Chapter 132 Finals (2)

Seeing the fire-breathing dragon, Xiao Luo couldn't help laughing out loud: "Why, do you only have these few elves that show up? Or do you have confidence in the game and think that you don't need to use those elves that are hidden by you?"

"Hmph, you will see those elves after you defeat these!" After finishing speaking, Yuan Tai commanded the fire-breathing dragon and said, "Charizard, use the fire-breathing dragon!"


When the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth, a jet of flame shot out, hitting the water elf extremely fast.

"Water spirit, water cannon!"


When the water elf heard the words, a thick spiral jet of water spewed out, meeting the flames of the fire-breathing dragon.When the two intersect, they are actually in a state of equilibrium, and then cancel each other out.

Xiao Luo was taken aback for a moment, then reminded the water elf: "Be careful with the water elf, the opponent is very strong!"


The water elf also sensed the strength of his opponent, and became more cautious.

"Charizard, use Dragon's Fury!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and a milky white energy ball formed in its mouth, surrounded by red sparks, and hit the water elf.

"Water spirit, protect!"


A green protective cover appeared around the water elf, protecting it all around. Dragon's Wrath hit the protection, and there was a bang, creating a puff of smoke, but Xiao Luo believed that the water elf was absolutely unharmed in this attack. No injuries.

But what Xiao Luo didn't expect was that immediately after Dragon's Wrath, the fire-breathing dragon rushed towards the water elf.Just when the protection dissipated, the fire-breathing dragon had appeared in front of the water elf.

"Very well, Charizard, now, use the earth throw!"

Under the surprised eyes of the water elf, the fire-breathing dragon hugged it tightly and rushed into the air. After spinning a few times, it slammed down towards the ground at a high speed.

"Water spirit, use the water cannon trick on the ground." Xiao Luo commanded in time.


Hearing the words, the water elf used all his strength to use the water cannon on the ground. The strong resistance made the fire-breathing dragon's expression a little embarrassed.However, this didn't stop the fire-breathing dragon from throwing on the earth. The fire-breathing dragon roared, ignoring the strong resistance of the water cannon, and slammed the water sprite onto the ground.


The powerful earth throw caused the field to shake slightly, and the ground below the water elf even cracked.


After the cast on the earth was completed, the fire-breathing dragon let out an aggrieved roar, and glared at the water elf lying on the ground.Obviously, it also knows that the water elf has not lost its ability to fight.


The water elf stood up tremblingly, and its physical strength was greatly damaged by just one blow, and it was a little panting.It can be seen from this that if the water cannon hadn't reduced most of the damage, this single blow would be enough to instantly kill the water elf.

"Come back, water elf!" Seeing this, Xiao Luo took the water elf back, and then took out an elf ball and threw it out: "Flame Chicken, leave the rest to you!"


The flame chicken let out a high-pitched cry, and the flames on its wrists made a "chichi" sound. After seeing the fire-breathing dragon, it actually showed an extremely unhappy expression.


The fire-breathing dragon also uttered angrily, and the two fire elves seemed to dislike each other!

"Water-type elves won't work, and even fire-type ones won't work. Fire-breathing dragon, weigh it up and spit flames!"

Xiao Luo smiled and snapped his fingers: "Flame Chicken, don't let him underestimate you, use flame jet!"

"call" "call"

Two jets of flames were sent out one after another, one up and one down, intertwined in mid-air.Immediately afterwards, circles of fire waves erupted, spreading around, and the scorching air suddenly made it difficult to breathe.

"It was such a fierce collision. The two elves' flame-throwing skills were evenly matched. The scorching breath had already ignited the fighting spirit of the two elves. Who will win this round of competition?"

"It seems that this flame chicken is stronger than that water elf!" Yuan Tai said with a smile, "You have quite a few good elves."

"There are so many good elves, as long as you have the ability, I will show you all of them!" Xiao Luo replied with a smile on her face, "I'm afraid you don't have the ability to let me show all the elves!"

"Hmph, arrogance. Charizard uses dragon claws!"

Emerald green energy appeared in the fire-breathing dragon's hands, forming huge claws, and swooped down towards the flame chicken!

"Want to fight melee? This is my favorite! Come on Flame Chicken, Flame Fist!"


The flame chicken ignited raging flames in both hands, jumped up actively, and met the fire-breathing dragon.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

The flame fist and the dragon claw kept colliding, and the two elves hit the ground from the air, and no one could do anything to the other. They tried to hit each other desperately, but they were dodged or blocked by the other one by one.After fighting for more than a dozen rounds in an instant, the two elves made great efforts to complete the last collision, and then opened the distance.The effect of the trick disappeared, and both elves gasped.This kind of battle is very exhausting.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use Dragon's Wrath!" Yuan Tai couldn't help being a little annoyed when he saw that he couldn't help the flame chicken, and quickly commanded.

The fire-breathing dragon roared, and a huge milky white energy ball formed in its mouth and hit the flame chicken.

Still want that set?Come on, let's decide the winner here!
Xiao Luo glanced at the fire-breathing dragon and Yuan Tai sharply, and directed at the flame chicken: "Block it, use the jet flame!"


The jet flame of the flame chicken shot out instantly, and met the wrath of the dragon. As soon as the two met, there was a violent explosion, billowing thick smoke, floating in the air.


The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and swooped down, passed through the thick smoke, and rushed towards the flame chicken at an extremely fast speed.

"It's now, Flame Chicken, fly knees!"

The flame chicken turned around slightly, a layer of dazzling white light appeared on the knee of the right leg, stepped on the ground with its left leg hard, flew up, and slammed into the fire-breathing dragon.The fire-breathing dragon couldn't dodge in time, and was hit directly on the head by the flying knee of the flame chicken.With this blow, the fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth wide, its eyes protruded, and its body flew up involuntarily.

"Very good, then use the flame kick!"

The flame chicken turned over and landed handsomely, then rose into the air again, caught up with the fire-breathing dragon, and after spinning 360 degrees in the air, kicked the fire-breathing dragon's neck again with its right foot burning with flames.The powerful force caused the fire-breathing dragon to change its direction instantly, and fell towards the ground at extreme speed.

"It's not enough, continue to use jet flame!"


A regular columnar flame spurted out from the flame chicken's mouth, chasing the fire-breathing dragon.

"Boom" "Boom"

After the fire-breathing dragon landed, before it had time to react, the jet of flame hit it again and exploded.After the three consecutive hits, the fire-breathing dragon was already lying motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins!"


The flame chicken let out a cry of victory, and when it raised its head, a jet of flames shot straight into the sky, expressing its excitement.

"Damn it, come back, fire-breathing dragon!" Yuan Tai took the fire-breathing dragon back angrily, and threw out a poke ball without any hesitation: "Kuailong, it's your turn to play!"


Yuantai Kuailong's personality is very different from Xiaoluo's. I saw his Kuailong's fierce face, grinning and glaring at the flame chicken.There is no simple and honest expression that Kuailong should have.

"Sure enough, it's Kuailong! The young master has decided to suppress you thoroughly today, to extinguish your arrogance!" Xiao Luo said, then took the flame chicken back, and also changed it to a poke ball without hesitation. Out: "Baldy Bird, the first show, play well!"


Xiao Luo threw the elf ball very high, so the bald bird appeared above the fast dragon as soon as it appeared.The huge body nearly twice the size of Kuailong unfolded, and the cast figure completely covered Kuailong below.Diaoyan squinted, looking at Kuailong with disdain in his eyes.


Kuailong couldn't stand the provocation, lightning flashed between his horns, and a beam of one hundred thousand volts shot out instantly, hitting the bald bird.

"call out"

The huge figure of the bald bird disappeared instantly, and then appeared opposite Kuailong.After taking a look at Kuailong's [-] volts, he didn't forget to cast a contemptuous look at it.


Kuailong roared angrily, and was about to rush up to have a good fight with Bi Diao when Yuan Tai stopped him.

"This is Bi Diao?" Yuan Tai stared blankly at Bi Diao and said, "How can it be so huge?"

"It has to be big. It is a fighter jet in the competition. It can easily deal with your Kuailong. If you are sensible, surrender and admit defeat!"

"Why is its head bald?"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Are you selling this? I'll buy it for any amount!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Wow! What did I see? Contestant Luo actually used Bi Diao! That's right, it is Bi Diao, a Bi Diao that is three times bigger than ordinary Bi Diao. And... this Bi Diao's crown feather It seems to be bald too. I remember that Bi Diao, a contestant from Xiaomao, seemed to be like this. Is this the new hair style that Bi Diao is popular this year?"

The narrator's words drew laughter from the audience, which made Baldy Bird's face gradually darken...

(End of this chapter)

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