some brain problems.

"Hippo King, use protection!"

Because of the existence of room for deception, the protection came out instantly and protected the Hippo King.Split still doesn't work.

"Fix it, use illusion!"

The Hippo King's eyes glowed blue, and he took the opportunity to control the Onion Duck, followed by a wave of his hand, and threw it far away, hitting the wall of the venue.

"Uh... I actually forgot that the Hippo King still has protection! Scallion Duck..." Xiaoju was annoyed.

"Scallion Duck loses his ability to fight, and King Hippo wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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