Chapter 131 Finals (1)

Yuan Tai looked at Xiao Luo with a smile, with a frivolous look like a son: "I have watched your game, and your strength is not bad. I hope to have some fun in the game with you!"

Xiao Luo glanced at him, and thought to himself: This man is such a stinky fart!

"I hope you won't be so happy that you burst into tears!" Xiao Luo said lightly.

"Hehe, just watch, the champion of this Quartz Conference must be mine! What champion town, this time, I will definitely break this rule!"

Seeing Yuan Tai's character, Xiao Luo has lost interest in talking to him: "Take out your elf! Speak by strength, don't brag about Kentaro's B!"

"Hmph, go, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus!" Yuan Tai snorted coldly and threw out the poke ball.

White light flashed, and a sturdy super iron tyrannosaur wearing armor appeared on the field.The roar shook the sky, his eyes were full of energy, and his gestures seemed to be full of strength. The single horn on his head emitted a piercing cold light, which intimidated people.

Indeed it is!

Xiao Luo's eyes flickered, and he immediately took out the elf ball from the back of his waist and threw it out: "Water elf, this match is up to you!"

A white light flashed, and an elegant water elf appeared on the field, with a cold expression, looking at the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus without any emotion, and did not respond to the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus' provocative roar.

"It happened. In the first round, the Yuantai player used a brute-force type elf like the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex. And Xiao Luo's player used the water-type water elf in a targeted manner. Which side will win first? Let Let's wait and see!"

"Do you want to use attribute restraint tactics? However, my Super Iron Tyrannosaurus is not afraid of water-type elves." Yuan Tai smiled confidently, and immediately took the lead in attacking: "Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, use earthquake!"

The super iron tyrannosaurus punched the ground, and circles of gray ripples centered on the super iron tyrannosaurus rex, wanted to ripple around, and the venue shook violently.

"Water spirit, jump up and use the water cannon!"

The water elf jumped high before the earthquake affected him, and then opened his mouth to spray a thick spiral water column, hitting the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, landslides and ground cracks!"

The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus let out a roar, and went deep into the ground with both hands, lifted a huge rock, and smashed it out.The water cannon hit the rock, the rock shattered, and the trick of the water cannon was terminated.

"It's now, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, one hundred thousand volts!"

A yellow electric current flooded the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, and a streak of yellow electric light zigzagged and shot towards the water elf in mid-air.

It will be one hundred thousand volts!
Xiao Luo was a little surprised, but she didn't lag behind in command: "Water spirit, protect!"


A green protective cover appeared around the water elf's body to protect it, resisting the [-] volts of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.

After the water elf landed safely, Xiao Luo immediately commanded: "Use the surfing trick!"


The water elf uttered a long cry, and a huge water wave appeared from the field, lifted the water elf high, and rolled towards the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus overwhelmingly.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't succeed! Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, we also use surfing!"


The super iron tyrannosaurus roared, and a water wave also appeared, meeting the surfing trick of the water elf.


The two water waves collided together, and the venue was instantly like a water venue, with water everywhere.The two elves in the wave also collided...

"That's it, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, use one hundred thousand volts!"

"Dream, water spirit, fully powered, freezing light!"

Just when the super iron tyrannosaurus was about to use [-] volts, the water elf suddenly let out a long cry, and opened its mouth to spray several zigzag blue rays of light towards the super iron tyrannosaurus.Surrounded by water, and with full power, the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus was frozen instantly. Together with the water waves below, an iceberg suddenly appeared on the field, and a Super Iron Tyrannosaurus was frozen on the top of the iceberg. Tyrannosaurus.

"Come back, water elf!" Xiao Luo immediately took the water elf back, quickly replaced the elf ball and threw it out: "Gyarados, the most powerful water cannon trick!"


The golden phosphorous powder was sprinkled, and as soon as the Gyarados appeared, it was an extremely powerful water cannon trick, heading straight for the frozen Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.


The ice was shattered, and the powerful water cannon hit the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, flying it upside down, hitting the wall of the field, and the wall was shattered.

"Come back, Gyarados!" Xiao Luo quickly took the Gyarados back, and switched back to the Water Elf, commanding: "Now, the Water Elf's surfing trick will kill it!"

The water elf quickly jumped to the top of the iceberg and let out a long cry. A wave of water ignored the existence of the iceberg and appeared on the field again.

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, stand up quickly!" Yuan Tai shouted anxiously.However, all this is in vain, and it is very difficult to continue to survive under the water cannon of the Gyarados.Want to recover quickly, unless you are a beast.

Is Ironclad Tyrannosaurus a mythical beast?Obviously not!

In the end, the super iron tyrannosaurus did not make any response before the water wave hit, and was swallowed by the water wave again.Two powerful water system tricks hit.The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus has lost all its strength.

"The super iron tyrannosaurus loses its ability to fight, and the water elf wins."

"Wow wow... What a wonderful game. Contestant Xiao Luo made full use of the exchange of elves to quickly deal with Yuantai's Super Iron Tyrannosaurus. It's just that Contestant Xiao Luo's movements were very fast, and the elf he just replaced seemed to be a very The unusual Gyarados, I didn't see it too clearly. Could it be the trump card of player Xiaoluo?"

"Damn it!" Yuan Tai took back the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus angrily, and said to Xiao Luo, "That was a Gyarados with a golden elf just now! I didn't expect you to have such a rare elf. If possible, I will I hope you can buy that elf after the game, the price is up to you!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it!" Xiao Luo's eyes showed a cold look.

It turns out that there are really such disgusting trainers in this world.

"Impossible, there is no elf that I can't afford, as long as you are willing to sell it!"

Xiao Luo smiled, pointed to Cole on the stand and said, "Did you see that little girl? Do you know who she is?"

Yuan Tai looked in the direction, and sure enough, he saw a blonde girl who was as cute as a porcelain doll.

"Who is she and does it have anything to do with me?"

"Of course, this Gyarados was given to me by her. If you want to buy it, you can talk to her! Oh, and, she is the granddaughter of the kind old man of Shirufu Company! It is also a businessman's family, I think you will definitely talk about it It's a pleasure!"

"Are you kidding me?" Yuan Tai asked with a gloomy face.

Yuan Tai is still very self-aware, he really can't afford to offend Shiluf Company.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, don't BB, hurry up and take out your second elf!"

"Since you want to court death so much, let me step on you to win the championship of the Quartz Conference." After finishing speaking, Yuan Tai took out another elf ball and threw it out: "Come out, fire-breathing dragon!"


A flame soared into the sky, and a huge fire-breathing dragon appeared directly in the air, looking down at the water elf with a proud expression on its face.

It's just that for the water elf, it showed the wrong feelings.The water elf only glanced at it indifferently when it appeared, and then never looked at it again.Such a situation made the fire-breathing dragon furious, and jets of flames spurted out angrily, shooting straight into the sky.

(My cousin asked me to go to the double row LOL! How can I bear the naked temptation, I will go... I will try to get another one later.)
(End of this chapter)

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