Chapter 146 Reach Kikyo City!
Hei Lujia turned into a red light and was collected into the elf ball. Kuailong still stared at the elf ball unhappily, as if Hei Lujia would shoot immediately when he came out again.Fortunately, the Poke Ball made a crisp sound of "Bo" after shaking it twice symbolically.

"Master, you are so powerful, you can subdue this black Lujia so easily." Zhihong said enviously beside him.

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes at him, stepped forward, picked up the poke ball, and opened it.

A white light flashed, and Hei Lujia appeared in front of Xiao Luo again.After being released, it had an extremely weird expression, unwillingness, anger, helplessness... appeared on its face one by one.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Luo asked with some doubts.

Xiao Luo originally planned to help it heal, but seeing its expression, he knew that there must be something wrong with it.Thinking about it carefully, Xiao Luo also became a little puzzled.Logically speaking, it snatched the round land shark's food, which should be enough for it to eat, why would it come again so soon.

Hei Lujia looked not far away at Kuailong, who still had a somewhat displeased expression, and at the somewhat arrogant Flame Chicken.After his expression changed for a while, he opened his mouth and called out to Xiao Luo.

"Meow, what did it say?" Xiao Luo called Meow to her side for translation.

"It said it had three newborn babies over there, meow~" Meow pointed to a direction and translated to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo raised her eyebrows and said to Hei Lujia, "Take us over there to have a look."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo packed up his things and put away all the elves, and Helujia led the way to visit the three children he was talking about.

It didn't take long for the group to come to a huge tree, under which three miniature Derbys were feasting on the food of the round land shark.

"Wow, what a cute elf." Cole fell in love with the three elves as soon as he saw them.

That's right, the canine elf, and it's miniature, is indeed lethal to anyone, even Xiao Luo is no exception, showing a loving smile.

Seeing Helujia's return, the three Dai Rubi clumsily ran to its side, gathered around its feet, and looked at Xiao Luo and the others with some fear.

Cole wanted to go forward to hug them, but they seemed to be frightened and hid behind Heluga.

Seeing this, Cole stopped, and said to Xiao Luo a little aggrieved: "Brother Luo, they don't like Cole."

Xiao Luo chuckled, opened the backpack, took out some elf food and berries, walked over slowly, and handed them to the three Dai Rubies.

Although the Dai Rubys were a little scared, they still couldn't resist the attraction of the fruit and food. They slowly approached Xiao Luo and began to eat cautiously.From time to time, he raised his head to observe Xiao Luo's expression.

Finding Xiao Luo's gentle appearance with a smile on his face all the time, he felt relieved and ate happily.When Xiao Luo reached out to touch them, they accepted them frankly, and at the same time showed a look of enjoyment.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo picked up a Drubby, called Cole to her side, and handed it to her.Because of Xiao Luo, Deluby was no longer afraid of Cole, and while being hugged by Cole, he stuck out his tongue and licked Cole's delicate face, which made Cole smile coquettishly.

"There are still three Dai Rubies. No wonder it wants to snatch the elf's food. It turns out that it is for its own children." Zhihong suddenly realized.

"Wow, woof..."

While the three Delubis were playing with Cole, Helujia yelled at Little Luo.

"It said it can't go with us, meow, the children have no mother, and they can't survive without their father." Meow has been following Xiao Luo, and when Hei Lujia speaks, she automatically translates.

"Where's their mother?" Xiao Luo asked.

"I was captured by a group of bad guys. They are very powerful. I can only escape here with my children."

Xiao Luo frowned and said, "Do you know who did it?"

Hei Lujia shook his head, and then said again: "They are uniformly dressed in black, with uniform patterns on their clothes."

With a thought in his heart, Xiao Luo drew a big "R" on the ground and asked, "Is this the pattern?"

Hei Lujia showed a ferocious expression, nodded, and said, "That's the pattern."

"I know who took their mother away." Xiao Luo said, "I can help you rescue it, but you must come with me."

This black Lujia is powerful, Xiao Luo naturally doesn't want to give up so easily.

Hei Lujia obviously hesitated, and thought for a long time before saying: "But what about my children after I leave, I just want them to grow up safely, and I don't want to force them to become elves of the trainer."

Xiao Luo smiled and said: "That's no problem, I can send them to my house, and someone will naturally take care of them. This is much better than you snatching food from the trainer to feed them. Moreover, you will have problems sooner or later."

"In this case, you can rest assured to follow me to find their mothers. Maybe you will have a chance to reunite with your family."

Hei Lujia was persuaded by Xiao Luo and nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Hei Lujia agreed, Xiao Luo asked Meow Miao, "How far is it from Jikyo City?"

Miaomiao took out the map and looked at it and said, "At our current speed, it will take at least three days to reach Kikyo City."

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "The situation is special, let's fly over directly."

Miaomiao agrees with this method very much. After walking for the past few days, it is also quite tired: "With the speed of Kuailong, we will definitely be able to reach Jikyo City before dark, but..."

"Just what?" Xiao Luo asked.

Miaomiao looked at Zhihong and asked, "What should he do?"

"Of course I'm going to Kikyo City too, master, take me with you." Zhihong said hastily.

Xiao Luo showed a malicious smile and said, "Okay, I'll take you with me."


Not long after, Xiao Luo and others took the fast dragon and set out on the road again...

" can't play like this, help me, kill me..." Zhihong yelled, his nose and tears streaming into a ball.

The Kuailong is not as big as the bald bird. After Xiaoluo, Cole and Miaomiao sit on it, there is no room for Zhihong.Therefore, Xiao Luo asked Kuailong to hold Zhihong in his arms, and flew to Kikyo City like this.

When it was getting dark, Xiao Luo and the others arrived in Jugeng City.

After Kuailong put Zhihong on the ground, Zhihong's body tilted, and he collapsed to the ground foaming at the mouth.Obviously, the frights received along the way were not light.

"Brother Luo, isn't that too much?" Kele looked at Zhihong pitifully and said.

"A trainer is an adventurer. He called me master so many times, of course I have to give him something." Xiao Luo said, "If he can't even stand this, he might as well stay at home and not travel. "

"Okay, leave him alone, let's go to the elf center to contact your sister Xia Yi and pass these three Dai Rubi back."


"Master...Father, wait...wait for me..." Zhihong woke up quietly, and followed him unsteadily.

Xiao Luo looked back at him, and this time, Xiao Luo showed him a rare sincere smile.After being teased by him like this, he didn't have any complaints about him, Xiao Luo began to like him a little bit.

"Hurry up, you can't stand such a small wind, how can you be a trainer." Xiao Luo muttered.

"No... no... Master, I... I'm afraid of heights!" Zhihong explained with difficulty.

Xiao Luo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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