Chapter 140 The Divine Beast Brawl (1)

After several times of teleportation, Xiao Luo's Origin Bracelet began to shine brightly.

"This is... there are four of them!" Xiao Luo gasped, this shit is going against the sky, one source is extremely difficult to deal with, if there are four, even with the addition of Chaomeng, there is still no point There's a slight chance of winning.

When Chaomeng heard the words, his pupils shrank for a while, and said, "Are you sure there are four?"

"You're blind, can't you see for yourself?" Xiao Luo stretched out her bracelet and asked.Then I remembered that this guy couldn't see it, so he said again: "It can't be wrong, there are four origins in total. What should we do now? We can't deal with it at all!"

"If you can't deal with it, you have to rush over, it's your duty!" Chaomeng said coldly.


Xiao Luo said angrily: "Go to death, can you deal with three? If you can deal with three, I will go with you."

Chaomeng was silent.

After a while, Chaomeng said: "Master Arceus said before that if necessary, it can appear!"

"As soon as it appears, the source will run away..." Xiao Luo didn't continue, but his eyes lit up.Then he said: "Then let's go there, they can't make any big waves, isn't there just four, don't be afraid to bring more!"

Hearing that the Chuangshi God could appear, Xiaoluo was determined and urged Chaomeng to hurry.

Under Xiao Luo's guidance, after two more teleportations, Xiao Luo and Chaomeng finally appeared on a sea area.

As soon as he appeared, Xiao Luo saw an astonishing scene. The three silly birds were working together to deal with Rogia, but Rogia didn't want to hurt them. He just avoided their attacks and didn't fight back.But Lugia's handsome appearance almost made Xiao Luo's saliva flow out.

Xiao Luo remembered that in the plot, after Rogia got angry, he launched a total of two attacks.For the first time, a destructive death ray killed the spaceship of the Pokémon collector Gilluta from a long distance.Immediately afterwards, a destructive death light instantly eliminated the three silly birds.Its mighty domineering can be seen.

Xiao Luo looked at the three silly birds, and found a misty origin floating above them, moving with their movement.

"Strange, there are only three here!" Xiao Luo looked around, but did not find any trace of the fourth one, but the original bracelet had four flickering.

Chaomeng said: "It doesn't matter how many there are, let's get ready to catch them first!"

Xiao Luo nodded, released Bi Diao, and then broke away from Chaomeng's control, took off his clothes, pointed at Sansha Niao and said to it: "Separate them first, I will try to catch them!"

Chaomeng nodded, rushed up quickly, and flew to the middle of the three silly birds.Chaomeng is not Lugia, who only hides but does not attack.I saw Chaomeng put his hands together, and a dark shadow ball formed in his hands, and then hit towards the flame bird closest to it.

Chaomeng's strong attack is naturally not something that low-level beasts like the flame bird can resist. A shadow ball directly blasts the flame bird out, and Xiao Luo directs Bi Diao to quickly pass over its head. Then he skillfully grasped the source.

"That's Chaomeng and Xiaoluo?" Xiaozhi and others below were dumbfounded, "Why is he here!"

"Who is Xiao Luo?" Fulula asked aloud.

"It's the trainer in our town, the champion of this year's Quartz Conference!" Xiaozhi explained.

"The champion of the Quartz Conference!" Fulula exclaimed in surprise, "That must be very powerful!"

"Of course, he's much better than Xiaozhi!" Xiaoxia hit.

"Is that elf his Pokémon?" Fulula pointed to Mewtwo and asked,

"That..." Xiaoxia didn't know how to explain, "That's not his Pokémon, that elf is a super powerful beast!"


Not to mention Xiaozhi's surprise here, after Xiao Luo grasped the source, the source couldn't break free, and began to swell and transform into shape.Xiao Luo was already very familiar with this, so he tore off his clothes and distanced himself from Yuanyuan.

Red light radiated everywhere, and a clear cry came from the dazzling red light.Then, a gigantic flame appeared in front of Xiao Luo and glared at him.

Afterwards, the source flame bird uttered a long cry at the other two sources.

After the other two sources heard the sound, they broke away from the Lightning Bird and the Frozen Bird. A burst of dazzling brilliance flashed, and they turned into huge Lightning Birds and Frozen Birds in turn, surrounding Xiao Luo.

Grass mud horse, play big!
This battle really frightened Xiao Luo, and with slightly trembling hands, he took out all the poke balls and threw them out: "It's up to you, come out!"

Open the poke balls one by one, Gyarados, Kuailong, Fossil Pterosaur, Fiery Monkey and Flame Chicken appear in sequence.

The surface of the lake has been completely frozen by the Frozen Bird, which also prevents the Fiery Monkey and Flame Chicken from falling into the sea.

"Ghost, Xiaoxue, you guys go too!"

Geng Gui and Celebi appeared beside Xiao Luo with serious expressions, and confronted the three elves cautiously.

Geng Gui said: "This time it's too serious, even with Chaomeng, we are no match at all!"

"Do your best, if it doesn't work, you can only let the boss of the world scare them away!"

Xiao Luo patted Bi Diao, signaling it to put itself down, after all, sitting on it would affect its combat effectiveness.Moreover, Xiao Luo didn't want to put herself in danger.

After Xiao Luo got down, he let the fiery monkey and flame chicken get on Bi Diao's back, which was more conducive to their attack.

After the source left, the three silly birds were still attacking Chaomeng and Rogia. Although Chaomeng fought back, the beasts were full of energy, and it was really difficult to knock them all down for a while.

Seeing that Lugia was still dodging, Xiao Luo was somewhat annoyed, so he shouted: "Lugia, if you hold back, this world will really be destroyed. There are still three big ones on it, hurry up!" Deal with them and deal with those above."

The appearance of the three super-big divine birds also startled Lugia. After hearing Xiao Luo's cry, Lugia couldn't help wondering, "Who are you, and what's going on?"

Xiao Luo pointed to Chaomeng and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you know who it is."

Rogia has always been puzzled by Chaomeng. Among the beasts it knows, there is no such one.Hearing what Xiaoluo said, it looked at Chaomeng again, waiting for its explanation.

Chaomeng still dealt with the three silly birds, and didn't mean to explain.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo couldn't help cursing inwardly, and explained for it: "It's Chaomeng, the spokesperson of Arceus, and the three guys above are related to the life and death of this world. Do you want to ignore it?"

When Rogia heard Arceus, his expression immediately changed drastically, obviously hesitating.

Chaomeng glanced at it lightly and said: "If you don't make a move again, Arceus will come to you to settle the score! After the matter here is resolved, Master Arceus will come in person."

Compared with Lugia, Chaomeng's strength is still a bit weaker. It is difficult to take down the three silly birds for a while. Seeing that Xiao Luo's elves have already fought with the three original elves, it is also a little anxious.

When Rogia heard that Arceus would come, his expression changed again.Then, the huge wings fluttered and flew towards Sansha Niao: "Trust you for now!"


Rogia's shot was extraordinary, and he directly smashed the flame bird all the way, broke through the ice, and rushed into the sea.Then, a golden light flashed in the sea, setting off a water curtain tens of meters high.Immediately afterwards, Rogia rushed out of the sea again, opened his mouth, and a series of subtle golden lights appeared, and then formed a thick destructive death light, sweeping towards the Lightning Bird and the Frozen Bird. With one hit, the two silly birds fell instantly down, never to fly again.

The Flame Bird also floated on the surface of the sea, motionless.

Chaomeng glanced at Rogia in shock. It never thought that Rogia would be so strong that it was far beyond what it could fight.Thinking of his blind arrogance in the past, Chaomeng couldn't help but blush a little.

"Okay, let's deal with the three above!" Rogia looked up at the original three silly birds, and his expression was a little serious. It felt that these were not ordinary elves.

"Take one of you two, and give the other one to my elf!" Little Luo was overjoyed by Rogia's toughness, and immediately let them deal with two of the original three silly birds.

With Rogia's joining, Xiao Luo has absolute confidence in grasping these three roots.

(End of this chapter)

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