Chapter 130 Advance to the finals!

lost? !This is also good, at least let me know my shortcomings!Ake took back Bangira with a wry smile.

"Xiao Luo's Flaming Chicken defeated Ake's Bangira. Currently, Ake only has a giant pincer mantis. Ake is in a big crisis!"

"Go, Giant Pincer Mantis!" Ake gritted his teeth, and sent out Giant Pincer Mantis again.


As soon as the giant pincer mantis appeared, purple electric sparks flashed on its body, and it screamed in pain due to the attack of venom.

Don't give up the game yet!Yep, I'll do my best to beat your Ake.

"Come on, flame chicken, spray flames!"

"Giant Pincer Mantis, use tile splitting!"

Hearing the words, the giant pincer mantis used the trick of splitting tiles, breaking through the flames of the flame chicken and rushing towards the flame chicken.

Actually use splitting tiles?Already messed up?

Xiao Luo looked up at Ake, only to see that his face was blank and expressionless.

Seeing the arrogance of the giant pincer mantis, the flame chicken spontaneously increased the power of the flames before Xiao Luo gave a command.The flames soared instantly, engulfing the giant pincer mantis.

After spraying flames, the giant pincer mantis lay on the ground in pitch black, losing the ability to fight.

"The giant pincer mantis lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won. So the winner is Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town!"

"Congratulations to player Xiaoluo for entering the final, and thanks to player Ake for bringing us such a wonderful game!"

Xiao Luo took back the flame chicken, walked to Ake's side and said, "What's going on? It seems like you want to give me a victory."

Ake smiled and said: "Anyway, it's a loss, so it's better to lose more simply."

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Let's go, treat me to dinner, now, I'm starving!"

"Why should I invite you?"

"Who told you to win! After dinner, I will help you analyze Yuantai's elves, and then help you formulate countermeasures to win the championship of the Quartz Conference!"

Xiao Luo comforted: "Well, the Quartz Conference is our Zhenxin Town's own conference, and the champion will not be taken away by others!"

"Because of this, you can't lose, or you will be left in the annals of history forever."

"Fuck, you can't say something nice!"


In the restaurant next to the alliance hall, Xiao Luo, Xiao Zhi and others sat together.

Xiao Luo asked: "Currently, Yuantai only uses three elves, right? Fast Dragon, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and Charizard."

Ake nodded and said: "Well, there are only these three that appear in front of the audience at present, but I don't know if there is a more powerful existence hidden."

Xiaozhi said: "Didn't you say that Yuantai still has a beast in hand? If so, how could Xiaoluo beat him!"

Xiao Luo said: "It also depends on what kind of beast it is. It doesn't mean that the beast will definitely win. There are not a few beasts that I have won. Moreover, I am not afraid to tell you that I have a beast that can't lose to the beast." Where's the elf?"


Ake and Xiaozhi were shocked: "What elf?"

"Hey hey's me!" Geng Gui suddenly appeared in the middle of the crowd, scaring them all.

"Telepathy? Geng Ghost?" Ake looked at Xiao Luo in shock, and said, "So you have hidden so much from fighting with me. Bi Diao, Gyarados, Monkey Monster, and this Geng Ghost have nothing to hide." shot."

Xiao Luo said: "It's not what you said. It's not that the stronger the elf, the better the results. For example, Smelly Mud and your Giant Claw Mantis, I think no matter which elf is on the field against your Giant Claw Praying mantises are not as good as stinky mud."

After being stunned for a moment, Ake said, "It seems that this is really the case."

"So, some elves will achieve better results under certain circumstances. For you, I have really tried my best."

Ake smiled and said nothing more.

Xiaozhi asked: "Then do you know what Yuantai's beast is?"

Xiao Luo and Ake both shook their heads.

Xiao Luo knew a little more about the divine beasts, so he said: "Many divine beasts are unique, too high-level divine beasts are unlikely, they do not have the corresponding strength to control them. Just like Sakagi, who gave up all the Rockets, and finally Still can't control Chaomeng. Therefore, even if Yuantai has a beast, it will not be too powerful."

"Moreover, many divine beasts are protected by higher-ranking divine beasts. For example, the three divine beasts are protected by the Phoenix King, and the three divine birds are also protected by Rogia. Therefore, it is impossible for him to have these six divine beasts."

"If there are divine beasts, I think it is likely to be the kind of divine beast elves with a large number and no backstage. For example, Celebi, or Ladias and Latios."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and Ake asked aloud, "How do you know so much?"

Xiao Luo smiled mysteriously and said, "Because I have a backstage!"


"Then how do you plan to deal with Yuantai?" Xiaozhi asked.

Xiao Luo returned with a serious expression: "Tough and tough! Fight head-on."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ake was a little worried.

Xiao Luo nodded seriously: "This is also the decision of the bald birds. They like this way of fighting, and they also believe that I will help them win. They are very disgusted with those plans and calculations."

Ake was taken aback and said, "So you care so much about the feelings of the elves."

"It must be like this. The elves have everything we have. We understand the preferences and fighting styles of each elf, and then adapt to them and make corresponding commands. This is what a qualified trainer should do." Xiao Luo He gave Ake a meaningful look.

After Xiao Luo finished speaking, everyone fell into deep thought.

Xiao Luo looked at them with a smile.He said these words specifically for Ake.Through today's game, Luo discovered that Ake's command of Bangira has serious problems.Ake relied too much on Bangira's strength, and his command only paid attention to the suppression of strength, but ignored Bangira's own fighting style.If it wasn't for Bangira's own reaction, Xiao Luo's fossil pterosaur would be able to solve Bangira without the flame chicken.

"Perhaps, you're right!" After a long time, Ake said with a depressed expression.

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat quickly, and after eating, we can watch the match between Yuantai and Kaka!"

After eating, everyone rushed to the competition venue together, waiting for the start of the match between Yuantai and Kaka.

Not long after, the game finally started.After all, the strength of Kaka and Yuantai is much worse.Yuan Tai still used three elves to solve all Kaka's elves.Moreover, none of Yuantai's elves lost the ability to fight.

Among them, the fast dragon solved the three Kaka elves, the fire-breathing dragon solved two, and the super iron blast dragon perfectly defeated one.

There is no doubt about Yuan Tai's strength, which somewhat makes Xiao Luo a little worried about tomorrow's game.

"How is it, is there a lack of confidence?" Ake asked aloud.

"Frankly speaking, I'm really worried about tomorrow's game. As you said, if I really lose, I will be infamous forever. I can't afford to lose!"

Ake nodded and said, "He must have hidden his strength. Except for the fast dragon, the three elves that appeared on the stage may not be the main force. So you have to use [-] points of strength to deal with it."

Xiao Luo said: "I don't know what kind of elves he has!"

"It's definitely not an ordinary elf. Didn't Xiaoliu say that Yuan Tai's father bought a lot of rare elves for him! By the way, have you decided on the elves to use tomorrow?"

Xiao Luo nodded: "The strongest will play, the outcome depends on God's will!"

"Don't be discouraged, in my opinion, your winning rate is quite high."

"I hope, if you win, treat you to a big meal!"

Ake said with a smile: "For the sake of the feast, I will reluctantly cheer for you!"

Xiao Luo: "..."


On the second day, in the main arena of the Quartz Conference, Xiao Luo finally stood opposite Yuan Tai, the handsome young man...

"Okay, dear viewers, what you are watching now is the finals of the Quartz Conference of the Kanto League. The two sides are Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town and Yuan Tai from Hualan City. Who will be the champion of the Quartz Conference?" Will it be taken away by Zhenxin Town as always, or Yuantai will break the rules and win this season's championship. Let us wait and see!"

"I didn't expect that Zhenxin Town would rely on this kid to protect its reputation at the last moment!" Dr. Damu said with a smile while looking at Xiao Luo in the stands.

"This kid is really amazing, even better than our Xiaozhi!" Xiaozhi's mother Tomoko sat next to Dr. Oki.

Hualan City, in the Flower Basket Gym...

"I didn't expect that he could beat Ake to enter the final!" Aqing looked at Xiao Luo on the TV screen and laughed.

"Brother, who do you think will win between the two?" Xiao Liu asked from the side.

"It's hard to say, Yuan Tai's winning rate is higher, but Xiao Luo can often surprise people, I hope this time will be the same!"

"Brother, if Xiao Luo wins, can you ask him to help you..."

Ah Qing hesitated for a while and said: "It's still early, let him grow up for a while before we talk about it. In this way, the confidence will be greater."


(I don’t want to sign a contract anymore, I just write it for fun. So don’t rush, I promise to keep going. These days are cool, I will write more chapters!!)

(End of this chapter)

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