Chapter 141 The Divine Beast Brawl (2)

Just when Chaomeng was fighting the three silly birds, Xiao Luo's elves had already fought the original three silly birds.Geng Gui took the Gyarados to face the Flame Bird, and the Flame Bird was the most powerful of the original three silly birds, so Geng Gui and the Gyarados were also the most embarrassed at the moment.Celebi and Kuailong resisted the Lightning Bird.The rest of the elves surrounded Frozen Bird, flying all kinds of tricks.In the short time it took for Lugia to deal with the three silly birds, all of Xiao Luo's elves were wounded.The original three silly birds are too powerful, far from being able to deal with Xiao Luo's elves after they are separated.


Rogia moved again, his powerful body rushed directly into the battlefield, and rushed straight towards the majestic original flame bird.Water and fire are incompatible, and Rogia seems to have a special feeling for the fire elves.


The same flame bird, the real flame bird was hit by Lugia and flew to the bottom of the sea.The original flame bird just staggered back after receiving this kind of attack, and then resisted Rogia, roared angrily, and also rushed towards Rogia after opening the distance.

Rogia was also not to be outdone, the two elves collided constantly in the air with the strength of their physical bodies, and each collision was accompanied by the spread of a circle of air waves.

Lugia chose the flame bird, and Chaomeng flew to Celebi's side. When the lightning bird struck a thunderbolt, he condensed a shadow ball with both hands and detonated it in midair.Chaomeng stood tall and straight opposite the Lightning Bird, looking at it as if his eyes were not focused.

"Xiaoxue, Lord Ghost, you all go and deal with the Frozen Bird together!"

Geng Gui and Celebi nodded, and then rushed towards the Frozen Bird with the Gyarados and Kuailong.

The battle proceeded as expected. At this moment, Xiao Luo was determined, and seemed to have seen the three origins beckoning to him.

After the flame bird collided with Rogia several times, it still couldn't take advantage of it. From the scene, Rogia's strength seemed to have the upper hand.Seeing this, the flame bird gave up fighting with it, opened its beak, and a jet of flame mixed with a little white spewed out like a horse, hitting Rogia.

Lugia let out a long cry, the sound resounded through the sky, and a spiral water column with a strong piercing sound was sprayed out from his mouth to meet him.

"Chi" "Boom"

A large amount of water vapor appeared first, and then exploded with a bang. The air waves roiled and spread to the surroundings. Even Xiao Luo's elf was affected, and his figure was a little unstable.

On the other side, Chaomeng's battle against the Lightning Bird was even more intense. Shadow balls and lightning were flying all over the sky, with constant bangs, thick smoke rolling, and air waves.

Fighting under such circumstances has a great impact on Geng Gui's performance.

Seeing this, Xiao Luo reminded Geng Gui: "Master Gui, pull the Frozen Bird away, otherwise it will have too much impact."

After just this moment of fighting, Geng Gui gasped a little.After all, in this battle, it and Celebi have to bear too much.


With Geng Gui's attack, Xiao Luo's elves deliberately pulled the Frozen Bird farther and farther away from Mewtwo and Lugia.

The battle lasted like this for nearly 10 minutes. Xiao Luo could clearly see that even Rogia was panting slightly, and Chaomeng was not in a good state.On the other hand, Yuanyuan is still as imposing as a rainbow, and it doesn't seem to be any different from the beginning.The spirit of the original illusion has surpassed Rogia in terms of physical strength.

Originally thought that Rogia would be the first to break the deadlock and solve the flame bird, but he never thought that the freezing bird would be the first to be defeated.

Frozen Bird was defeated first, but the biggest hero was not Celebi and Geng Gui, but Fiery Monkey.

Xiao Luo could see clearly that when Geng Gui and Celebi were restraining the Frozen Bird, Bi Diao flew over the Frozen Bird, and the Fiery Monkey jumped down, accumulating a punch, and hit the Frozen Bird. .Needless to say, the power of the fiery monkey, this blow directly knocked the frozen bird down, shattered the ice on the sea surface, and fell into the sea water.When the frozen bird flew up again, the fiery monkey jumped onto its back bravely, with red eyes and a bloodthirsty look on its face. It put one arm around the frozen bird's neck, and the other hand It kept hitting Frozen Bird on the head.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Xiao Luo's mouth twitched like an electric motor.Let the fiery monkey keep hitting it like this, even if the frozen bird is made of fine steel, it will probably be shattered in a short time.

Although Frozen Bird threw the Fiery Monkey down in the end, at this moment, all of Xiao Luo's elves launched a combined blow, shadow balls, energy seeking, destroying the dead light... all fell down.After a wave of attacks, Frozen Bird finally fell from the sky and turned into dots of fluorescent light.

"Great." Xiao Luo shook her fist excitedly.

"Fossil pterosaur!" Xiao Luo yelled at the fossil pterosaur. Originally, he wanted to call him Bi Diao, but it was really inconvenient for Bi Diao to carry the flame chicken and fiery monkey.

"call out"

The fossil pterosaur swooped down and passed Xiao Luo.Xiao Luo quickly ran a few steps and jumped onto the back of the fossilized pterosaur.Under Xiao Luo's guidance, the fossil pterodactyl flew to the side of Yuan Yuan, and Xiao Luo skillfully covered Yuan Yuan, who was wobbling and flying, under his clothes.

The defeat of Frozen Bird also angered Flame Bird and Lightning Bird.After the flame bird sprayed flames to counteract Rogia's destructive death light, it uttered a few chirps at the lightning bird.

Afterwards, the two elves were seen glowing at the same time, and the original flame bird emitted a red light and hit the real flame bird.The original lightning bird also shot a golden light at the real lightning bird.

The two silly birds that had lost consciousness unexpectedly flew up slowly under the cover of the two colored lights.

After the glow dissipated, the two elves miraculously woke up again, and the scars on their bodies disappeared.

After the revived two silly birds gave a long cry, they rushed towards Rogia at the same time.

"Fuck, what's going on? It's against the sky." Xiao Luo looked a little dumbfounded.

"Ghost, Xiaoxue, you two, go and stop those two idiots." After a moment of stupefaction, Xiao Luo immediately directed his elves, "Bi Diao, Tyrannosaurus, Kuailong, Fossil Pterosaur, you go!" Help Rogia deal with the flame bird."

"Shoot" "Shoot" "Shoot"...

Under Xiao Luo's command, Geng Gui and the others began to act.

Geng Gui and Celebi moved the fastest, and a shadow ball and an energy ball hit the two silly birds in the distance, successfully attracting the ideas of the two silly birds.

Considering the attributes, Geng Gui took the initiative to face the flame bird, leaving the lightning bird to Celebi.

Bi Diao and the others also rushed to Rogia's side, and various tricks began to greet the flame bird.For a while, they were evenly matched with the Flamingo, and Rogia was free.

Seeing how powerful this group of ordinary and extraordinary elves was, Rogia was also extremely surprised. He turned his head and took a deep look at Xiao Luo.Then, it looked at the real Lightning Bird and Frozen Bird.At this moment, Lightning Bird and Frozen Bird are being beaten by Geng Gui and Xiaoxue.There is no way, for Geng Gui and Celebi, the two silly birds are indeed not enough.

"Don't hurt them anymore!" Rogia's faint voice came out, which seemed to be pleading and threatening.

After hearing Rogia's words, Geng Gui's super-large shadow ball that had just condensed slowly dissipated again, looked at Rogia, and then cast a questioning look at Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo curled her lips in dissatisfaction, but she had to listen to it, and it was not easy to offend it at the moment.

"Then you hurry up and get rid of those big ones, otherwise you won't be able to get hurt if you don't want to. I won't just watch Master Ghost and Xiaoxue get hurt."

Rogia nodded, and then participated in the battle again, looking for opportunities in the attacks of Bi Diao and them, constantly causing damage to the original flame bird.

Not long after, the flame bird finally lost its last physical strength in a destructive death light from Rogia, and began to shatter like a mirror, turning into fluorescent light...

The defeat of the flame bird finally scared the lightning bird, it turned around and left immediately without thinking, trying to escape from here.But we have reached this point, so there is nothing left to do.Bi Diao, them and Rogia swarmed up and surrounded it, unable to leave even if they wanted to.

At this point, Xiao Luo finally smiled, and began to calmly rub the spirit ball of the origin of the demon, calling for the creation boss.

(Please don’t urge me, the more you urge me, the more guilty I will feel!! I’m so sorry!! I said that I will finish writing no matter what. So don’t worry about eunuchs, once you have I will definitely change it in time! And I will not change the website, just create a world!! In fact, many fan fiction writers have already gone to Feilu. I thought about it a long time ago, but I still didn’t go after thinking about it Write whatever you want, it’s the same wherever you go, don’t care if you don’t have money. Write for fun!! This kind of book has almost zero hope of signing a contract with the Genesis, so I’ve also looked away. I’m time-consuming and labor-intensive without profit It’s exhausting, so please don’t rush, otherwise I will have to exhaust my energy, I’m so thankful!!)

(End of this chapter)

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