Chapter 145

Zhihong wanted to worship Xiao Luo as his teacher, but Xiao Luo naturally would not agree.Not to mention that Zhihong's talent is really bad, even his character, Xiao Luo doesn't like it either.A militant madman with no skills, if he keeps losing after accepting it, isn't that a shame for his own people?At any rate, he is a person of status now, isn't he?

After Xiao Luo asked Zhihong about Hei Lujia's whereabouts, he took Cole and Miao Miao into the elf center.I handed the elf to Ms. Joy to take care of, and then asked for another room. After cleaning up with Cole, I wanted to find a restaurant to have a big meal.

Zhihong also stayed, he was more persistent, and the same was true for the matter of worshiping Xiao Luo as his teacher.

"Master, you're here." As soon as Xiao Luo walked into the hall of the elf center, Zhihong greeted him with a smile.

"Don't yell, I'm not your master, I don't plan to accept apprentices." Xiao Luo hastily corrected him.

"Hey, master, just accept me, I'm very talented, I promise I won't embarrass you." Zhihong said with a smile.

No shame, you have nothing to lose!Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him, but didn't speak.

"Hurry up and subdue your Hei Lujia, Brother Luo won't talk to you." Cole struck from the side.

"Master, anyway, I can't subdue Hei Lujia. I plan to stay here for a day and take you there tomorrow." Zhihong was still enthusiastic.

"Hmph, Brother Luo won't talk to you even if you do this. You're so stupid, not even Cole." With a look of disdain on his face, Cole hugged Xiao Luo's arm and shouted: " Brother Luo, let's go eat quickly, Cole is starving to death."

"Master, are you going to eat something? I'm from Ruoye Town. I know there is a barbecue restaurant here that tastes very good. Let me take you there."

"Barbecue?" Cole's eyes lit up, and he swallowed hard, "Brother Luo, let's go eat barbecue."

Xiao Luo had no choice but to nod his head and said to Zhihong, "Then let's go, you take us there."

"Hey, let's go, it's right next to the elf center, not very far." After saying that, Zhihong walked out of the elf center with Xiao Luo and Miaomiao.


It didn't take long for Xiao Luo and others to come to the barbecue restaurant that Zhihong mentioned. It was well decorated and there were many people inside.

As Zhihong said, the taste of this barbecue restaurant is really good, and Cole has a round stomach after eating, and it is difficult to walk.

After eating the barbecue, Xiao Luo first sent Cole back to the elf center to rest, and then Zhihong took him with him, and Miao Miao replenished some necessary things for travel in Ruoye Town.

Early the next morning, Xiao Luo and Cole got up early, ready to leave here and go to the forest where the Heluga that Zhihong mentioned was located.

As soon as he walked out of the elf center, Xiao Luo saw that Zhihong was already waiting there.

Xiaolu suddenly felt dizzy, and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"Hey, Master, I'm afraid you won't be able to find that Black Luga, so I plan to show you the way."

"Don't call me master, you are as old as me, you should call me Xiao Luo."

"How can I do that, master, just accept me."

Xiao Luo: "..."

For this kind of person, Xiao Luo had no choice but to simply ignore him and walk forward on his own.


Ke Er made a face at Zhihong, and said, "You have no face or skin, I already told you that Brother Xiao Luo won't talk to you."

"Hmph, he will definitely accept me. I want to impress him with my sincerity."


Walking to noon in one breath, Xiao Luo and the others finally came to the forest that Zhihong said was haunted by Helujia.

"Is it right here?" Xiao Luo asked aloud.

"That's right, it's here." Zhihong said, "Every time I meet that Black Luga, I eat here, and it will suddenly jump out to snatch the elf's food."

"How's your strength?" Xiao Luo asked again.

"Every time my little saw crocodile catches up, it defeats it with one blow." Zhihong said in a low voice.

Then you are still thinking about the fourth and fifth time, have you got your brains... Xiao Luo glanced at Zhihong like an idiot, and then ordered Miao Miao to prepare food for the elves, planning to rest here.

Xiao Luo released all the elves on purpose, and each elf prepared a rich elf food, intending to catch that Hei Lu and add a hook.

Just as Xiao Luo's elves were enjoying the feast in comfort, they didn't know that a pair of scarlet eyes were already staring at them not far away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sound of fast-moving objects came into my ears clearly. At this moment, Xiao Luo and his elves became nervous. They looked up and saw a dark figure moving quickly, but they couldn't see clearly.

"Here it is, that Black Luga." Zhihong said excitedly.

Cole and Miaomiao approached Xiao Luo with some fear.

"call out"

After shuttling back and forth for a while, Hei Lujia seemed to have found an opportunity, and rushed to the front of Yuanlu Shark in an instant, disappearing in a flash.The round land shark was also surprised. When he looked down, he found that his food had disappeared.This annoyed the round land shark. With a strange scream of "Ka Ka Ka Ka", he rushed to the low bush where Hei Lujia had rushed into.

"crackling boom"

The undergrowth shook, and after a while, the round land shark flew out, with some obvious scars on its body.


Yuan Lu Shark was extremely annoyed, jumped up and rushed in again.

"crackling boom"

The undergrowth shook again, and the round land shark flew out again. This time, it failed to stand up again, its eyes spiraled, and it lay there in an extremely unsightly posture.

After Yuan Lu Shark lost the ability to fight, Xiao Luo clearly saw a black shadow rushing towards the distance.It is impossible to pursue it.

"This Hei Lujia is very good, and the little guy Yuan Lusha is also kept." Geng Gui's voice came out flickeringly.

"Can you keep up with it?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Hey, don't follow, it will come again."

"How is it, master, isn't it very powerful?" Zhihong said with some pride.

"Don't call me master, I won't accept you." Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him, then walked over and took out the healing spray to treat Yuanlu Shark.


That was the end of a small episode, except that the round land shark was injured a little bit, everything else was fine.Xiao Luo's elf also started to move again.

But not long after, that black Lujia seemed to rush over again and started to move around.

"It's coming again, it's coming again." Zhihong exclaimed excitedly.

"Brother Xiao Luo!" Cole stared nervously at the surroundings, and tightly hugged Xiao Luo's arm.

Xiao Luo squinted her eyes halfway to look at the moving black shadow, and said comfortingly, "It's okay, I won't be able to escape this time..."

Before Xiao Luo could finish speaking, Helujia jumped out. This time, it ran directly in front of Kuailong and took its food away.

Xiao Luo sweated profusely and said, "It's dead!"


Sure enough, Kuailong got angry, flapped his wings, and charged directly into the low bush that Hei Lujia had rushed into.

"crackling boom"

"Boom" a huge yellow figure flew out, and Kuailong was actually knocked out.

This time, Xiao Luo was surprised, and said: "What's going on?"

"Hey hey...Fight back!" Geng Gui explained with a smile.

Xiao Luo understood it all at once. It seemed that Kuailong had suffered from Hei Lujia's return punch.But this Hei Lujia will return punches, obviously the level is already very high.


Kuailong lost face and became even more furious. His whole body seemed to be burning. A beam of destructive death shot into the bush regardless of severity, and then rushed in again.

"ping pong bang bang"

At this moment, a black figure finally flew out, and Hei Lujia was beaten out by Kuailong.

Xiao Luo took a closer look at this Hei Lujia. It was slightly larger than the average Hei Lujia. The four were strong and powerful, with two bony objects on their ankles.There are some obvious cracks on the two huge horns on the head, obviously caused by frequent fighting.What does not match its body is the thin devil-like tail.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia got up quickly, bared his teeth and roared at the undergrowth.


Kuailong rushed out, clenched his fist with his right hand, and hit Helujia with a trace of lightning.

Hei Lujia was extremely nimble, with four jumping, and after jumping to avoid the attack, he opened his mouth and shot out a jet of flame, attacking Kuailong.


After the blow was missed, Kuailong also opened its mouth and sprayed out a jet of flame to meet Hei Lujia's attack.


The two jets of flames intersected and exploded in an instant, which seemed to be of equal strength.But Kuailong does not have the fire attribute. From this point of view, Kuailong is better in terms of strength.

After the flame-jet collision ended, Kuailong used Dragon Charge again, and the huge blue dragon shadow surrounded Kuailong. This move was quite shocking in terms of visual effects.

Hei Lujia was not afraid, his head was slightly lowered, and a faint red light glowed on his body.


Dragon's charge rushed straight down, and the back fist fought back with all its strength.


The two elves were sent flying by the embarrassment at the same time, and after somersaulting in the air, Kuailong quickly stabilized his figure, opened his mouth and shot out a destructive death light.

Hei Lujia obviously suffered even more in the last round of confrontation, and he is still unable to fight back effectively at this moment.It was only when the destructive death ray approached its eyes that it regained consciousness in a trance, but it was helpless with this destructive death ray.

The destructive death light hit Helujia, impacting it on a big tree before stopping.

After being hit by this blow, Hei Lujia was a little confused, and Xiao Luo was not polite, and quickly took out the poke ball and threw it over.


(End of this chapter)

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