Chapter 147 Challenge Kikyo Gymnasium
After talking about the Elf Center, Xiao Luo immediately contacted Xia Yi, chatted with each other for a while, and then Xiao Luo told about the three Dai Rubi.In order to save time, after obtaining Hei Lujia's consent, Xiao Luo subdued the three Dai Rubi, and then sent them to Xia Yi together.And asked her to release the three Dai Rubi by releasing them after receiving them.

After Dai Rubi's affairs were finished, Xiao Luo contacted Heshan old man and Xia Yi's father Wu Gang respectively.Because the Rockets showed up again in Chengdu, Xiao Luo had to beware of them.After all, Xiao Luo and the Rockets are already obvious enemies.

It is definitely unrealistic for Xiao Luo to obtain information about the Rockets by himself.Therefore, he had to turn to two super tycoons again.Because Xiao Luo believes that even in Chengdu, Wu Gang and He Shan are still very energetic.

After getting affirmative answers from the two, Xiao Luo hung up the phone and took Ke Er and Zhihong to eat something simple.After wandering around Kikyo City for a while, he returned to the Spirit Center to rest again.

Early the next morning, Xiao Luo got up early, planning to challenge the gymnasium in Jugeng City—Jugeng Gym.

Zhihong was earlier than Xiao Luo, and was already waiting at the door.

"Master, what are you doing today?" Zhihong greeted him with a smile and asked.

"I plan to challenge the gymnasium in Kikyo City after dinner." Xiao Luo asked with a smile, "Why are you guarding the door so early every day?"

Zhihong scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm afraid that Master will leave me and go away by myself."

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Aren't you going to have a gymnasium competition?" Xiao Luo asked aloud.

"I...I'm just an elf right now, and my strength is far from enough." Zhihong replied with some embarrassment: "I plan to go around this year, catch some elves, and start challenging the alliance next year."

Xiao Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, this was the first time he had heard of such a statement.But everyone has their own aspirations, and Xiao Luo can't say much.

"Let's go, let's go eat something together."

Before he knew it, Xiao Luo's attitude towards Zhihong became better, and he no longer hated him calling him master.

After breakfast, Xiao Luo brought the two of them and a cat to the Kikyo Gym.

There are some strong men in training clothes in the gymnasium who are doing various training.Seeing Xiao Luo and others coming in, a big man who seemed to be the leader came over and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here for the guild hall competition." Xiao Luo glanced around, but didn't find the owner Asu, so he asked aloud, "Is the owner, Asu, not here?"

"It's the trainer who came to challenge the club!" The big man smiled with a good attitude, "Our host is training on the competition field, you come with me."

After speaking, he led Xiao Luo and others towards the competition venue.Hearing that there was a competition in the gymnasium, those big men who were training also walked over, wanting to watch the competition.

When he came to the arena, Xiao Luo finally saw the owner of the stadium, A Su, a handsome boy with long bangs.

"Governor, someone has come to challenge the Gym."


A Su looked at Xiao Luo and the others, and asked, "Which one of you wants to challenge?"

Xiao Luo stepped forward, stretched out his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town."

Aso reached out and shook his hand: "Asu from Kikyo Gym."

"Okay, come back!" Aso called to the elf he was training.

"Whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

Three voices broke the air, Gu Gu, Bi Diao, and an unusually strong Duduli.

The speed is so fast, it seems a bit difficult.

Xiao Luo looked at the three elves of Aso and frowned.

"The rules of the game are three against three, and mine are these three elves." A Su said confidently.

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "No problem."


The two stood at both ends of the arena.

"Then Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town will challenge the owner of the Kikyo Gym, Aso. There are three Pokémon available for the competition. On the way, only the challenger can change the Pokémon. The competition begins." The big man leading the way is now the referee Role.

"Gugu, you go in the first game." Asu pointed out, and Gugu jumped off his shoulder, standing alone on the field with one leg.

Xiao Luo looked down on a little elf like Gu Gu, but thinking of the speed and the identity of the opponent just now, Xiao Luo had to take this game seriously: "Yuan Lu Shark, the first game is up to you."

Xiao Luo threw Yuanlu Shark's elf ball.


Facing Cuckoo, Yuanlu Shark's expression seemed a bit disdainful. In the training along the way, he defeated the most Cuckoos.


Cuckoo seemed a little annoyed by his attitude towards the round land shark.

"Yuan Lu Shark, be serious, this Gu Gu is very strong." Xiao Luo reminded.


Yuan Lusha nodded as if coping.Xiao Luo had no choice but to let it go.Secretly said: When you suffer a loss, you will be honest.

"Yuanlu Shark, it's a very rare Pokémon. Then, it's up to you to attack first, Xiao Luo." A Su gave up the right to attack first.

Xiao Luo was also not polite, and immediately commanded: "Yuan Lu Shark, split and attack."


The right paw of the round land shark glowed white, and rushed towards Gu Gu quickly.

"We won't be hit by such a simple attack." Asu chuckled softly, commanding: "Gugu, let's fly."


Cuckoo flapped his small wings and flew up, dodging the cleaving attack of the round land shark.

"Cuckoo, attack with the fastest speed." A Suo seemed to see Xiao Luo clearly, and wanted to make a quick decision.


Gu Gu swooped down extremely fast, and charged towards the round land shark.The broken air flow can be vaguely seen with the naked eye.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and said to himself: Just waiting for an attack like yours.

"Round Land Shark, crash!"


The body of the round land shark glowed with yellow fluorescence, and there were streaks of blue light and shadows behind it. It kicked its legs on the ground and rushed up to meet Gu Gu.


There was a strong collision sound, Gu Gu let out a scream, and was knocked into the air, and the round land shark also fell to the ground due to the reaction force and the secondary damage of the slam.

But in this round, the round land shark was obviously better, because the cuckoo sound was obviously worse than that of the round land shark.

"I didn't expect you to counterattack with a powerful trick, but I underestimated you." A Su's face changed slightly.

"Goo, spin and peck."

The white light condensed in front of Gugu's mouth, forming a long pointed beak, and the whole body spun, rushing towards the round land shark like a miniature whirlwind.

Xiao Luo had used this trick when the flame chicken was still a juvenile, so he naturally understood the power of it.

Xiao Luo didn't intend to fight recklessly, so he saw the right moment and directed Yuan Lusha to say: "Dig a hole!"


The round land shark digs the ground and hides underground in time when the pecking attack comes.Seeing the Yuanlu Shark disappear, Cuckoo hastily withdraws his move, almost hitting the ground in his haste.

"Fly quickly." A Su hurriedly commanded.The disappearing enemy is the most terrifying existence, because you don't know where it will attack from.

"Hmph, round land shark, dragon's wrath."


The ground behind Gu Gu broke open, and Yuanlu Shark jumped out with a milky white energy ball in its mouth, and shot it out the moment Gu Gu was about to take off.

"Cuckoo, dodge!"

"call out"

Gu Gu's figure suddenly disappeared in front of Dragon's Fury, and then appeared in front of Yuan Lu Shark.

Xiao Luo was shocked, and hurriedly commanded: "Yuan Lu Shark, quickly use the split attack."

"Don't even think about it, coo, hypnotism!"


Gugu's eyes glowed red, and ripples spread out, and the round land shark was inevitable and fell into a deep sleep.

"Very good, cuckoo, now, use shock."


The round land shark was hit by the impact and fell into the air.After being attacked, there was still no sign of waking up.

"Yuan Lu Sha, wake up!" Xiao Luo shouted.

"Go ahead, use the peck attack."


The pecking attack hits the round land shark again, knocking it into the air.This time, the round land shark finally woke up.

"Very good Yuan Lusha, now, use Dragon's Fury to deal with it." Looking at the panting Gu Gu, Xiao Luo commanded.

Although Xiao Luo didn't understand how Cuckoo avoided the dragon's wrath that appeared in front of Yuanlu Shark before, but Xiao Luo could also see that that kind of dodging seemed to consume a lot of energy, otherwise, Cuckoo would definitely not be so unbearable at this moment.

"Cuckoo, hurry up and avoid it."


Seeing the flying Dragon's Wrath, Gu Gu was about to take off when his body staggered, and finally lost the chance to avoid Dragon's Wrath, and was hit by Dragon's Wrath.

With a loud roar, Cuckoo has already landed on the ground.

"Cuckoo lost the ability to fight, and the round land shark won."

(End of this chapter)

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