Chapter 143 Yuanlu Shark VS Skin God
After more than ten days, Xiao Luo's big villa was finally completed, and the furniture and other items were also fully purchased.In order to increase the popularity of the house, Cole specially dispatched some servants from home.

Xiao Luo has accepted this reality after such a long time of contact.He never thought that after coming to this world, he would be so prosperous, and he would own such a mansion before he was a teenager, although it seemed that he was a bit of a soft eater.

Xiaozhi also ended his trip to the Orange Islands yesterday and brought back the GS ball that Dr. Oki was eagerly looking forward to.

On this day, Xiao Luo officially settled in his awesome mansion, Xiaozhi Xiaoxia and Xiao Jian also rushed over to congratulate Xiao Luo.

They, Xiao Luo, Xia Yi, and Cole gathered in the backyard - the habitat of the elves.At Xia Yi's request, a huge artificial lake was built here, with clear water and some tall trees around it.These trees were originally not in the plan, but at Celebi's request, Xia Yi transplanted some small trees, and Celebi used the ability of the forest god to make these trees grow up instantly.

At this moment, Xiao Luo is talking with Xiao Luo about his trip to the Orange Islands, and Xiao Luo's elves are resting here in various forms.The three Bocopis gathered together and cried "Bobi Bobi", looking simple and honest, very cute.Xiaozhi's Pikachu and Xiaoluo's Lulu shark surrounded them, as if they were performing the duties of big brothers.

The round land shark is very active, and it seems to dislike Pikachu a little. When Pikachu accidentally bumped into it, it was extremely annoyed and hit Pikachu on the head.


Being attacked for no reason, Pikachu was naturally unhappy, and angrily yelled at the round land shark.

Yuanlusha smiled, and knocked Pikachu on the head again.


This time, Pikachu was really angry, and the electric sac on his face flashed with lightning, and an electric shock was sent out instantly, hitting the round land shark.

The round land shark is a dragon-type and ground-type elf, so electric shocks are naturally ineffective against it.After Pikachu's attack, the round land shark moved its short legs unceremoniously, and an impact knocked Pikachu into the air.


Pikachu quickly got up from the ground, landed on all fours, and the electric sac continuously emitted electric sparks, assuming a fighting posture.


Yuan Lu Shark's expression also became serious, and he let out a provocative cry.The three bokobis saw that something was wrong, and had already avoided it far away.

Such a situation naturally alarmed Xiao Luo and the others. As the master, Xiao Luo couldn't protect Yuan Lu Shark no matter how hard he tried, so he scolded: "Yuan Lu Shark, you're being naughty again!"

"Pikachu, what's going on?" Xiaozhi also asked aloud.



The two elves ignored Xiao Luo and Xiao Zhi and continued to confront each other.

"Pikachu, hurry up and stop!" Xiaozhi yelled, and wanted to run up and hug Pikachu back.

But Xiao Luo stopped him thoughtfully, and said: "It seems that the two elves are a bit at odds, how about we just fight?"

"Ah?!" Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, then excitedly agreed: "Of course it's okay. Pikachu, do you want to fight?"


Pikachu nodded vigorously.

So Xiao Luo and Xiao Zhi walked behind their respective elves. When Xiao Luo's elves saw the battle, they naturally gathered around, ready to watch the two little guys fight.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Xiaozhi is really not an ordinary hot-blooded, he just hit a hundred thousand volts attack.


Pikachu did not reject Xiaozhi's command at all, the yellow light shone, and a thick electric current emanated from Pikachu's body, hitting the land shark.

Xiao Luo smiled and shook his head. In his opinion, Xiao Zhi still doesn't understand the basics very well.But after thinking about it, I understood it.Now Xiaozhi has just traveled, and he doesn't know many elves yet.

Regarding the ferocious [-] volts, Xiao Luo did not give any command. The [-] volts directly hit the round land shark, which was the same as the previous electric shock, and had no effect on the round land shark.

"Xiaozhi, Yuanlu Shark has ground-type attributes, and electric-type special moves have no effect." Xiao Luo reminded.

"So that's how it is." Only then did Xiao Zhi suddenly understand, and gave the command again, "In that case, Pikachu, use Lightning Flash."


Pikachu dragged the white light and quickly rushed towards the round land shark.

As expected of Pishen, this speed is really not ordinary fast.Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, but he didn't forget to command: "Yuan Lu Shark, dig a hole!"


Yuan Lusha moved his hands and burrowed into the ground.When Pikachu rushed over, the round land shark just disappeared.

"Pikachu, don't let it capture your position, use high-speed movement."


The figure of Pikachu moved quickly in the field, and the round land shark's several attacks that broke through the ground were all dodged.

After all, the round land shark was still young, and after a few failed attacks, it became a little anxious. It showed a flaw in one attack, and jumped a bit high.

Xiaozhi is also a person who has been baptized in many battles, and he has a good grasp of fighter opportunities: "Now, Pikachu, use shock!"


The round land shark couldn't dodge in time, was hit by Pikachu's impact, and was knocked into the air.

"It's now, use Lightning Flash!"


After the addition of high-speed movement, the speed of the lightning flash became even faster, and Pikachu seemed to turn into a white lightning, rushing towards the round land shark that fell to the ground.

"Yuan Lu Shark, use Flying Sand Feet!" Xiao Luo commanded in time.

"Puff puff……"

The Yuanlu Shark's reaction was also very fast. As soon as Xiao Luo's voice fell, it jumped up, its feet touched the ground, and a large cloud of sand and dust was raised.Pikachu, who plunged in, was blinded by the dust, and stopped the attack with some pain.

"It's now, Dragon's Wrath!"


A milky white energy ball knocked Pikachu out.

"You can't lose, Pikachu, one more flash."

Pikachu stabilized his figure in the air, and as soon as he landed, he charged up again with a flash of lightning.

However, after the last round of buffering, the round land shark had time to react, and Xiao Luo calmly commanded: "Dig a hole!"

The round land shark evaded the attack again by digging a hole.

"Pikachu, use the most powerful lightning trick on the cave!" Xiao Luo seemed a little excited. Whenever Xiaozhi is excited on TV, he will always make some unexpected commands.This time, there is no exception.


I saw Pikachu emitting a huge electric light and rushing into the cave dug by the round land shark. The thunder and lightning raged and crackled, and overturned the ground along the cave, finally exposing the round land shark hiding underground to the electric light. Down.

Nima, that's fine too!Really talented, this power is also a fortress.Xiao Luo was also a little dumbfounded.

"Now, Pikachu, use Flash."


Pikachu let out a sonorous and forceful cry, and shot out with anger. In the flash of white light, Pikachu's small body hit the round land shark with great force. This blow made Xiaoluo's elves couldn't bear to look directly at it. Cover your eyes.


Without any evasion, and without any luck, the round land shark was hit by Pikachu from top to bottom in the cave dug by it, and it lost its fighting ability without a pit.

"Great Pikachu, we won!" Xiaozhi hugged Pikachu excitedly.

Xiao Luo smiled wryly and took back Yuan Lu Shark. He didn't expect to win, but he lost too quickly.Xiao Luo believes that after this battle, Yuanlu Shark's temperament should be much restrained.

"You played beautifully, Xiaozhi!" Xiao Luo praised without hesitation.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while. After chatting, Xiao Luo had already learned that Xiao Zhi planned to travel to the Chengdu area, and he would leave in the next few days.

Xiao Luo also secretly planned to go to Chengdu. He had already spent too much time on the matter of the house. Even if he didn't care, the God of Creation must have some complaints.

(At this point, the first volume is over! The next volume can finally start the Chengdu League! Of course, it is unlikely that Chengdu will have such a large space, so look forward to it?!! By the way, what good elves are there in Chengdu? Bangira ? Circle bear...)
(End of this chapter)

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