Chapter 124 Advancing to the semi-finals!
"OK! It's this imposing giant pincer mantis, defeat him in one go!" Xiao Luo waved his hand excitedly, feeling that these guys were still commanding with ease!

The giant pincer mantis let out a high-spirited cry, put on a fighting posture, and waited for the next opponent to appear.

"Why did this happen?" The failure of the fire-breathing dragon seemed to have dealt a heavy blow to Wu Yuan, "Why is the powerful fire-breathing dragon still vulnerable!?"

"No, I don't believe it!" Wu Yuan quickly took the fire-breathing dragon back, replaced it with an elf ball and threw it out: "Go, Bi Diao!"

As soon as Bi Diao appeared in mid-air, Wu Yuan couldn't wait to command: "Bi Diao, flash with electric light!"

"Giant Pincer Mantis, we also use Lightning Flash!"

"huh" "huh"

One white and one red, two rays of light collided in mid-air.The strength of Bi Diao is far less than that of the giant pincer mantis, and he was knocked away by the giant pincer mantis as soon as they confronted each other.Fortunately, it is a flying elf, and finally stabilized its figure.Didn't take much damage.

"Damn it, Bi Diao, chop it with air!"

Bi Diao's wings flapped powerfully, and two white wind blades flew out, slashing towards the Giant Pincer Mantis.

"Giant pincer mantis, use the shiny electric cannon!"


The whole body of the giant pincer mantis shone with white light, and a milky white energy ball was formed in front of the small mouth.Then, a white energy ray mixed with metallic luster shot out, and collided with Bi Diao's Air Slash. After a bang, the two tricks disappeared at the same time.In mid-air, only black smoke still filled the air!
"Giant Pincer Mantis, use Lightning Flash!"

"call out"

The giant pincer mantis turned into a red light again, and rushed towards Bi Diao in mid-air.

"Bi Diao, clone yourself with a shadow!"


Bi Diao split into five clones in an instant, forming a circle in the air, and the lightning of the giant pincer mantis hit one of the clones in a flash, and it disappeared.

"Right now, use Yanhui!"

After Bi Diao heard Wu Yuan's command, he maintained the remaining four avatars and launched Yanhui's trick together. White lights emerged, and the five Bi Diao spun around at the same time and rushed towards the giant pincer mantis.

"Damn it! In that case, giant pincer mantis, use the high-speed star!"


After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the giant pincer mantis immediately opened its mouth and sprayed out countless small stars emitting white light, hitting Bi Diao who was rushing.

Under the deliberate control of the giant pincer mantis, the high-speed stars covered a wide area, and both Bi Diao and its clone were hit.Although the power is not strong, it is enough to disintegrate Bi Diao's offensive this time.

Bi Diao was hit first by the high-speed star.Yan Fan's trick ended, and the Giant Pincer Mantis landed safely.

"Giant Pincer Mantis, another shiny electric cannon!"

"call out"

The giant pincer mantis was shining white, and once again shot a metallic light of energy light towards Bi Diao.

"Compare the carving, chop the air!"

Bi Diao roared angrily, and fanned out two wind blades, meeting the light of the electric cannon of the giant pincer mantis, and the two tricks canceled each other out again.

"Bi Diao, after the shadow is cloned, flash with lightning!"


Bi Diao let out a long cry, split into five clones again, and then launched the lightning flash trick, and the six Bi Diao, dragging white light, rushed towards the Giant Pincer Mantis quickly!

"Giant Pincer Mantis, bear with it, find out your true body, and use Lightning Flash!"


The giant pincer mantis took a defensive posture, waiting for the hit of Bi Diao's lightning flash.


The six eagles collided with the Giant Pincer Mantis at the same time, and the huge impact caused the Giant Pincer Mantis to slide back a certain distance.


Bi Diao's flash of lightning hit the giant pincer mantis, and at the same time exposed its body.The giant pincer mantis screamed angrily, and immediately turned into a beam of red light that hit Bi Diao's body.


Bi Diao couldn't react in time, and was hit by a flash of lightning.The power of the giant pincer mantis is unquestionable. Under the pain of Bi Diao, he could no longer fly and fell to the ground.The shadow clones also disappeared at the same time.

"Solve it with destructive death light!"

"call out"

The charged destructive death light shot out just after Bi Diao landed.Bi Diao failed to make any reaction, and was directly hit by the death light after being destroyed.After the bang, Bi Diao fell to the ground.

"Bi Diao loses the ability to fight, and the Giant Pincer Mantis wins!"

"The giant pincer mantis has already defeated the four spirits of contestant Wuyuan. At present, contestant Wuyuan has only one spirit left, while contestant Xiao Luo still has five. Can contestant Wuyuan turn defeat into victory?"

The last one!

Wu Yuan put away Bi Diao, looked at the last poke ball in his hand, let out a long breath, and then threw out the poke ball: "Go, Hu Di!"

After the white light flashed, a slightly old-fashioned Hudi appeared opposite the Giant Pincer Mantis.As soon as Hu Di appeared, the Giant Pincer Mantis felt its strength.The fighting posture was put out unconsciously, staring at it cautiously.And Hu Di squinted his eyes halfway, looking straight at it.

"Hmph, no matter what, we must defeat this giant pincer mantis. Hu Di, use hypnotism!"


"Giant Pincer Mantis, quickly use the high-speed star!" Xiao Luo shouted hastily.

However, the Giant Pincer Mantis confronted Hu Di seriously from the very beginning, and this Hu Di was extremely powerful. As soon as Wuyuan's voice fell, it sent out circles of energy waves to cover the Giant Pincer Mantis.When Xiao Luo commanded, the giant pincer mantis had already fallen into a semi-hypnotic state, and naturally it would not respond to Xiao Luo's command.

"Come back, giant pincer mantis!" Seeing that the giant pincer mantis fell into a deep sleep, Xiao Luo took it back in time.

"Hot Monkey, I'll leave it to you!" Xiao Luo threw out Hot Monkey's elf ball.


The fiery monkey appeared on the field excitedly, punching and kicking constantly, looking at Hu Di with an extremely high fighting spirit.

It is the simplest and most direct way to deal with a super-powered elf like Hu Di to the brute-force monkey.It's just that Xiao Luo is a little worried, this hudi is obviously old, if he is punched by the fiery monkey... his crime will be serious.

"You actually use the Fiery Monkey of the fighting system?" Wu Yuan said to Xiao Luo in great surprise, "Don't you know that the super energy system restrains the fighting system?"

Xiao Luo shrugged and said, "My Giant Pincer Mantis was also restrained by your Wind Speed ​​Dog and Charizard. What happened?"

Wu Yuan's complexion suddenly became ugly: "Don't look down on people! Hu Di, let him know how powerful you are, use hypnotism!"

Circles of ripples rippled from Hu Di's eyes again, covering the fiery monkey.Xiao Luo smiled and said nothing, and did not give any instructions.

However, until the end of Hu Di's hypnosis, Fiery Monkey was always in high spirits, without any intention of going to sleep.

"Wow, Hu Di's hypnotism has no effect on the fiery monkey! What's going on here?"

In the stands, Xia Yi also asked Ake very puzzled: "Ake, why didn't Hu Di's hypnotism work?"

Ake explained with a smile: "Because of the characteristics of the fiery monkey!"


Xia Yi, Lan Yun and Cole all looked at Ake and waited for his further explanation.

"A fiery monkey has two characteristics, one is drive, and the other is anger. The characteristic of Xiao Luo, a fiery monkey, is drive. An elf with the characteristic of drive will not fall into a sleep state! Therefore, Hu Di's Hypnotism won't work on it."

I see!The three women suddenly realized.

Seeing that the hypnotism was ineffective, Wu Yuan commanded again: "In that case, Hu Di, use illusion!"


Hu Di's eyes glowed with blue fluorescence and looked at the fiery monkey, who was restrained by the blue light.Just when Hu Di was about to control it into the air, the Fiery Monkey shook his hands, and the blue light restraining it dissipated immediately.


The illusion technique was broken, and Hu Di showed an extremely embarrassing expression.

"Wu Yuan, you'd better give up the game!" Xiao Luo persuaded, "Your Hu Di is no match for Hot Monkey at all!"

"Damn it, it's impossible, I don't believe it! Hu Di, use phantom light!"

Hu Di's eyes shot a zigzag colored light towards the Fiery Monkey, which was easily dispersed by the Fiery Monkey.

"It's useless, this kind of attack can't hit my fiery monkey at all. You'd better give up, I don't want to hurt your Hudi!" Xiao Luo persuaded earnestly.

"No, I won't give up the game! Hu Di, use Concentrated Slam!"

Hu Di rushed towards the fiery monkey when he heard the words, his right hand was slowly wrapped in white light, and he hit the fiery monkey.

The fiery monkey's eyes showed excitement.This time, it didn't dodge, but also raised its right fist, and met Hu Di's concentrated punch without using any skills.

"Hot monkey don't..."

Before Xiao Luo finished speaking, the fists of the two elves collided.


In just a moment, Hu Di's screams came out clearly, his right hand was bent at an incredible angle, and his whole body flew upside down as if being hit by a giant truck, until it hit the wall of the field, shaking the wall After hitting a spider-like crack, it stopped and slowly slid to the ground.

The whole venue was silent for an instant, only the unique humming sound of the fiery monkey continued to sound.The referee also forgot the penalty and stood there blankly.


It was Wu Yuan who was the first to react, and after a piercing cry, he quickly ran to Hu Di's side to check its condition.

"Uh... Hu Di lost his ability to fight, and Hot Monkey won! So, the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town."

"Congratulations...Congratulations to Xiao Luo for defeating Wu Yuan and successfully entering the semi-finals! Let's give them warm applause and thank them for presenting us with such a wonderful game."

However, the narrator's emotional mobilization was of no use. The audience was in a mess, talking about Xiao Luo's fiery monkey.

"This...does it need to be so scary!" Ake said with difficulty, "I didn't feel much about it last time, but this time it feels completely different! Even my Bangira should not be able to bear such brute force!"

Xia Yi was also a little surprised and said: "It seems that after the evolution, the strength is stronger, and it was not so powerful before."

(End of this chapter)

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