Chapter 149 Charizard Valley!
After Ah Su failed, he happily handed over the flying wing badge.So far, Xiao Luo has won the first badge of the Chengdu League.

After finishing the fight in the guild hall, Xiao Luo and the others spent another day in Jigeng City.Early the next morning, the few people embarked on the journey again, heading to the city where the next badge was located.

Naturally, it is inevitable to meet all kinds of elves along the way, and these elves have also become objects for the round land shark to increase its experience.As for Zhihong, Xiao Luo also began to teach him some basic knowledge of simple commands and elves.

Along the way, Zhihong continued to train the little giant crocodile with the help of Xiao Luo.It is worth mentioning that they met a armored bird when passing through a certain wasteland.Xiao Luo originally wanted to subdue him, but he couldn't stand Zhihong's pleading, so he gave it up to him.Although Zhihong was a bit reluctant to deal with the armor bird, he finally subdued it by his strength.The armor bird became the second elf in its hands.

"Miao Miao, where are we?" Little Luo asked Miao Miao at noon.

Miaomiao took out the map and observed it, and replied: "The location of the next badge is in Junpi Town. At our current speed, it will take three days to arrive, meow~"

"What!" Cole yelled in pain, "It actually takes three days to get there, so don't we have to camp for three days, so people will feel uncomfortable..."

Xiao Luo also has a big head, why didn't she find that Cole was so difficult to serve before, she would have known that she would not be brought out no matter what.

"Aren't there any smaller villages or people nearby?" Xiao Luo asked Miao Miao again.

"This..." Miaomiao looked at the map again, and then said, "There is a fire-breathing dragon valley nearby. If you don't want to camp, we can spend the night there, meow. It's just..."

Charizard Valley?Xiao Luo knows this place, and knows that the person who manages the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley is a beautiful girl named Ji Ke.

"Just what?" Xiao Luo asked.

"The Fire-breathing Dragon Valley generally prohibits irrelevant personnel from entering. I wonder if they will agree to our stay, meow~"

Xiao Luo was also a little helpless, and could only say: "Anyway, let's try it first!"

With the nearest destination, Xiao Luo and the others began to speed up their pace.

On the way, Zhihong asked Xiao Luo: "Master, Miaomiao said that the fire-breathing dragons in the Charizard Valley are wild and untrained powerful wild fire-breathing dragons. Is this true?"

"It should be." Xiao Luo is not too sure, even if he has seen these small plots, he will not be too impressed.

"Then can we go there to subdue a fire-breathing dragon?" Zhihong asked excitedly.

Hearing this, Xiao Luo reached out and gave him a brain, and said, "What are you thinking, if you can really subdue it casually, do you need someone to manage it?"

"But aren't those fire-breathing dragons wild? Aren't all wild elves subdued!" Zhihong felt aggrieved.

Xiao Luo thought about it seriously, and felt that what Zhihong said seemed to make sense.

"If you want to subdue it, I will subdue it. Do you think you have that strength?" Xiao Luo rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Is it by your armored bird, or by your little giant crocodile?"

Zhihong: "..."

In the afternoon, Xiao Luo and the others finally came to a valley.Miao Miao walked in the front, took out the map and looked at it again and again to lead the way.

"Meow, have you arrived yet? I can't move anymore." Cole pouted.

"It should be right ahead meow~ Persevere and we'll be there."

"Ah——I can't hold on any longer, Brother Luo, please carry Cole on your back!" Cole begged pitifully while hugging Xiao Luo's arm.

Xiao Luo: "..."

Xiao Luo sighed helplessly, he was also a little tired, so naturally it was impossible to carry Cole on his back.No matter what he said now, he only had the body of a ten-year-old, so walking with Cole on his back was a little bit reluctant.What's more, the road in the valley is not easy to walk.

Xiao Luo took out Kuailong's elf ball and released Kuailong: "Kuailong, take Cole and follow us!"

"Hey, it's Kuailong!" A crisp voice came.

Xiao Luo looked up and found a tall, sexy girl with green hair standing on the hill in front of her.

"Master, this sister is so beautiful~" Zhihong blushed slightly when he saw the girl, and whispered close to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo stared at him with wide eyes, and said to himself: Damn, he can't be the second generation of Xiao Gang, he's actually interested in women at such a young age.

Xiao Luo ignored him, looked at the girl and asked, "Excuse me, are you..."

The girl jumped down very flexibly, and introduced herself: "I am the manager of the Fire-breathing Dragon Canyon - Ji Ke."

Xiao Luo also guessed her identity and was not surprised.Xiao Luo and others also introduced themselves to Ji Ke.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo said, "We were going to spend the night in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, but we didn't expect to meet you here."

"Stay overnight in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley?" Ji Kewei was a little surprised, "Don't you know that the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley is forbidden for unrelated people to enter?"

"This one……"

Xiao Luo was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say, it seemed that it was difficult to stay overnight.

"Beautiful sister, just let us stay for one night. Living in a tent and sleeping bag every day, Cole will be miserable to death." Cole begged with his big eyes blinking cutely.

Ji Ke seemed to like Cole very much, he pinched her face lovingly and said, "It stands to reason that without a fire-breathing dragon, you can't enter and exit the fire-breathing dragon valley, but..."

She turned her head and stared at Xiao Luo's Kuailong, and the burning eyes made Kuailong growl at it angrily.

"Hehe, what a fast dragon with personality."

"For the sake of this fast dragon, I promise you all!"

Then, Ji Ke shouted loudly into the empty valley: "My fire-breathing dragon, come here."


As soon as the words fell, a jet of flame hit the sky, and then, a fire-breathing dragon with a pink bow on its head pulled a balloon boat and flew over, and Luo was beside Ji Ke.

"This is my fire-breathing dragon, cute little Lisa." Ji Ke pointed to the fire-breathing dragon and introduced.

"It's amazing, I really want to have a fire-breathing dragon." Zhihong looked at the fire-breathing dragon with excitement.From the outside, the fire-breathing dragon does give people a very powerful feeling.As far as appearance is concerned, it seems to be much stronger than Kuailong.


Hearing Zhihong's words, little Lisa yelled proudly.


Hearing the call of the fire-breathing dragon, Kuailong was not happy, and followed up with a call, staring at Lisa with burning eyes, full of fighting spirit.

Little Lisa met Kuailong's eyes suddenly, and felt a chill in her body, showing a trace of fear.

"Kuailong, don't make trouble!"

Xiao Luo was actually very happy that Kuailong took over the fire-breathing dragon, but this is his territory, and if he behaved too much, he would be playing too big if he didn't let him stay overnight.

"Hehe, this kid is really strong. I like him more and more." Ji Ke reached out to touch Kuailong, but Kuailong tilted his head and avoided it.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ji Ke, it doesn't like getting close to strangers very much." Xiao Luo apologized.

"Hehe, it's okay. Alright, let's go. Let's go to the fire-breathing dragon valley."

Ji Ke got into the charizard Lisa, and Ke Er and Zhihong got into Lisa's balloon boat.Xiao Luo rides on the fast dragon and follows Ji Ke to the legendary fire-breathing dragon valley.

Thinking that he would be able to reach the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley after a while, Xiao Luo couldn't help but become active.If you don't subdue a fire-breathing dragon here, you seem to be sorry for yourself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Luo couldn't help revealing a sinister smile: Charizard, I've been thinking about it for a long time.

"You laugh so sinisterly!" A strange voice suddenly came into my mind.

"Damn it, Lord Ghost, don't scare people!"

"You smile scarier than I do"


(End of this chapter)

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