Chapter 135 Finals (5)

A burst of gold dust fell, and a khaki Benjira appeared opposite the Gyarados.

Seeing this Bangira, Xiao Luo's jaw dropped to the ground in surprise.He never expected that Yuan Tai actually had a flashing Bangira, which was much rarer than his flashing Gyarados.I really don't know how much his father paid for this elf.

Bangira's character seems to be extremely tyrannical. When the fierce eyes swept over the Gyarados, he let out a roar, and shot out a beam of destructive death without any power, and directly hit the Gyarados with a strong sound of piercing the air. .


This kind of behavior directly aroused the anger of the Gyarados, and also not to be outdone, responded with an instant destructive death light.


The two destructive death rays collided in mid-air, bursting instantly, billowing thick smoke, and strong airflow spreading around.The person who blows feels bored for a while.

So strong!

The two expressed emotion to each other's elves in unison.

After the thick smoke dissipated, the two elves looked at each other and roared loudly.The fifth round of the competition also officially started after two mutual attempts to destroy the death light!
"Bangira, use evil waves!"

Bangira roared, and opened his mouth to spray countless black rays of light, forming a beam of light and hitting the Gyarados.

"Tyrannosaurus, water cannon!"


A thick spiral jet of water sprayed out from the mouth of the Gyarados, colliding with Bangira's evil waves.The power of the water cannon is too strong, and it is obvious that the water cannon is hitting back the evil wave little by little, and is advancing towards Bangira.


Bangira's eyes widened with anger, and suddenly increased the force of the evil wave, and the chaotic beam suddenly became thicker, detonating the water cannon in midair.

"It's now, Gyarados, Mizuno!"

The tyrannosaur swam its huge body and rushed towards Bangira. At the same time, its tail was also wrapped in a large amount of liquid water, and it twitched straight down towards Bangira.

"Bangira, next!"


Bangira roared and stretched out her arms.


The huge force made Bangira slid deep marks on the ground. Although it was a bit difficult, he still resisted the water tail of the Gyarados.

Nima, why don't you be so perverted!
Slight sweat stains flowed from Xiao Luo's forehead.

"Very good Bangira, use Thunder Fang!"

Bangira's teeth glowed with yellow lightning, holding the tyrannosaurus in both hands, and bit hard on the hard scales of the violent dragon.This blow immediately made the Gyarados howl in pain, with an extremely painful expression on its expression.

"Throw it out, practically destroy the dead light!"


After Lei Ya passed, Bangira roared angrily, holding the huge body of the tyrannosaurus in his short hands, turned around twice, and then slammed it on the wall of the arena.Immediately afterwards, a destructive death light burst out instantly.


The destructive death light directly hit the Gyarados without any accidents, and exploded.The Gyarados was completely enveloped by the thick smoke from the explosion.

"Gyarados..." Xiao Luo cried out nervously.

Yuantai's Bangira is not only powerful, but also extremely powerful.Knowing this, Xiao Luo would never choose melee combat.


The roar of the tyrannosaurus resounded in the smoke, and immediately after, the huge body of the tyrannosaurus rose into the air again, covered with scars and panting.

"Hmph, you haven't lost your ability to fight yet! Xiao Luo, your Gyarados is quite strong!"

Xiao Luo was annoyed by the command just now, and at the moment he was not in the mood to talk to Yuan Tai.Seeing that the Gyarados hadn't lost its ability to fight, Xiao Luo immediately commanded it to attack: "Gyarados, use the water cannon!"


The Gyarados shot out in anger, and the thick water cannon shot out instantly, hitting Bangira.

"Bangira, evil wave!"


A black chaotic light beam spewed out from Bangira's mouth. Bangira, who had already understood the power of the Gyarados water cannon, easily resisted the trick of the water cannon this time, but the water cannon still failed.

Recovery is so fast!
Xiao Luo was surprised by Bangira's performance again!
"Bangira, the rock blade!"

Two intersecting bands of light appeared around Bangira, and then turned into countless sharp stones. With Bangira's wave of his hand, the stones hit the Tyrannosaurus with a "swoosh" sound of breaking through the air.

"Mizuno, come down now!"


The water tail of the tyrannosaurus was instantaneous, and all of Bangira's rock blades were blown away.

"Gyarados, fire the water cannons in succession, and wet the place next to Bangira!"

"Puff puff"

A water cannon sprayed out from the mouth of the Gyarados and hit around Bangira.Before long, there was a lot of water on the ground.

What idea do you want to make?
Yuan Tai was a little puzzled, but he couldn't guess Xiao Luo's real intentions, so he could only direct Bangira: "Bangira, evil wave!"

Bangira ignored the water cannon that was hitting beside him, and opened his mouth to spray black chaotic light, forming a beam of light and hitting the Tyrannosaurus.


Xiao Luo clenched his fists and commanded again: "Avoid, and then use the freezing light at Benjila's feet!"

The Gyarados swam its body, and after avoiding Bangira's evil waves, it opened its mouth and spewed out several zigzag blue rays of light.When the light hit the ground, the water stains on the ground immediately froze, forming a layer of crystal clear ice with a wide range.Bangira's feet were also wrapped in the spreading ice.

"Hmph, why, do you want to restrict Bangira's actions like this? Ridiculous idea! Bangira, rock blade!" Yuan Tai launched another attack.

"Gyarados is fully powered, use the water cannon!"


An extremely thick spiral water column struck out with a strong sound of piercing through the air.After knocking Bangira's rock blades away one by one, he continued to hit Bangira.

"Bangira, evil wave!"

When the water cannon was close to the eyes, Bangira used the evil wave trick in time.Because the water cannon was weakened by the sharp edge of the rock, it was easily repelled by the evil wave, and the two exploded again in the middle of the air.

"OK! Let's go Gyarados, let's do Mizuno one more time!"


The tyrannosaurus roared, and swam down again, its tail was wrapped in a large amount of liquid water, and it pulled towards Bangira vigorously.

"It's useless! Bangira, next."


Benji stretched out his arms to resist the Gyarados' Mizuno.

However, at this moment Bangira is surrounded by ice.The huge impact brought by the water tail made Bangira break through the ice layer that bound his feet and slide onto the ice.Once on the ice, Bangira immediately felt something was wrong.Because, the body involuntarily backed up quickly, on the hard ice layer, it was difficult for it to use its strength to resist the tail of the water.

Bangira was skating and retreated directly by the Gyarados' Mizunoo tail. When he reached the rough ground without ice, Bangira couldn't control himself, his body was unstable, and he fell directly to the ground.

"What? It turned out to be like this! Bangira, stand up quickly!" Yuan Tai shouted anxiously.

"It's late! Gyarados, it's now, use the water cannon to attack!"


A thick spiral jet of water sprayed out from the mouth of the Gyarados once again, and Bangira, who was just about to get up, fell to the ground under the powerful impact of the water cannon, screaming again and again.

"Very good, use the freezing light next!" Xiao Luo commanded vigorously.


Several tortuous blue rays shot out from the mouth of the Gyarados again, directly hitting Bangira.At this moment, Bangira was covered in water, and the attack of the freezing light immediately formed a small iceberg on it.Bangira lay at the very bottom of the iceberg.

"It's over, Gyarados, the last blow, destroy the dead light!"

A little bit of golden light began to condense in the mouth of the Gyarados, because Bangira had been restrained, and the Gyarados had plenty of time to accumulate power to destroy the dead light.Therefore, this destructive dead light Gyarados condensed for a long time.

Finally, following the roar of the Gyarados, a beam of golden light of destruction hit Bangira directly with unparalleled momentum...


Ice slags splashed, and a mushroom cloud formed where Bangira was.Bangira's huge body was directly lifted out, and he lay on the ground in all directions, his eyes spiraling.

"Bangira lost the ability to fight, and the Gyarados won!"


The Gyarados roared to the sky, roaring triumphantly.At this moment, it is panting like an old man suffering from asthma, and it may collapse at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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