Chapter 139 Building a Home
On this day, the sky was clear and the weather was sunny, and Xiao Luo was lying lazily on the grass, looking at a stack of thick photos in his hand.These photos are some classic elf battle shots that Xia Yi helped him take during the competition.

Xiao Luo's back was crowded with his big old elves, and every time he saw a photo of a certain elf defeating an opponent, that elf would definitely let out a proud cry.

And on the wide lawn behind these elves, there is a large group of powerful and strange forces, wearing hard hats, busy under the command of a group of workers.Countless building materials are also piled up not far away.

Not far away, Xia Yi was discussing something with an engineer holding a blueprint, and Cole was also listening beside her half understanding.

The Quartz Alliance had ended for three days, and the three of Xiao Luo followed Xiao Zhi and others back to Zhenxin Town.When he returned to Zhenxin Town again, Xiao Luo, who won a big trophy, faced an imminent problem-building a house.

Xia Yi promised Xiao Luo that she would help him build a new home, so naturally she would not stand idly by.Xiao Luo originally thought it was just a small room.However, such an idea would naturally not pass the examination of the two daughters.On this issue, Xia Yi was dictatorial once, telling Xiao Luo not to care about this issue, and leaving it all to her.

Xiao Luo had no choice but to hand over the 50 won by the champion of the tournament, and then called Dr. Xiao Tianjuan to ask for 200 million, all of which was handed over to Xia Yi, and he stopped asking about the house.

Xia Yi acted resolutely, immediately called her father Wu Gang, and told about the matter.

Wu Gang naturally understood Xia Yi's thoughts for the so-called knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, and Xiao Luo also won the championship of the Quartz League, so his future achievements are naturally limitless.

Wu Gang fully agreed, recruited the best engineers and the best construction team, and completely treated this matter as building a future home for his daughter.And he even sent his personal secretary to help.

Xia Yi was like this, and Ke Er was no exception. She also reported the news to the kind old man.The kind old man is old and smart, so he can see Xiao Luo's potential naturally. Considering his age, Cole is still very young, and Xiao Luo really loves Cole. Al took over Shiruf to find a strong arm.Therefore, He Shan happily undertook the cost of building the house.

Once the funds and manpower are in place, once the design drawings are designed, the location is selected here to start construction...


"Look at this is the virtual map after it is built, let them modify it if you are not satisfied!" Xia Yi took the blueprint and handed it to Xiao Luo for him to see.

"Is this too exaggerated?" Xiao Luo stared dumbfounded at the European-style high-end villa with a classical style on the blueprint.

"No way!" Xia Yi said, "I have listened to you and tried to make them as small as possible. This villa is not half the size of my house!"

Xiao Luo: "..."

Xiao Luo said: "How can my little money be used to build this kind of house!"

"If you don't need to pay, the kind old man said, all the expenses will be paid by him, what are you afraid of!"

Old Xiao Luo blushed and said, "How embarrassing this is!"

"No way!" Cole said with his eyes wide open, "Anyway, my grandpa is rich, so I will live with brother Luo in the future. Naturally, I want to build something nicer."


"Okay, whatever you want!"

You are all tall, rich and beautiful, why not listen to you?Let me, a person who lives in a small house of less than [-] square meters all year round, give advice to Yidao high-end villas?Don't be ridiculous!

"Is there anything to modify?" Xia Yi asked.

"No need, as long as you look good, I can live in any place."

Xia Yi nodded, took back the drawing and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Look at the photos you took!" Xiao Luo pulled out one from the photos and said, "Enlarge this one and hang it up, this one is my favorite!"

When Xiao Luo said this, Xiao Luo's elves immediately screamed excitedly. Obviously, they also liked this photo very much.

This is a photo of Xiao Luo holding the trophy in the home court with all the participating elves after the game.Xiao Luo held the trophy in one hand, and hugged the newly hatched Poco-Bee in the other. On his shoulder stood the naughty little guy, the round land shark. The hippopotamus king and the water elf stood on both sides of him, and the smelly mud lay in front of him. Zhang's boss, with a sickle helmet, a giant pincer, a mantis, a flame chicken, an electric shock monster, stood side by side, and the fossilized pterosaurs and fast dragons flew on both sides.Bi Diao was the tallest, standing at the back, with his wings spread out, as if he wanted to embrace all the elves.Gyarados hovered in the sky, Geng Gui stood on top of his head, and Celebi chose to sit on Bi Diao's outstretched wings.Xiao Luo loved this photo very much.

Xia Yi looked at the photo and said with a smile: "I like this one too! Well, I will enlarge it and frame it another day, and keep it forever!"


In this way, after more than ten days in a row, the villa has begun to see its scale.

While training her elves, Xiao Luo would come over to take a look from time to time. Because of the construction of the house, Xiao Luo gave up the trip to the Orange Islands, and planned to go directly to Chengdu to start a new trip after the house was built. .

On this day, when Xiao Luo came here again to check the progress, the originally sunny weather suddenly turned cloudy, and then the snowflakes fell, and soon there was heavy rain...

Countless flying elves flitted across the sky and flew in the direction of the Orange Islands.

"This is……"

Xiao Luo woke up and thought of Lugia.Xiao Luo looked in the direction of the Orange Islands, and thought to himself: It seems that Xiaozhi has already met the three silly birds!
"Xiao Luo, what's going on?" The abnormal weather made Xia Yi feel very uneasy, he ran to Xiao Luo's side and asked nervously after being soaked by the rain.

"It's just that there are divine beasts running away on the Orange Islands, nothing will happen!" Xiao Luo comforted.

"The beast ran away?" Xia Yi asked, "What kind of beast, why is it so weird?"

"Flame Bird, Lightning Bird and Frozen Bird! But don't worry, someone will solve this kind of thing!"

As soon as the words fell, ripples suddenly appeared in the sky, and a space channel suddenly appeared above Xiao Luo's head.Then, Chaomeng flew out of space.

"Chaomeng?" Xiao Luo was surprised, "You can actually open up a space channel?"

Chaomeng said with a numb expression: "Master Arceus helped to open the channel!"


"Is there something wrong?" Xiao Luo knew that there must be nothing good when he heard Arceus.

"There are strong source fluctuations in the direction of the Orange Islands. It is inconvenient for Master Arceus to investigate by himself, so I hope you can take it on his behalf!"

Xiao Luo: "It can sense the original wave?"

"It's different this time!" Chaomeng said, "Master Arceus said that there are at least three sources gathered together this time, which is why such strong fluctuations are caused!"

Xiao Luo's expression froze, and he said, "Wait for me, I'll go change some elves!"

The gathering of the three origins is no small matter, no wonder even Chaomeng was sent out.

Xiao Luo directly released Kuailong, let it take him to Dr. Oki's research institute quickly, and after replacing his main force, he returned to Chaomeng again: "Okay, let's go there!"

"Be careful, come back early!" Xia Yi looked worried.

Xiao Luo nodded: "Don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

Chaomeng fell from the sky and put his hand on Xiaoluo's shoulder.Although it doesn't have enough strength to open up space channels, it can still do such small things as teleportation.

"call out"

Dots of colored light rose, and Xiao Luo and Chaomeng disappeared from here at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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