Chapter 129 Bangira VS Fossil Pterosaur!

"Little Luo, let you attack first!" Ake gave up the right to attack first.

"It seems that you are very confident in your Benjira!" Xiao Luo smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I'm not polite. Fossil pterosaurs use steel wings!"

"call out"

The wings of the fossilized pterosaur were glowing with metallic luster, and it rushed towards Bangira at an extremely fast speed!
He can actually use steel wings, no wonder he used it against Bangira!

Ake smiled indifferently, and directed: "Bangira, next!"


Bangira roared, and when the fossil pterosaur rushed towards him, he grabbed one of its wings with both hands. Although he was knocked back by the huge impact, he still easily caught the fossil pterosaur's steel wing trick. .

"That's it, use the evil wave!"

Bangira opened his mouth and sprayed out interlaced and chaotic black rays of light, forming a beam of light and hitting the fossil pterosaur.The fossil pterosaur screamed and was sent flying.In the first round of the fight, Xiao Luo lost completely!

Xiao Luo frowned, although he had already overestimated Bangira as much as possible, but at present, it is still somewhat underestimated.Being able to harden the trick of a fossil pterosaur is definitely not something that the ordinary and powerful Bangira can do.It can be seen that frontal attacks will not be effective for Bangira at all.So……

"Fossil pterosaur, use high-speed movement!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The figure of the fossil pterosaur kept flashing, launching a high-speed movement move trick.

"Bangira, the rock blades scatter!" Ake seemed to have seen Xiao Luo's plan, frowning slightly and directed.


Bangira roared, countless sharp rocks appeared around his body, and then scattered and hit the fossil pterosaur!

"Fossil pterosaur, move at high speed to avoid the attack!" Xiao Luo commanded with a blank expression.


The fossil pterosaur also roared, and once again launched a high-speed movement, flickering back and forth among the rock blades, avoiding the attack of sharp stones.However, even so, it was still hit by two rock blades, causing it to scream in pain.

Xiao Luo squeezed her fist and thought to herself: Twice, it should be almost the same!

"Fossil pterosaur, strike back, come again with steel wings!"


The fossil pterosaur was being attacked continuously, and was feeling aggrieved. After hearing Xiao Luo's command, it immediately roared angrily, and the steel wings flew out instantly, rushing towards Bangira again!
"Bangira, next!"

"Dream, go fossil pterosaur!"

"call out"

In the air, the fossil pterosaur suddenly accelerated, turning into a gray light, dragging afterimages, before Bangira couldn't react in time, knocked it down with its steel wings.

"Bangira, are you okay!" Akewei was a little nervous.


Bangira stood up quickly and yelled at the fossil pterosaur.


The fossil pterosaur responded, and the two elves had already fired a real fire.

"Bangira, use the rock blade!"

"Fossil pterosaurs, we also use rock blades!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Clap clap clap..."

The unique moves of the two rock blades were issued at each other, and countless sharp stones collided and shattered in the air.Some of the missing stones rushed towards the fossil pterosaur and were avoided by it one by one, but Bangira didn't have the ability to do so, so he could only resist with force.

"Fossil pterosaur, come again with steel wings!"

"call out"

The fossil pterosaur turned into a gray light again and rushed towards Bangira!

"Since you can't stop it, fight back. Bangira, use Surf!"


As Bangira roared, a tall water wave appeared on the field, lifted Bangira high, and covered it forward.

To suffer!

Little Luo was shocked, Bangira could surf, which was beyond his expectation.Seeing that the fossil pterosaur was about to rush into the water waves, Xiao Luo gritted his teeth, and commanded firmly: "Come on, the fossil pterosaur, break through the surfing trick, and rush out!"


After the fossil pterosaur heard Xiao Luo's command, it roared loudly, and its speed increased to another level, and it rushed straight into the water waves.

"Shoot" "Roar"

As soon as the fossil pterosaur came into contact with the water waves, it uttered a painful cry, but it didn't stop because of it. It roared again and again, broke through the water waves and rushed out, appearing behind Bangira.

At this moment, it was covered in water, out of breath, and obviously suffered a lot of damage.

"Good job! Now, fossil pterosaur, use billions of impact!" Xiao Luo excitedly directed.


The fossil pterosaur roared, its huge body was wrapped in thick purple-gray energy, like a missile, it hit Bangira at the top of the wave with unparalleled impact.

"How is it possible!" Ake stared at all this in a daze.

Bangira at the head of the wave turned his head and saw the impacting fossil pterosaur. Instead of panicking, he roared and opened his mouth to make a vicious wave.


The evil fluctuations did not stop the billions of impacts. Bangira was instantly washed down by the billions of impacts and fell to the ground. The huge force made him smash a big hole in the ground.And surfing without Bangira's control also disintegrated in an instant, gradually disappearing into the field.

"Ben, Bangira..." Ake called out with difficulty.


Bangira quickly stood up from the ground, looking angrily at the fossil pterosaur in the air, and before Ake could command him to open his mouth, a beam of destructive death shot out, hitting the fossil pterosaur directly.

Xiao Luo was taken aback, and immediately commanded: "Fossil pterosaur, get out of the way!"

Then, the fossilized pterosaur showed embarrassment, its body stiffened in the air, motionless.Obviously, the side effects of the billion-dollar shock are still there.


The destructive death light hit the fossil pterosaur, and after a bang, the fossil pterosaur fell to the ground, its eyes spiraling.

"The fossil pterosaur loses its ability to fight, and Bangira wins!"

Xiao Luo took the fossil pterosaur back in silence.

Bangira's strength has exceeded the range that Ake can control. The evil fluctuations before the billions of shocks weakened the power of the super shock, which made it recover from the blow so quickly.The instantaneous destructive death light is also its own initiative, because it has already calculated that the fossil pterosaur has no ability to dodge.Otherwise, with the speed of the fossil pterosaur, ten destructive death rays may not be able to hit one.This Bangira is not only strong, but also very smart.

"Bangira, who is so powerful, finally defeated Xiao Luo's fossil pterosaur with a destructive death light, and won the round."

"Flame Chicken, please do it again!" Xiao Luo dispatched the Flame Chicken again.

"Spray flames!"


The jet of flame shot out instantly, Bangira was unable to dodge, was hit by the jet of flame, and screamed in pain.

"Rush up and kick with flames!"


The flame chicken rushed up quickly, kicking Bangira with his flaming right leg in the air.

"Bangira, next!"


Bangira resumed his movements, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the flame chicken's flame kick.

"Huh, I don't have a long memory. Flame Chicken, Flame Kick!"

The flame chicken was caught on the right leg, and he didn't panic at all. His left leg sent out a flame kick trick again, and kicked Bangira's head.Under the pain, Bangira let go of the hand holding the flame.

"It's now, solve it, Heaven Fist!"

The flame chicken's right fist glowed with white fluorescence, and hit Bangira.

"Bangira, evil wave!"

Bangira's evil wave came out instantly, and the flame chicken couldn't react in time and was sent flying.In the end, Shangtian Fist still failed to hit Bangira.

"Bangira, counterattack, use the rock blade!"


Bangira roared, and countless sharp stones hit the flame chicken that fell to the ground.

"Flame chicken, hurry up and avoid it!"

"Boom bang bang..."

The flame chicken jumped high in time, dodging the attack of the rock blade, and the sharp stone hit the ground.

"Bangira, evil wave!"

Looking at the flame chicken in the air, Ake once again commanded.

"Flame chicken, shoot flames!"

The evil wave and jet flame collided in mid-air, sending out a strong explosion, and thick smoke billowed.

"Flame Chicken, use Flame Kick!"

"You must not let you succeed this time, Bangira, next."

Just when the flame chicken's flame kick was about to be caught by Benjila, Xiao Luo suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed: "It's now, Flame Chicken, Heaven Fist!"

The Flaming Chicken's flame kick disappeared in an instant, kicked the ground with one leg, and immediately changed the direction of attack. The Shangtian Fist was thrown out instantly, and Bangira couldn't react enough to hit it in the face, knocking it to the ground.Under the blow of the quadruple effect, Bangira finally lost the strength to stand up...

"Bangira lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won!"

(End of this chapter)

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