Chapter 123 The first battle of the Giant Pincer Mantis!
"Come back, Big Steel Snake!" Unwillingly, Wu Yuan took the Big Rock Snake back, took out the poke ball and threw it out again: "In that case, Bawanghua is counting on you!"

The elf ball opened from mid-air, and an elf with a huge red flower growing on its head appeared on the opposite side of the sickle helmet.

Grass-type elves, most of them are mild-tempered.This Overlord Flower is no exception, looking at the sickle helmet with a smile on its face, it doesn't seem to have much desire to fight.

"Bawanghua, use the seeds to explode the bomb!"

The Overlord Flower shot several white energy balls from the huge flower above its head, the size of eggs, and hit the sickle helmet.

"The rock blade strikes back!"

Countless sharp stones appeared around the sickle helmet in an orderly manner, forming two cross-rotating circles.With the long cry of the sickle helmet, the stone roared out, and with a "swoosh" sound of piercing the air, it met the overlord flower's seed bomb.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two tricks collided halfway, and the red sound kept ringing.Thick smoke billowed almost to cover the site.

"Sickle helmet, use surf!"

Although the trick of the water system is not very effective for the grass-type Overlord Flower.However, the field of view is now lost to each other. Such a large-scale trick is extremely easy to hit the target.And it can also extinguish the thick smoke on the field, killing two birds with one stone.


Huge water waves appeared in the field, lifted the sickle helmet high, and swept away aggressively towards the front.

"Bawanghua, use protection!"

After the surfing trick, the thick smoke on the field faded, and the Bawanghua was wrapped in a green protective cover, and it was not harmed by surfing.

"It's now, Overlord Flower, use the energy ball!"

A green energy ball formed from the center of the huge flower on the top of the Bawanghua's head, and hit the sickle helmet.

"Use the cross scissors after avoiding it!"

Sickle Helmet was very confident in his speed. After hearing Xiao Luo's command, he immediately rushed towards Overlord Flower. When the energy ball hit, he moved and dodged to the side.At the same time, the twin scythes glowed with green light, crossed and hit the Overlord Flower.Bawanghua couldn't dodge in time, was hit squarely, let out a scream and flew out.

Cross-cutting is an insect-type skill, and it is self-evident to the damage of Overlord Flower.Therefore, after Bawanghua fell to the ground, her expression was very painful, and she wanted to stand up again, but she still felt powerless.

"Use the rock blade!" Xiao Luo issued another command.

Hearing the words, the sickle helmet made countless sharp stones and hit the overlord flower again.

"Bawanghua, quickly use protection!" Wu Yuan commanded anxiously.

After hearing Wu Yuan's command, Bawanghua endured the pain all over her body, stood up, and immediately launched her protective trick, and the green protective cover bounced the rock blades away one by one.

"Very good, Overlord Flower, start to fight back, use petals to blizzard!"


A large area abruptly appeared around the Overlord Flower, revolving around the Overlord Flower.With the long cry of the Overlord Flower, the petals collectively formed a long dragon and rushed towards the sickle helmet!
Xiao Luo frowned slightly. For this trick, he didn't have a good countermeasure for a while, so he directed the sickle helmet and said: "After avoiding it, use the cross scissors."

"It's a good idea, go for Bawanghua!" Wu Yuan was obviously very confident in this move, which made Xiao Luo feel more and more uneasy.

When the petal blizzard hit, the sickle helmet jumped up high, trying to avoid the attack.It's just that under the control of Bawanghua, the clusters of petals turned around and caught up, engulfing Sickle Helmet under the shocked eyes of Sickle Helmet and Xiao Luo.

After the petal blizzard, Bawanghua's physical strength was severely exhausted, and she half-kneeled on the ground.After the sickle helmet fell from mid-air to the ground, it immediately lost its combat ability.

Although the grass-type skill has four times the damage effect on the sickle helmet, Xiao Luo was somewhat surprised that the sickle helmet lost its fighting ability in one hit.

Xiao Luo glanced at Wuyuan's Overlord Flower and said secretly: It seems that this Overlord Flower has a very high attack power!
"The sickle helmet loses its ability to fight, and the overlord flower wins!"

Xiao Luo put back the sickle helmet calmly, took out another elf ball and threw it out: "Go to the giant pincer mantis!"


The giant pincer mantis rarely had the chance to appear on the stage, so he let out a cry of excitement, his eyes were sharp, and he looked at Bawanghua with high fighting spirit.

In the stands, Ake saw Xiao Luo using the giant pincer mantis, so he smiled and said: "Xiao Luo, this guy has finally begun to show his strength!"

Xia Yi smiled and nodded: "En! This is the first appearance of the Giant Pincer Mantis at the Quartz Conference!"

"Is that giant pincer mantis very powerful?" Lan Yun asked with some doubts when he saw the excitement of the two.

"Of course, Brother Xiao Luo's Giant Pincer Mantis is very powerful! It once saved Cole!" Cole replied proudly.It seems to be an honor to be saved.

This giant pincer mantis seems to be more difficult to deal with than that sickle helmet!Wu Yuan looked at Xiao Luo's giant pincer mantis with a serious expression.

"Bawanghua, come back and have a rest first!" Wu Yuan wanted to take back Bawanghua who was seriously exhausted.

"Don't let him succeed! Giant Pincer Mantis, kill it with a flash of lightning!"

"call out!"

As soon as Xiao Luo finished speaking, a red light flashed across the field, Bawanghua let out a scream, and was knocked flying by the giant pincer mantis.

Under the lightning flash attack of the giant pincer mantis again, Bawanghua lost the ability to fight in an instant, lying on the ground, her eyes became spiral.

"The Overlord Flower loses its ability to fight, and the Giant Pincer Mantis wins!"

"Damn it, come back Bawanghua!" Wu Yuan took Bawanghua back again.

"It's your turn to play, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

Wu Yuan took out the third elf, a majestic wind speed dog with piercing eyes.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use flame jets!"

"Chop tiles!"

The two commanded successively.When the wind speed dog looked up, a scorching flame spurted out, hitting the giant pincer mantis.As for the Giant Pincer Mantis, its right paw was glowing with white light, and it hit the jet flames directly, scattering the flames.The small wings flapped extremely fast, and the right paw broke through the flames all the way, hitting the wind speed dog hard on the nose.Knock it away.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog..." Wu Yuan barked in disbelief.

"It's now, destroy the death light!"

The small mouth of the giant pincer mantis opened slightly, and a little bit of golden light condensed to form a golden energy ball the size of a fist.Then, a golden crossing line shot out with a "swoosh", and the target was the wind speed dog that fell to the ground.


The wind speed dog had no time to dodge, and the destructive death light hit directly.After a bang, the wind speed dog lay on the ground covered in scars, motionless.

"The wind speed dog loses the ability to fight, and the giant pincer mantis wins!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow! What a powerful giant pincer mantis, the wind speed dog is no match at all!"


The giant pincer mantis stood majestically on the field, enjoying the cheers of the audience.

"Damn it, since that's the case, fire-breathing dragon, defeat it!" After Wu Yuan retracted the wind speed dog, he sent out the fourth elf - a burly fire-breathing dragon.


The fire-breathing dragon let out a powerful roar, and flew up while flapping its wings, looking down at the giant pincer mantis.


Facing the provocation of the fire-breathing dragon, the giant pincer mantis responded, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked up at the fire-breathing dragon, full of fighting spirit.


Seeing that the giant pincer mantis was not deterred, the fire-breathing dragon was very annoyed, and without waiting for Wu Yuan's command, it sprayed a scorching flame at the giant pincer mantis.


The Giant Pincer Mantis let out a disdainful cry, and with a flash of its figure, it easily dodged the attack of spraying flames.

The fire-breathing dragon was furious, and the flames spewed out again and again.It's a pity that the speed and dodge of the giant pincer mantis are excellent. Facing the jet flames of the fire-breathing dragon one after another, it doesn't panic at all.

Seeing that the flame spray was ineffective, the fire-breathing dragon roared and rushed towards the giant pincer mantis with dazzling white light on its wings.

"Giant pincer mantis, jump on it!"


After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the giant pincer mantis focused its eyes on the diving fire-breathing dragon.When the wings emitting white light hit it, it jumped up lightly, and then used the wings as a springboard to stand on the back of the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon was shocked, and immediately vibrated its wings, spinning and flying straight up, trying to throw the giant pincer mantis off.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, hold on to it and use tile splitting!"

The claws of the giant pincer mantis opened, clamping the fire-breathing dragon's neck fiercely.This move immediately made the fire-breathing dragon scream in pain, tossing back and forth in the central control.Both hands also grabbed the giant pincer mantis backwards, but the distance was not enough to catch it.


After the giant pincer mantis stabilized its figure, its right paw glowed white, and it hit the fire-breathing dragon hard on the head.With this blow, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes immediately protruded, and it fell straight to the ground.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly: "Giant Pincer Mantis, get rid of it, destroy Death Light!"

The giant pincer mantis stomped on the body of the fire-breathing dragon and jumped into the air.The golden light in the mouth condensed, and the destructive death light emitted again, chasing the fallen fire-breathing dragon.


A strong explosion sounded, billowing thick smoke filled the venue...

After the smoke cleared, the fire-breathing dragon had fainted to the ground.

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, and the giant pincer mantis wins!"


The giant pincer mantis let out a cry of victory, with its limbs stretched apart, and its handsome appearance caused the audience to scream wildly!
(End of this chapter)

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