Chapter 136 Finals (6)

Yuan Tai withdrew Bangira with a flat expression: "Sure enough, we still have to go to this point, but I didn't expect that my Bangira would lose to your Gyarados!"

"There are so many things you didn't expect. Come on, let me see your beast!"


The corners of Yuan Tai's mouth rose slightly, and he solemnly took out a very special elf ball to show Xiao Luo: "That's it!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Tai threw out the poke ball forcefully: "Come out, Latios!"

The elf ball opened in mid-air, and white light radiated everywhere, which was so dazzling that a figure flashed out from the elf ball, and let out a high-pitched long cry like a dragon's chant.

"Woo--" "Shhhhhhh..."

Before Xiao Luo had time to see Latios's appearance clearly, it moved quickly, turning into a blue light and shadow, and freely shuttled over the field.

After a long time, Lattios stopped, stretching out his arms under his body, floating quietly, staring at Xiao Luo with big and divine eyes, waiting for his opponent to appear.

"Wow wow wow! It's incredible, the last elf of Yuantai is actually the legendary little elf—Latios! Now, Xiao Luo is about to fall into a huge crisis. Xiao Luo has a way to deal with La Dios Oss? Let's wait and see!"

"Is this Latios? Judging by the speed just now, it seems to be very powerful, but now it's a little troublesome." In the stands, Ake frowned.Although Xiao Luo guessed that Yuantai's beast was Latios early in the morning, the beast is a beast after all, and its power is beyond doubt.

"Xiao Luo will definitely win, Xiao Luo's Geng Gui will definitely not lose to this Latios, definitely not!" Xia Yi also clenched her fists a little nervously.

Lan Yun said: "It shouldn't be a big problem. After all, Xiao Luo still has five elves. Even if they are divine beasts, Xiao Luo still has a great chance of winning!"

Ake shook his head and said: "If Bi Diao and Gyarados are physically strong enough, it should be fine. However, Gyarados and Gyarados have obviously lost the possibility of fighting again, and the water elf is definitely not this one. The opponent of the beast. The flame chicken may be able to fight, but if Xiao Luo's last elf can't consume a lot of Latios' physical strength, Xiao Luo still has a big chance of losing!"

Ake said with a solemn expression: "The situation is not optimistic, it depends on the performance of Xiao Luo's Geng Gui!"


Xiao Luo's eyes flickered, staring at Latios and asked Yuantai, "Where did you get this Latios?"

"There's no need to tell you this." Yuan Tai chuckled, "Okay, now take out your elf, and let you see what a beast is called."

"Cut! Isn't it just a Lattios, what are you doing!" Xiao Luo's typical sour grapes mentality.

"Master Ghost, it's time for you to appear!" Xiao Luo raised his head and shouted towards the sky.However, after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

I'll rub it, no way, the chain will be dropped at such a critical moment.

"Ghost, you're on stage!" Xiao Luo was really anxious.

"That...can't be beaten!" Geng Gui's voice came into Xiao Luo's ears leisurely.

"You must be joking!" Xiao Luo's face darkened, the corners of his mouth twitched again and again, his expression extremely ugly.

"Really, this kind of elf is born to restrain me, I really can't beat it!"

"That's a must, otherwise, what should I do, let me admit defeat?" Xiao Luo gritted her teeth and said, "Who said it would be all right? Don't talk so loudly, I won't be so stubborn to compare the Gyarados and the Bizarre The carvings are all gone."

Geng Gui said with some embarrassment: "This... isn't there two little guys, let them go up first and try!"

Seeing that Xiao Luo didn't take out the elf for a long time, Yuan Tai smiled and said, "What's the matter? If you feel unsure, just admit defeat! There's no shame in losing to a divine beast. You are already very good at pushing me to this point!"

"Admit defeat? There is no word for admit defeat in my dictionary!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo took out the elf ball and threw it out: "Come out, water elf!"

Master Gui is unwilling to play, Xiao Luo can only rely on the water elf and flame chicken.

White light flashed, and the water elf gracefully appeared on the field. When his eyes swept over Latios, the unique coercion of the beast made his pupils contract for a while, and his expression appeared a little unnatural.

"Don't be afraid of the water elves, use the water cannon to attack!" Facing the divine beast Latios, Xiao Luo had no choice but to attack first.


The water elf opened his mouth and sprayed out a thick spiral water jet towards Latios.

"Hmph, clean and shiny!"


Latios let out a long cry, and a purple energy ray shot out from his mouth like a laser, and met the water elf's water cannon.

When the two intersected, the water elf's water cannon was actually at a disadvantage, and was slowly repelled by the clean luster.


The water elf screamed, and instantly increased the power of the water cannon to detonate the clean luster in mid-air, strong winds raged, and thick smoke billowed.

"call out"

Before the thick smoke dissipated, a wave of blue energy passed through the smoke like a giant dragon with claws and claws, and rushed towards the water elf. The water elf couldn't dodge, was directly hit by the energy wave, and fell to the ground.

"It has appeared. Latios' powerful dragon wave hit the water elf. Can the water elf still stand up?"

So strong!

Xiaolu clenched his fists. He used to fight against Yuanyuan and Chaomeng like a brainstorm. He didn't expect that the beast would be so powerful when fighting alone.

"It's now, Latios, use the head hammer of the mind to solve it!"

Latios's head was wrapped in blue fluorescence, and he rushed to the water elf on the ground at the speed of light.

"Water spirit, hurry up and use Surfing!" Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.


After the water elf heard Xiao Luo's command, he immediately stood up from the ground, and immediately released his surfing trick. A huge water wave appeared, lifted the water elf high, and avoided Latios' mind hammer.

Latios rushed directly into the water wave, but such an attack didn't make much sense to it. Latios directly broke through the water wave and appeared behind the water elf.

Seeing that the water elf avoided Latios' attack in this way, Yuan Tai was slightly startled, but this did not affect his command of Latios.Therefore, it did not give up such a good opportunity to attack.

"Latios, another thought head hammer!"

Latios hit the water elf with his head hammer again.

"Water spirit, protect!"

The green protective cover protected the water elf at the top of the wave. Although it blocked the attack of the mind hammer, the impact caused the water elf to fall off the wave.Surf lost the control of the water elves, and began to collapse and dissipate.

"See how many times you can protect it! Latios, clean and shiny!"

Latios opened his mouth and sprayed purple energy rays towards the water elf.

"Water spirit, attack with water cannon!"


A thick spiral water column sprayed out from the mouth of the water elf, meeting the clean luster.

"Hmph, come on, Latios, beat it back!"


Lattios let out a long cry, and the clean luster suddenly became thicker. He quickly repelled the water cannon. No matter how hard the water elves tried, they couldn't stop the clean luster from advancing.


The clean luster finally hit the water elf, and after a bang, the water elf was thrown out.

"Mind head hammer, solve it!"

"call out"

Before the water elf landed, Latios chased after him, and hit the water elf with the head hammer of his mind.


Under such a strong attack, the water elf hit the ground heavily, wading there without any struggle.

"The water elf loses the ability to fight, and Latios wins!"

"It's amazing! As expected of the legendary elf, Latios defeated the water elf with an overwhelming advantage! What kind of elf will player Luo use next?"

"Come back, water elf!" Xiao Luo took the water elf back with an extremely unhappy expression.

"Master Ghost..." Xiao Luo yelled into the air resentfully.

"Ahem... This little guy didn't perform very well, and he was dealt with without even touching it. You need to practice hard another day."

"You can do it!" Xiao Luo was a little annoyed.

"This...isn't there a little guy, let it go first. You know, the master always has to be the finale!"

"Old guy, if you cause me to lose the game, you will die!" Xiao Luo said bitterly.

In desperation, Xiao Luo had no choice but to take out the flame chicken's elf ball and held it in his hand.After taking a long breath to calm down his anxiety, Xiao Luo threw the poke ball high: "Flame Chicken, please do it again!"

(Broken money!! Nima, I lost more than 2000 yuan yesterday, and I want to die already!!)

(End of this chapter)

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