Chapter 122 Battle of the Top Eight
Xiao Luo brought Miao Miao to the auditorium and sat in her original seat.

"You played well, Xiao Luo!" Seeing Xiao Luo coming back, Ake said, "It seems that you are in good condition!"

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "It's not because you forced me, I always remember the game I lost to you! Don't lose before you meet me!"

Ake shrugged and said, "We are friends, don't hold grudges like that! However, the trainer who defeated Alan seems to be very strong. If I meet him, I have no certainty of victory."

Xiao Luo said: "That trainer seems to be called Yuan Tai, right? He's from Hualan City!"

Xia Yi replied: "That's right! Seeing him reminds me of someone."

Xiao Luo smiled and asked, "Is it Xiao Liu?"

Xia Yiqi said: "Do you think so too?"

Xiao Luo nodded and said: "Indeed, the temperament is very similar. But, why didn't Xiao Liu come to participate in the competition?"

Xia Yi said: "Maybe he is busy with the company's affairs! His father has already handed over all the management rights of the company to the two brothers."

Ake asked, "Who is Xiaoliu?"

"A friend I met during my travels!" Xiao Luo replied, "He is a rich and powerful young master... Wrong, young master. His brother is the young master!"

Ake said: "That Yuantai also seems to be very rich. You can tell by his clothes that he is not an ordinary person. Why don't you call and ask your friends before the game is over, maybe he knows this Yuantai! I always feel that this Yuantai is not simple. It seems that Kuailong is not the strongest elf in his hands."

Xiao Luo was surprised when he heard the words: "No way!"

Ake said seriously: "My intuition has always been accurate!"

Seeing what Ake said, Xiao Luo nodded and said, "I'll ask Xiao Liu after the game is over!"

The competition continued. In this round of the competition, the trainers of both sides were very close in strength. The winning trainer was also a fluke. His strength could only be considered average, which was comparable to that of Xiao Luo's opponent, Xiao Ju.

Then came the match between Xiaozhi and Ahong.Because of the lack of trouble from the Rockets, Xiaozhi showed great power and defeated Ahong with only four elves.One of Pishen solved two and a half.The talent is so strong that Xiao Luo and Ake are jealous.

After Xiaozhi won, the last match was held immediately.It was won by a female trainer from a real new town.It's just that Xiao Luo and Xiao Zhi don't know this person.

After the game, the quarterfinals were finally born.Among them, the trainers in Zhenxin Town occupy the third place.Champion Town lives up to its name.

That night, the list of the quarterfinals was also announced in the alliance hall.Xiaoluo met a trainer from Karan Town, Ake met the female trainer from Zhenxin Town, and Xiaozhi met Yuan Tai.

After checking the battle groups, Xiao Luo and his party returned to the elf center together.Xiao Luo first contacted Xiao Liu to inquire about Yuan Tai's situation.


"It's Xiao Luo!" Xiao Liu said on the phone, "I was just trying to contact you!"

Xiao Luo asked curiously, "Why did you contact me?"

"Let me tell you about Yuantai!" Xiao Liu joked, "Why, didn't you call me to find out about him?"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"So you already know it all!" Xiao Luo said, "Stop gossip, tell me what you know!"

"Hey! Are you begging for help?"

"I didn't beg you!" Xiao Luo said, "If you want to say it, say it quickly. If you don't say it, you will be dismissed. I don't care anyway!"

A few black lines immediately dropped from Xiaoliu's head, and said, "I'm afraid of you! I do know that Yuantai, my brother is more familiar than me!"

"This Quartz Conference is much more exciting than before. There is Ake, the runner-up of the Chengdu League, Yuan Tai, and you! Tsk tsk, I regret not participating in the competition!"

"Come on, hurry up. What is the origin of that Yuantai!"

"There are two super companies in Hualan City, one is my family's Qingyuan Company, and the other is called Hengyi! That Yuantai is the son of Hengyi's boss!"

"Yuan Tai is a very talented trainer. He grows up very quickly and knows all kinds of elves very well. Not only that, Yuan Tai's father is different from my father. He is very supportive of Yuan Tai's training as a trainer. He spent a lot of money to buy all kinds of rare elves for Yuantai. It is said that Yuantai also has a mythical beast in his hands. Its father bought it from the elf hunter with great effort."

"Divine Beast!?"

Xiao Luo was surprised: "Really?"

"I don't know about this. I've heard it from people. I don't know if it's true or not. However, you have to be extra careful when you meet him! My brother said that his strength and talent are no less than yours! "

Xiao Luo nodded solemnly and said, "I understand!"

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

"You heard it all!" Xiao Luo said to Ake beside him, "This is dangerous!"

Ake's expression also became serious: "Regardless of whether there are divine beasts or not, all kinds of rare and rare elves are already difficult to deal with!"

Xiao Luo said: "Don't think so much, let's think about how to deal with tomorrow's game. We have to enter the semi-finals to have a chance to meet him!"

Ake nodded and said, "Then go to rest early, tomorrow is your first game!"

"Well, you should rest early too. Don't think too much, maybe the top four will be just the two of us!"

"That's good, losing to you is better than losing to that Yuan Tai!"


On the second day, on the main ground of the Quartz League, Xiao Luo and Karan Town's trainer Wu Yuan had already taken their positions.

"Okay, audience friends, now is the first round of the quarterfinals of the Quartz League. First of all, the red team is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town, which is known as the champion town. His opponent is from Card Wu Yuan from Lanzhen. Both players are very strong. So, let us wait and see who will successfully enter the semi-finals!"

"There are six spirits that can be used. When all the spirits of one player lose their ability to fight, the match is over. Are the players ready?" The referee looked at the two of Xiao Luo, and after seeing both of them nodding, they raised their hands Zhong Xiaoqi announced: "The game begins!"

"Go, big steel snake (sickle helmet)!" The two threw out the poke ball at the same time.

"The competition has begun. Contestant Xiao Luo is using a fossil spirit sickle helmet, while contestant Wu Yuan is using a big steel snake!"

"Big steel snake, use the rock seal to seal the action of the sickle helmet!"


The big steel snake roared, and a lot of stones the size of a millstone appeared on the top of the sickle helmet, and smashed towards the sickle helmet.

"Rush up, use tile splitting!"

While dodging the falling stones, the sickle helmet quickly rushed towards the big steel snake, and the sickle also glowed with a shining white light.

Wu Yuan saw that the rock seal could not be hit, and the sickle helmet was close in front of him, so he commanded again: "Big steel snake, use the iron tail!"

The tail of the big steel snake was wrapped in white light, and it drew towards the rushing sickle helmet.

"Hmph, go on, sickle helmet!"

"Hi Doo~"

The sickle helmet had sharp eyes, and when the iron tail of the big steel snake was drawn, it jumped up high, avoiding the iron tail's attack.Then the sickle glowing white slashed fiercely on the huge face of the big steel snake.


The big steel snake let out a painful roar and was knocked down to the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo immediately commanded again: "It's now, let's split tiles again!"

The sickle helmet once again sent out the trick of splitting tiles to hit the big steel snake!
"Don't try to succeed, big steel snake, bite its sickle!"


After the big steel snake heard Wu Yuan's command, it opened its mouth in time and bit the sickle of the sickle helmet.This unexpected situation surprised Xiao Luo and Sickle Helmet.

"Very good big steel snake, that's it, throw it out!"

The big steel snake straightened up, put on the sickle helmet, danced around twice, and threw the sickle helmet out forcefully.

"Big Steel Snake, take advantage of the victory and pursue, use sacrifice attack!"


The big rock snake quickly rushed to the sickle helmet that fell to the ground, its whole body was glowing with faint yellow fluorescence.

"Sickle helmet, use surf!"


Wu Yuan was very surprised, he didn't think the sickle helmet would be a surfing trick.

"Hi Doo~"

With the long cry of the sickle helmet, a huge water wave appeared out of nowhere in the venue. The sickle helmet was lifted high by the water wave, standing on the wave, overlooking the big steel snake.

"Big Steel Snake, hurry up and avoid it!" Wu Yuan was dumbfounded at the surf that appeared, and hurriedly directed the Big Rock Snake to dodge.

But the moving speed of the big rock snake was extremely slow, and in the end it still couldn't escape the attack of the surfer. After a scream, it was swallowed by the huge waves!

After the surfing trick, the Big Steel Snake was already lying motionless on the ground!

"The big steel snake loses its ability to fight, and the sickle helmet wins!"

(It's too hot, and my small room has no air conditioner, and I can't stop sweating when the fan is turned on. I'm a person who is afraid of cold and heat. Under such circumstances... I have been in my Mom sleeps over there. She has an air conditioner, but no computer. I have been coded at an Internet cafe for the past two days. Drink money. Sometimes I think, I really don’t know what I’m insisting on! It’s like a SB!!)

(End of this chapter)

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