Chapter 133 Finals (3)

"Bi Diao, flash it with lightning!" Xiao Luo was afraid that the bald bird would go berserk if it continued like this, so he simply directed it to attack.


Bi Diao let out a long cry, dragged a white light, and rushed towards Kuailong with great momentum.

"Hmph, Kuailong show your power, next, use one hundred thousand volts!"


Kuailong roared, stretched out his chubby arms, and blocked in front of him, with a resolute face.


Bi Diao's huge body hit Kuailong's arms, and the powerful force made Kuailong retreat far in an instant, but Kuailong's arms still blocked Bi Diao.The white light dissipated, and Kuailong's hands had firmly grasped Bi Diao's wings.


Kuailong roared, lightning flashed between its horns, and a beam of [-] volts was sent out, hitting Bi Diao's body.

The powerful electric current made Bi Diao's expression extremely painful. With just this blow, Bi Diao fell to the ground covered in black smoke.

"It's now, Kuailong, use the broken Kuai death light to solve it!"

Kuailong opened his mouth, a little bit of golden light condensed, and a wave of golden energy shot out, hitting Bi Diao who fell to the ground.

What happened in an instant made Xiao Luo open his mouth wide in surprise. He never thought that Kuailong could catch Bi Diao's flash of lightning like this. Seeing that the destructive death light was about to hit Bi Diao, Xiao Luo had to shout anxiously Said: "Bi Diao, hurry up and dodge!"


After Bi Diao heard Xiao Luo's cry, he immediately opened his eyes, fluttered his wings, and flashed away from under the destructive death light in an instant.


The destructive death light hit the ground, making a strong bang, and a huge crater was blown out of the ground.


Panting slightly, Bi Diao stopped opposite Kuailong, glaring at him.And Bi Diao was able to escape, which made Xiao Luo very happy.

"It's now, Bi Diao, use the storm!"

Taking advantage of the aftereffects of destroying the dead light, Xiao Luo immediately directed Bi Diao to launch a big counterattack.


Bi Diao let out a long cry, stretched his wings vigorously, and then flapped them vigorously.A strong airflow was generated, and a huge tornado gradually formed on the site. With the appearance of this tornado, the sky seemed to darken.

The tornado roared towards Kuailong, wrapped it in the tornado, and blew it high. Kuailong immediately let out a painful roar, but there was nothing he could do.


After Kuailong was spun around by the tornado for a few weeks, he was slammed against the wall of the venue, cracking the wall and falling to the ground.Immediately following the tornado, it disappeared.

"It's very good, now use hot air!"


Bi Diao flapped his wings again, blowing out a gust of fish-like red hot wind and swept towards Kuailong again.

"Hmph, fast dragon, use jet flame!"


Kuailong had already recovered. After hearing Yuantai's command, he immediately opened his mouth and spit out a crimson columnar flame intertwined with hot wind.


After the two intersected, after a stalemate for a while, they exploded, producing billowing thick smoke.

"You can actually escape under such a situation, I really underestimate you! But, I won't give you another chance now. Fast Dragon, Dragon's Charge!"


The fast dragon flew high, and the blue dragon energy appeared around it, forming a phantom of a huge western dragon. As the fast dragon charged down, it rushed towards Bi Diao with a high-pitched dragon chant!
"Bi Diao, shadow clone!"


More than a dozen clones of Bi Diao appeared on the field in a circle.Under the impact of Dragon's Charge, three of the clones disappeared instantly.

"It's useless, Kuailong sprays flames and strafes!"

"Bi Diao, Hot Wind!"


The hot wind and jet flames intersected again and exploded.Xiao Luo used the hot wind to resist the jet flames of Kuailong, keeping the remaining clones.

"Is this interesting? Little Luo, sooner or later you will lose, why don't you just admit defeat!"

"Losing? Although your Kuailong is very powerful, it's not certain who will lose! Bi Diao..."

Xiao Luo uttered a deep meaningless cry.


Bi Diao nodded sharply!
"Very good, use Lightning Flash!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

More than a dozen Bi Diao launched the lightning flash trick together and rushed towards Kuailong!

"Hmph, Kuailong, one hundred thousand volts of scattering!"

The two horns of Kuailong emitted electric light again, scattered into small electric currents and spread out to the surroundings.Bi Diao was inevitably hit by the electric current one by one and then disappeared.

"Damn it, Bi Diao's shadow clone, and then use the lightning flash!"


More than a dozen Bi Diao reappeared, and then launched a flash of lightning trick to rush towards Kuailong.

"It's useless a few times, this kind of trick is impossible to hit Kuailong! Kuailong, spray flames!"


Kuailong opened his mouth and spit out crimson flames, shooting out!

Mommy, I'm just waiting for your trick.Xiao Luo looked happy, and immediately commanded: "Bi Diao, go up, Bao Feng!"


Just hearing Bi Diao's long cry, a tornado slowly formed in the field, and the flames jetted by Kuailong hit the storm, and it was actually caught in the middle of the storm, whistling, and the storm turned into a burning flame whirlwind.

"What, how is it possible! Even though he is using the flash of lightning, how can he still use the storm trick?" Yuan Tai watched the flame whirlwind grow bigger and bigger in disbelief.

"Quick Dragon, stop quickly!"

However, it was already too late, the storm had already formed, and the flames in it were burning extremely fiercely, and the powerful flame whirlwind gave people an invincible aura just by looking at it.

"Come on, Bi Diao, solve it!"


With Bi Diao's long cry, the whirlwind of flames swept towards Kuailong.

"Damn it, since that's the case, Kuailong uses Dragon's Charge!"


Kuailong didn't show the slightest fear, the dragon's charge came out, and rushed towards the flame storm resolutely.


Following the impact of Dragon's Charge, the flame storm exploded, the heat wave rolled, and the flames swept across the entire venue. The strong shock wave spread, almost blowing people into the air.Billowing thick smoke covered the entire venue.Bi Diao gasped and stopped in mid-air, his eyes fixed on the bottom.

"Bi Diao, can you see Kuai Long's situation?" Bi Diao's characteristic is sharp eyes, which is why Xiao Luo asked this question.


Bi Diao nodded.

"Very good, continue to launch the hot wind attack!"

Bi Diao flapped his wings again, and blew hot air towards the Kuailong below.



In the thick smoke, a jet of flame shot out, colliding with Bi Diao's hot wind.


The two exploded again.Bi Diao's face turned ugly.Obviously, not only did Kuailong not lose his fighting ability, but he also seemed to be in good condition.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo did not dare to continue to attack, and could only quietly wait for the smoke to dissipate.

Not long after, the smoke finally dissipated, and Kuailong stood proudly on the ground, covered in scars, panting for breath, staring at Bi Diao with unruly eyes.

The grass mud horse, isn't it just a sub-divine beast, as for being so perverted!

Xiao Luo looked at Yuantai's Kuailong with a headache, and couldn't help worrying about the next game.This is the trouble for a fast dragon, so what will happen to the three elves that Yuantai has not yet appeared!
"Very good Kuailong, next use [-] volts!"

"Bi Diao, use Lightning Flash after avoiding it!"

Kuailong once again sent out one hundred thousand volts to hit Bi Diao, because his physical strength was greatly damaged, and his speed and power were not as good as before.Bi Diao easily dodged the [-]-volt attack, and then rushed towards Kuailong with a white light.

"Hmph, Kuailong, Lightning Palm!"


Kuailong's right hand was wrapped in lightning, and he hit Bi Diao who was coming.

I'm a mud horse, do you want to play!To deal with Bi Diao, as for it?

"Turn back!" Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.

Just when Kuailong's Lightning Palm was about to hit Bi Diao, Bi Diao made a turn and flew straight up with the white light, avoiding the attack of the Lightning Palm.

"It's now, Hot Wind!"


Bi Diao let out a long cry, and once again fanned a large piece of hot wind towards Kuailong.This time, Kuailong couldn't react in time, was shrouded in hot wind, and half kneeled on the ground in pain.

"Damn it, since that's the case, Kuailong, use the broken fast death light!"

Kuailong opened his mouth and began to condense and destroy the dead light!
"Fight, fight, use the most powerful storm!"


Bi Diao let out a long cry, his wings flapped vigorously, and a huge tornado formed between the two elves!

"Let's go Bi Diao!"

"Come on, fast dragon!"

"call out"

Kuailong's destructive death light shot straight out and hit Bi Diao's storm, and the two exploded as soon as they came into contact.

The strong wind of the storm spread, and the powerful shock wave knocked the two elves to the ground in an instant.

"Bi Diao, stand up quickly!"

"Kuailong, you can't lose, stand up!"

"Bi Diao Diao~" "Wow~"

The two elves stood up one after another, and Bi Diao couldn't even fly anymore, so he just stood with his wings supporting his body.Kuailong was also a little unstable, crooked.

In this case, replacing Bi Diao was the best choice, but Xiao Luo didn't dare to do so.For Bi Diao, unless he loses his combat ability or defeats his opponent, there is no replacement.If Xiao Luo did this, then Xiao Luo would die.

Just when Xiao Luo gritted his teeth and was about to attack again, Kuailong suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground.

"Kuailong loses his ability to fight, and Bidiao wins!"


Xiao Luo was a little dumbfounded.But Bi Diao let out a long cry of excitement, trying to fly, but staggered and almost fell.

"Okay, don't panic, come back and rest!" No matter how you say it, you still won this game, and Xiao Luo also took Bi Diao back.

(End of this chapter)

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