Chapter 125 Semifinal VS Ake!

Because there are only four games in total, the time is divided very widely.The second game in Acre was scheduled for twelve noon.Therefore, after Xiao Luo met Ake and others, they went to the restaurant together to solve their stomach needs.

At twelve noon, the game started on time.Although the female trainer in Zhenxin Town is good, she is still not as good as Akebi.Ake, like Xiao Luo, also used three elves to resolve the battle.The slight difference is that two of the elves in Ake are incapable of fighting.

The third game will be held on time at [-]:[-] pm.Both sides are fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenagers with equal strength.After all six elves from both sides played, the Kaka player from Dark City won the victory.

The fourth match, Xiaozhi's match against Yuantai, was held at [-]:[-] pm.Although Xiaozhi and Pikachu worked hard, but the gap between the elves was too big, Xiaoluo lost to Yuantai and was defeated.In this game, Yuan Tai only used three elves.They are: Fast Dragon, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and a Charizard.

After the game, the four players who entered the semi-finals were finally determined: Xiaoluo, Ake, Kaka and Yuantai.

Subsequently, the heads of the four people appeared on the electronic screen in the alliance hall, and they were randomly grouped.When the change of the profile picture stopped, Little Luo and Ake suddenly got into a group...

"It's really what you said, we met in the top four!" Ake looked at the electronic screen and smiled wryly.

Xiao Luo said: "Isn't this very good, it saves you from losing at the hands of Yuan Tai, and makes me hopeless for revenge."

Ake rolled his eyes and said, "I won't show mercy in tomorrow's game. You have to be prepared to lose again!"

Xiao Luo smiled confidently: "Don't worry, you must be the loser this time!"

Ake nodded and said in silence for a while, "Xiao Luo, let's make an agreement!"

"En?" Xiao Luo looked at Ake with a serious expression in doubt, "What agreement?"

"No matter who we lose or who wins, we must defeat Yuan Tai and win the championship!" Ake looked at Xiao Luo seriously.

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily and said: "Okay! No matter who wins or loses, we must win the championship of the Quartz Conference!"

"That's it!" Ake smiled and waved to Xiao Luo, "I'll go back first, see you tomorrow!"

"See you on the field!"

After Ake left, Xia Yi asked aloud, "Xiao Luo, are you sure?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"Brother Luo will not lose!" Cole said with a firm expression.Then, he frowned and said, "But, Cole doesn't want to see Brother Ake lose either!"

Xiao Luo smiled and asked, "Then do you want me to win, or Ake to win?"

Cole hesitated for a while, then said, "I think brother Luo, you win!"

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Luo laughed and hugged Cole: "Then listen to you, I will win tomorrow! Let's go, go back and rest!"


On the second day, at the main venue of the Quartz Alliance, Xiao Luo and Ake stood in their respective positions.

Before the game even started, the audience had already started cheering.In the semi-finals, there were not only ordinary spectators, but also many important members of the alliance sitting on the rostrum.Among them, Chairman Damalanqi sat in the middle of the rostrum.

"Okay, audience friends, you are watching the first round of the semi-finals of the Kanto League Quartz Conference. Here, let me introduce the players from both sides. First, the red team is Ake from Wakaba Town. Players. Player Ake once won the runner-up title in the Silver Conference of the Chengdu League, and his strength can be seen in general. The green side is player Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town, known as the "Champion Town". Xiaoluo is currently the only player left Let us wait and see if he will defeat player Ake and continue the legend of Zhenxin Town!"

"There are six elves that can be used in the game, and the elves can be replaced at will during the game. The game time is unlimited! Both players, please signal when you are ready!"

"Little Luo, let me see how much you have improved after the Golden City!"

"I wish I could, I must defeat you this time!"

"Hehe, this is not just talking about it. This time, I will show all my strength!"

Xiao Luo's expression froze, and he asked, "Could it be that you brought the elves from Chengdu?"

"That's right, that's it! I don't dare to be careless when dealing with you!"

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "In that case, let me see what elves you have subdued in Chengdu besides Bangira."

Both men then nodded to indicate to the referee that the game could begin.

The referee waved a small flag and announced: "The match begins!"

"Go, Sickle Helm (Dunjia)!"

Neither of them seemed to want to take advantage, and threw out the poke ball at the same time.

Two flashes of white light flashed, and a dunjia that kept planing its hooves and a scythe helmet with sharp eyes appeared on the field.

"Dunjia, pre-emptive strike, use rolling attack!"

The armored monster screamed again and again, rolling towards the sickle helmet like a car tire.

"Sickle helmet, use surf after avoiding it!"

The sickle helmet dodged to avoid the rolling attack of the armor.

The moment he dodged, Ake's voice sounded again: "Dunjia, use slam!"


Dunjia stopped rolling in an instant, his whole body exuded a faint fluorescent light, and there were trails of blue lights following behind him, rushing towards the sickle helmet.

"How could it be so fast! Scythe helmet, quickly use split tiles!"

After the sickle helmet heard Xiao Luo's command, Piwa came out instantly.At this time, Dunjia's slamming impact also hit it, and the huge impact made the sickle helmet feel like it was about to split.It endured the pain, and the moment its body flew out, the sickle emitting white light swung out and slashed at Dunjia's body.

"Boom" "Pa"

After the sickle helmet fell to the ground, it slid a certain distance before stopping.And Dunjia was cut down to the ground at the same time.

Ake smiled and said: "I really have a way, and I don't want to suffer at all!"

"Your Dunjia is too flexible!" Xiao Luo said with a bitter face, "You can change and launch moves so quickly!"

"Of course, for this, I have specially trained for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, Ake commanded again: "Dunjia, use earthquake!"

Dunjia's forelimbs were raised high, and they hit the ground hard. Circles of gray ripples rippled, and the field shook violently.

"Sickle Helmet, jump up!"

Hearing the words, the sickle helmet jumped high to avoid the attack of the earthquake!
In the face of a trick like an earthquake, the sickle helmet lacks effective countermeasures and can only dodge by jumping.

Knew you could dance!

Ake smiled slightly: "It's now, Dunjia, use the destructive death light!"

Dunjia opened his mouth, and a golden energy ball formed in his mouth, and then turned into a destructive golden light, hitting the sickle helmet in midair.

Knew you would!
Xiao Luo also laughed: "Scythe helmet, spray water jets!"

"Hi Doo~"

With the sound of the sickle helmet, its body was wrapped in torrents, and when the destructive death light of Dunjia hit, its body rose suddenly with the torrent, dodging the attack.Then, it turned around and rushed towards Dunjia with a long water column.


Due to the side effect of destroying the death light, Dunjia couldn't dodge at all, and was simply hit by the jet of water.A scream came from Dunjia's mouth, water splashed everywhere, and Dunjia waded on the ground with a painful expression.

how so!Why hasn't he used such a practical trick before? !

Ake stared at this scene dumbfounded. He knew that he had already lost this game...

"It's appeared. Contestant Xiao Luo cleverly used the jet of water, not only dodging the destructive death light attack of the Dunjia, but also directly hitting the Dunjia. This move is super effective!"

"Great job scythe helmet, get rid of it now, use Surf!"


A huge water wave appeared out of thin air, lifting the sickle helmet high.Then, huge waves covered the entire site, swallowing Dunjia in the waves...

After the water wave passed, Dunjia's eyes were already spiraling.

"The armor loses the ability to fight, and the sickle helmet wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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