Chapter 144 Rookie Trainer

"I found meow~ this is here - Ruoye Town, the city blown by the wind of the beginning!" Miaomiao stood on a high slope with a map and looked down at the city under her feet.

"Is it finally here? I said Meow Meow, this is not like you. You actually lost your way in the forest, which caused us to waste two days." Xiao Luo followed behind, complaining a little.

"That's right, I always live in a tent and sleep in a sleeping bag, and Cole hasn't showered for three days and hasn't eaten for three days." Cole said pitifully while hugging Pocoby.

"This...isn't my fault, meow~ Who would have thought that there would be heavy fog in the forest, meow." Meow explained, "But it's not without gains, the little guy of the round land shark has improved a lot, meow! "

"Well, that's right. Ever since it lost to Pikachu, it has held its breath and has always wanted to win it back." Xiao Luo smiled, "This saves me from urging it."

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly. I want to take a bath, I want to have a big meal!" Cole hurriedly ran towards the elf center in Ruoye Town after finishing speaking.


Xiaoluo started his own trip again, this time only Cole and Meow accompanied him.Xia Yi stayed in Zhenxin Town to help Xiao Luo look after the house, unknowingly putting herself in the position of the hostess.And her ideal has also changed, so she prefers to stay in Zhenxin Town and learn some theoretical knowledge from Dr. Damu.

Xiao Luo didn't force her, and after carefully selecting a few elves to take with her, she embarked on a trip to the city together with Cole and Miaomiao.Along the way, Yuanlusha Xiaoluo and others did not choose to fly because they had to train Yuanlusha, after all, if they did so, they would lose the true meaning of travel.

Arriving at the Elf Center in Ruoye Town, before Xiao Luo and others entered the door, a young man rushed towards Xiao Luo from the Elf Center. Because it was too sudden, Xiao Luo couldn't dodge, collided with the boy and fell to the ground. on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice." Seeing that he bumped into someone, the boy hurriedly apologized.

Xiao Luo rubbed her aching chest and said, "Why are you in such a hurry."

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry to catch the elf." The boy blushed slightly.

"Catch the elf?" Xiao Luo asked curiously, "Why is it so urgent to catch the elf?"

"A Heiluga, a very powerful Heiluga. I have fought it three times, and every time I lost horribly. I will fight it for the fourth time, the fifth time... I must subdue it .”

"Hei Lujia?" Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Where did you meet?"

"Just now..." The young man hurriedly stopped talking, sized up Xiao Luo, and asked, "Are you also a trainer?"

Xiao Luo nodded suspiciously.

"Then come on, let's have a passionate elf battle with me!" The boy took out the elf ball and put on a look of fighting.

For the challenge, Xiao Luo was naturally willing to accompany him, so he nodded happily and said, "Okay, how about three against three?"

"Ah? Three against three..." the boy stammered, "But I don't have that many elves!"

"Then two against two."

"This...not at all."

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Are you just an elf?" Xiao Luo asked.

"That's right, I just got it a few days ago, so I was in a hurry to tame that black Luga."


Xiao Luo was completely speechless.

"Are you a trainer who just came out for a trip?" Xiao Luo's face was a little unhappy.Nima is playing against a rookie trainer, isn't it obvious bullying?After all, the young master is also the champion of the Quartz Alliance.

"That's right, come on, let's have a one-on-one fight with me!" Now that he had spoken, the boy let go, insisting on fighting against Xiao Luo.

"Forget it, I'll play with you after you travel for a while." Hearing that it was a newcomer trainer, Xiao Luo lost interest. After all, not everyone is Xiaozhi, who is accompanied by Pishen.

"Don't look down on people!" Seeing that Xiao Luo is unwilling to fight, the young man said anxiously: "I tell you, I, Zhihong, will dominate the Chengdu Alliance in the future. Come on, fight with me, let you see and see I'm great."

Xiao Luo: "..."

"You won't be afraid, will you?" Seeing that Xiao Luo remained silent for a long time, Zhihong resorted to aggressive methods.

Xiao Luo: "..."

"It's fine if you're scared, I'll catch my Helujia." The boy said with some contempt.

"and many more!"

Just when Zhihong was about to leave, Xiao Luo spoke up.

"It's okay to fight, but I have a request."

"What request?" Zhihong asked.

"If you lose, you have to tell me where the black Luga you mentioned is."

"This..." The boy hesitated.

"Aren't you afraid!"

"I'm not afraid of you." Zhihong couldn't be provoked, so he said loudly, "If I lose, I will take you there."

"Okay then, let's start the battle now, there is no need for a referee, just take out your elves."

Zhihong and Xiao Luo distanced themselves, leaving enough space, and threw the elf ball in their hands: "This is my elf, go, little saw alligator"

As the poke ball was opened, white light fell, and a little saw crocodile in a fairly good state of mind appeared on the field.

"Little Saw Alligator, a very nice elf." Xiao Luo also likes Little Saw Alligator very much. There are not many elves that Xiao Luo sees in the Chengdu area, and only the little Saw Alligator has entered the elves of newcomer trainers. Lo's eyes.

"Yuan Lu Shark, come out to fight!" Xiao Luo also took out Yuan Lu Shark's Poké Ball and threw it out.In the City Alliance, Xiao Luo's main training elf is this little guy.


After the white light flashed, the round land shark appeared opposite the little saw crocodile.After several days of training and fighting, the round land shark looks a lot stronger.

"What kind of elf is this?" Zhihong obviously had never seen a round land shark.

"Yuanlu Shark, an elf of the dragon type and the ground type, is a rare elf!" For the new trainer, Xiao Luo still takes care of it.

"Since it's a ground-type elf, it must be afraid of water. Little Sawcrocodile, use the water gun trick."


Under Zhihong's command, the little saw crocodile opened its mouth and sprayed out a water gun, which was not bad in speed and power.

"Round land shark, dig a hole."


The round land shark dug a hole and got in.

"Vani, Vani"

Seeing the disappearance of the round land shark, the little saw crocodile seemed a little nervous. After all, it was an elf of a novice trainer, and it still lacked combat experience. "


Just as the little saw crocodile was looking around, the round land shark had already run to its feet, broke through the ground, and knocked it into the air.

"Next, use Dragon's Fury!" Xiao Luo continued to command.

The round land shark opened its mouth wide, and a milky white energy ball formed in its mouth, and then hit the small saw crocodile.At this time, the little saw crocodile had just fallen to the ground, before it had time to react, it was hit by Dragon's Fury again, and after a bang, it fell and flew out again.

"Little saw crocodile, you can't lose, use impact to counterattack."


The little saw crocodile struggled to stand up, used the shock trick, and rushed towards the round land shark.

This surprised Xiao Luo a little bit. He didn't expect this little saw crocodile to still have the strength to fight back after being attacked twice.

Looking at the small saw crocodile charging towards him, Xiao Luo smiled, and commanded lightly: "Split!"

I saw the small paws of the round land shark glowing white, and it went up to meet it, and when the small saw crocodile rushed towards it, it swung out a claw, knocking it far away.This time, the little saw crocodile obediently landed on the ground.

"You lost!" Xiao Luo smiled lightly.

"Hmph, it deserves it. The trainer who just came out wants to fight brother Luo. He really wants to die." Cole sarcastically said beside him.

"What did you say, you?" Zhihong was upset at losing so simply, and was mocked by Cole, so he got angry at Cole.

"Originally, Brother Xiao Luo is the champion of the Quartz League. Don't say you are a trainer who just came out, even a trainer who has traveled for two or three years is no match for Brother Luo."

Zhihong was shocked and said, "Are you the champion of the Quartz League?"

Seeing that Cole sold him out so thoroughly, Xiao Luo stopped arguing and nodded lightly: "This time the champion of the Quartz League is indeed me."

"Master, accept me..." Zhihong ran up and hugged Xiao Luo's thigh.

Xiao Luo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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