Chapter 148 Obtaining the Flying Wing Badge
A Su took Gugu back and said to Duduli beside him, "Duduli, you go!"


Duduli is just an ostrich with three heads, the only difference is that the head is bigger than the ostrich.Doodle's three separate heads represent happiness, anger and sadness.

Xiao Luo looked at Duduli who jumped out, and found that the expressions of the three heads were really the same, and the expressions were completely different.

"Come back, Yuanlusha." Although Yuanlusha has made progress, he has reached the limit of defeating Gugu, and it is impossible to continue to fight against Duduli.

Xiao Luo thought for a while, then took out the poke ball and threw it out: "King Hippo, this game is up to you."


A white light flashed, and a leisurely Hippo King appeared in front of Duduli with his hands behind his back.

"This elf is the hippopotamus king." Aso said in surprise, "Xiao Luo, your elves are very rare."

"It's just luck." Xiao Luo smiled humbly.

A Su nodded, and commanded Duduli to launch an attack: "Dududoli, punch!"


Although Duduli can't fly, he runs extremely fast, and his legs make a very fast "tapping" sound, which is very shocking.

Duduli's three pointed beaks turned around and pecked at the hippopotamus king.

Facing the fierce attack approaching in front of him, Hippo King was not afraid, and remained leisurely, waiting for Xiao Luo's command.

"Hippo King, protect."


The hippopotamus king finally moved, stretched his hands forward, and an emerald green protective cover appeared instantly, covering it.


The drill hit the protection and was eventually bounced off by the protection.

"Hippo King, Illusion!"

After the protection dissipated, King Hippo looked at Duduli with blue fluorescent eyes.

"Doodoo, don't get caught by it, use high-speed movement."

"Gah" "Shhhhhh..."

The high-speed movement brought Duduli's speed to the extreme. On the field, only a huge black shadow could be seen shuttling back and forth around King Hippo.Duduli, who was moving at a high speed, could not be caught. Hippo King had no choice but to give up the illusion attack, and watched Duduli's movements nervously.

"King Hippo, don't be afraid, use the deceiving space."

"La - all -"

As Hippo Wang Changming made a sound, a special energy space enveloped the venue and then disappeared.

"Cheating space?" Aso frowned.In fact, Asu had never heard of this trick at all.

Seeing that nothing happened after the deceiving space, A Su felt relieved and directed Duduli: "Duduli, use a triangle attack!"


Duduli's three heads are in the shape of a zigzag, with its beaks open, and in each beak there is a small colored energy ball on the execution ground.

The triangle attack needs to be charged, which also provides enough time for the Hippo King's attack.

Xiao Luo smiled slightly, and commanded calmly: "Hippo King, Phantom Light."

"call out"

The Hippo King's eyes emitted a zigzagging colored light, and Duduli struck before Duduli's triangle attack was formed.


The phantom light hit Duduli directly, and after a bang, Duduli fell to the ground, and the triangle attack was terminated.

"What! How did this happen?" Ah Suo obviously didn't expect the attack he launched first, and it was not as fast as the attack launched by the Hippo Queen. Of course, he couldn't accept this result.

After the end of the round, the room for deception on the field flickered again.

"Very good Hippo King, continue to attack and use illusion." Xiao Luo took advantage of the victory and pursued.

The Hippo King's eyes glowed blue again, and he controlled Duduli, who had fallen to the ground, to fly up.With a flick of Hippo King's short arm, Duduli flew upside down as if being hit by a car.

With King Hippo's attack complete, the room for deception flickered again.

"Show your bones!"

"Show your bones!"


After Duduli fell to the ground, the big man watching the battle started shouting slogans to cheer for Duduli.

Xiao Luo glanced at this group of people with some displeasure, but thinking that this was their home field, he couldn't say much.

As the slogan sounded, Duduli stood up slowly, but his breath was already extremely messy.

"Duduli, use the punching drill!" Aso frowned and ordered.


Duduli let out an angry cry, and the three beaks spun at high speed and rushed towards the hippopotamus king.

"It's useless, King Hippo gave him the final blow, phantom light."

"call out"

The colored light came first again, and Duduli couldn't dodge in time, and was hit to the ground by the phantom light again.

This time, after Duduli struggled for a while, he lay obediently on the ground.

"Doodoo is incapacitated, and King Hippo wins."

"Come back Duduli." A Su had no choice but to take back Duduli.

"Little Luo, what's going on? Why is Hippo King's attack faster than Duduli's?"

Xiao Luo sweated profusely and asked, "Don't you know how to deceive space?"

"Is that the trick you just used?" Aso asked.

Xiao Luo nodded.

"I really haven't heard of it."

Xiao Luo was speechless for a moment, and thought to himself: A gym trainer actually has a trick that he doesn't know about.

Helpless, Xiao Luo could only explain to him the trick of deceiving the space.

"So that's how it is!" After listening to Xiao Luo's explanation, A Suo finally understood, "Elves with super powers actually have such weird tricks."

"Actually, there are many tricks like this in the super power department, you should learn more about them." Xiao Luo kindly reminded.

Asu nodded and said, "It seems that I am a little ignorant."

Xiao Luo smiled, did not continue to answer, but put the Hippo King away.

"Why, don't you continue to use it to fight?" Xiao Luo's behavior made Asuo very puzzled.With the unique trick of deceiving space, he definitely has a great advantage against his flying elves.

Xiao Luo explained: "I just subdued a guy yesterday, and I want to test its strength."

"So that's how it is." A Su smiled, and said to Bi Diao beside him, "Bi Diao, when you get on, they plan to use you as a touchstone, don't be ashamed!"


Bi Diao let out a menacing cry, and flew onto the field with wings flapping.

"Hei Lujia, let me see your strength." Xiao Luo threw out Hei Lujia's elf ball forcefully.

"Wang woo~"

A white light flashed, and He Lujia grinned, appearing on the field with a vicious look.

"Preemptive strike, Hei Lujia, spray flames!" Xiao Luo quickly commanded.


The crimson jet flames spewed out from Hei Lujia's mouth in an instant, and hit Bi Diao in the air without dispersing.

"Bi Diao, use Lightning Flash after avoiding it!"

Although the speed of spraying flames is very fast, Bi Diao's speed is faster. Bi Diao turned around gorgeously, and easily avoided the attack of spraying flames.Then there was a long cry, and the white light flickered, rushing towards Hei Lujia like a bolt of white lightning.

"Hurry up, Hei Lujia, return the punch!"


Hei Lujia's head was slightly lowered, and a strange red light appeared on his body.


Bi Diao's lightning hit Hei Lujia in a flash, and Hei Lujia staggered, making Bi Diao feel even worse.

"Good opportunity, Hei Lujia, crush it."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lu accelerated a few steps and then jumped high.The teeth in the mouth glowed white and bit towards Bi Diao.

"Bi Diao, dodge quickly!"


Bi Diao's figure disappeared from Hei Lujia's face in an instant, and Hei Lujia took a bite.

Curious dodge ability!Xiao Luo was very surprised by this dodge.

"It's just to compare the carvings now, and use the air to chop."


Bi Diao stretched out his wings, and cut out two bright white wind blades to hit Hei Lujia in a crossed pattern.

At this moment, Hei Lujia was in mid-air, and the air slash came from behind again, Xiao Luo had no choice but to watch Hei Lujia being hit by the air slash and fell to the ground.

"Then use your wings to attack." Aso commanded again.

Bi Diao's wings glowed white, and he rushed down again.

"Hei Lujia, move at high speed to evade."


Hei Lujia reacted quickly, and finally dodged Bi Diao's wing attack with a quick move.The wings attacked and hit the ground, creating a burst of smoke and dust.

Such a situation is conducive to Hei Lujia's attack, so Xiao Luo also commanded in time: "Hei Lujia, use jet flames."

"Fly faster than the eagle, and use the violent wind to blow away the smoke and dust."


Hei Lujia determined Bi Diao's position by relying on his nose, and then emitted flames, but Bi Diao's speed was extremely fast, and the jet flame still failed to hit Bi Diao.

After Bi Diao flew into the air, his wings kept beating, the wind was strong, and the smoke and dust were blown away, which also caused some damage to Hei Lujia.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia was attacked repeatedly, and the angry Bi Diao roared.


Bi Diao confronted him without the slightest fear.

"Bi Diao, another wing attack."


Bi Diao launched another wing attack and rushed towards Hei Lujia.

"Hei Lujia, return punch!"

Hei Lujia glowed red all over.

"Hmph, I was just waiting for you to use this trick. Bi Diao, turn back, and use Gale Storm."


When Bi Diao was about to attack Helujia, he suddenly stopped his momentum and flew upwards.

Xiao Luo also smiled happily, and said, "Come when you want, leave when you want, it's not that simple. Hei Lujia, crush it."

Hei Lujia instantly terminated the return punch trick, his fangs were exposed, and the white light condensed, and he threw Bi Diao, who was turning back, to the ground.Then he bit Bi Diao's neck.

"What, how is it possible!?" Aso showed an unbelievable expression.


Bi Diao screamed and struggled violently.

"Spray flames to solve it!"

Hei Lujia held Bi Diao tightly, the flames in his mouth were burning, and he sprayed out towards Bi Diao's head after he had accumulated enough strength.

After two perfect blows, Bi Diao lost his fighting ability in an instant.

"Bi...Bi Diao lost his ability to fight, and Hei Lujia won. So the challenger wins." Hei Lujia's sudden fierce counterattack also deeply shocked the referee.

(End of this chapter)

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