Chapter 121 Advance to the quarterfinals
Xiaoju reluctantly took back the Gotha Duck: "In that case, Miss Michun, help me teach him a lesson!"

The poke ball was opened, and a pokemon like Obasan appeared on the field.Looking at it, Xiao Luo shuddered suddenly. In Xiao Luo's opinion, this kind of elf is really...

Miss Lips appeared, and the space of deception disappeared in a flash again.

"Sister Lost Lips, use the illusion technique!"

"It's useless, King Hippo, use Phantom Wave!"

A ray of colored light zigzags towards Sister Milip.

"Miss Lipstick, hurry up and avoid it, use black eyes!"

After hearing Xiaoju's command, Miss Michun immediately gave up using the illusion technique and dodged the attack of the hippopotamus king's illusion wave.Immediately after the eyes glowed red, the phantom of a pair of huge black eyes appeared out of thin air, imprinted on the hippopotamus king's body and disappeared.

"Hippo King, use illusion!"


The Hippo King's eyes bluish loudly, and he looked at Sister Milip!

"Miss Lips, we also use illusion!"

Miss Lips also released the trick of the illusion technique, and the invisible tricks collided in the field.The entire venue seemed to be distorted, and the originally calm venue was blown by strong winds.The small stones on the field were suspended one by one, trembling slightly.


A gust of wind raged in all directions from the field, the two elves staggered back at the same time, and the blue light in their eyes disappeared.

"It's now, sister Milip, use the song of death!"

A weird singing voice sounded, and notes floated out of Sister Milip's mouth one by one, and flew towards the Hippo King.

"Hippo King, use phantom light!"

The colored light hits Miss Lips again!
"Sister Lost Lips, hold on!"

Sister Milip showed a firm gaze, ignored the Phantom Wave, and still sang loudly!

The phantom wave hit Sister Michun's body, and an explosion occurred. Sister Michun showed a painful expression, and the singing stopped for a while, and then continued to sound.

The death song was completed, and a black light flashed from the bodies of the two elves at the same time.

"Damn it!" Xiao Luo cursed angrily, commanding: "King Hippopotamus, get rid of it, it's using fantasy light once!"

"Miss Lips, use protection!"

The phantom light hit the protection, and an explosion occurred, but Miss Michun was safe and sound.

Afterwards, for safety reasons, Xiaoju took Miss Michun back and sent a coconut egg tree to fight.

The coconut egg tree appeared, but the deception space did not appear again. Obviously, the deception space has exceeded the number of rounds used.

Seeing this, Xiaoju was also extremely excited, and immediately directed the coconut tree to say: "Coconut tree, use the seeds to explode the bomb!"

The coconut egg tree sent out several white egg-shaped energy balls from the leaves above its head, hitting the hippopotamus king.

"Use illusion, go back!"

The hippopotamus king's eyes were full of blue light, and when the seed bomb flew in front of him, he controlled all of them, and then smashed into the coconut egg tree!

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosions sounded, and the coconut egg tree kept screaming!

In one more round, the perishing song will take effect, and the Hippo King will lose his ability to fight.But the black eyes couldn't make Xiao Luo take it back.

Xiao Luo gritted her teeth, and continued to direct the hippopotamus: "Full power, use phantom light!"


Hippo King released a colored light from his eyes, much thicker and faster than before.The Coconut Egg Tree was hit directly without being able to dodge, and fell to the ground after letting out an ear-splitting scream.At the same time, Hippo King's legs went limp, his eyes spiraled and he fell to the ground.

"Hippo King and Coconut Egg Tree both lost their ability to fight!"

"Damn it, how could it be like this!" Xiaoju exclaimed a little unwillingly.

"Come back, Hippo King!" Xiao Luo took the Hippo King back with a calm expression.

"Both the elves of Xiao Luo and Xiao Ju have lost their ability to fight again. Now, Xiao Luo still has four elves that can be used, while Xiao Ju has only two elves that can be used. The situation is very disadvantageous for Xiao Ju. !"

"Water elf, I'll leave the rest to you!" Xiao Luo sent the water elf to fight.A white light flashed, and the water elf appeared on the field, with unfocused eyes and a cold face.

"Since that's the case, sister Milip, I beg you one more time!"

Xiaoju sent Miss Michun again, but Miss Michun was in a very bad condition, and she was breathing heavily.

"Sister Lost Lips, use the illusion technique!"

"Water cannon, fix it!"


Before Miss Milip's illusion was used, a thick spiral water jet sent it spinning and knocked it into the air, hitting the wall of the field.

After the screams, Sister Michun had already lost her ability to fight!

"Miss Lips loses her ability to fight, and the Water Fairy wins!"

"It's... so powerful! What a powerful water elf, a powerful water cannon made Xiaoju's sister Milip fall to the ground in an instant!"

"Miss Lips..." Xiao Ju cried out in distress.

Damn it, why is his elf stronger than the other!What is the origin of this little Luo.

Xiao Ju looked at Xiao Luo, and held the last elf ball in her hand.

"Go, my trump card, the fast-swimming frog!"

A white light flashed, and a fast-swimming frog with a strong physique and high spirits appeared opposite the water elf.

Fast swimming frog?
Xiao Luo smiled slightly, commanding the water elf confidently: "Water cannon!"


The spiral water jet spurted out in an instant, hitting the fast-swimming frog with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

"Fast swimming frog, we also use the water cannon trick!" Xiaoju seems to be very confident in her fast swimming frog.

The fast-swimming frog stretched out its hands, and the same jet of water sprayed out, meeting the water elf's water cannon.The two intersected and came to a stalemate in the middle of the field.

"Hmph! Water elf, call over!"


The water elf let out a long cry, and increased the force again. The water cannon was thicker again, and quickly repelled the water cannon of the fast-swimming frog.

"What!" Xiaoju was startled by this scene, and her face turned ugly: "Swimming frog, hold on!"

The fast-swimming frog is also working hard, trying to resist the water elf's water cannon trick.However, its strength was still a bit weaker than that of the water elf. After persisting for a while, it became weak and was sent flying by the water elf's water cannon.

"It's now, water elf, flash with lightning!"

The water elf dragged a white light and rushed towards the fast-swimming frog.

"Fast swimming frog, hurry up and avoid it!"

The water cannon doesn't do too much damage to the fast-swimming frogs that also have water attributes.Therefore, after hearing Xiaoju's command, the fast-swimming frog jumped up in time to avoid the lightning attack.

"It's useless, the water elves use charm!"

Thinking of this skill, Xiao Luo couldn't help laughing.In order to let the water elf learn this skill, he tried his best.Finally, under his crying and begging, the water elf reluctantly agreed to study.During the second special training in the forest, the water elves have been learning this skill.Because of the limitation of personality, it was very difficult for the water elf to learn, and it barely learned how to use it until the end of the special training.


The water elf let out a seductive cry, blinked, and a pink heart-shaped pattern floated towards the fast-swimming frog in the air.The fast-swimming frog couldn't dodge, and was hit by the heart-shaped pattern. Its eyes immediately became heart-shaped, and it fell from the sky.

"Very good, solve it, hit with billions!"

The water elf ran quickly, and a thick purple-gray energy appeared around his body. Like a missile, he rushed towards the fast-swimming frog with great momentum!
"Fast swimming frog, dodge quickly, dodge quickly!" Xiaoju shouted anxiously.

However, all of this was in vain. The fast-swimming frog didn't dodge anything, and was directly hit by the water elf's billions of impacts.The powerful impact made it fly out in an instant and hit the wall of the stadium stand.

When it fell to the ground, it was already binocular spiral and lost the ability to fight.

"The fast-swimming frog lost the ability to fight, and the water elf won, so the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town."

"Congratulations to player Xiao Luo, who has successfully advanced to the quarterfinals! I also thank player Xiaoju for the wonderful game!"

Xiao Luo put away the water elf and was about to leave the competition field, but a lot of reporters surrounded him.Xiao Luo refused the interview again, and rushed out of the crowd with Miao Miao to find Ake and others.

(End of this chapter)

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