Chapter 150 Deterrence
Both the fire-breathing dragon Lisa and Kuailong are very fast, so Ji Ke didn't waste much time and brought Xiao Luo and others to the fire-breathing dragon valley.

"Okay, welcome to the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley." Ji Ke jumped off Lisa's back, stood in front of an ancient door, and said, "Please be mentally prepared, don't be surprised!"

After speaking, Lisa turned around and opened the door. The scenery inside the door was completely different from the outside, like a paradise, with fire-breathing dragons of different shapes everywhere.

"Wow—it's amazing, the fire-breathing dragon here looks so powerful." Zhihong was dumbfounded.Even Xiao Luo couldn't help being surprised, the number of fire-breathing dragons here has reached an astonishing level, and they are extremely strong, each one looks rebellious.

Ji Ke looked at the surprised expressions of Xiao Luo and the others, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.Charizard is without a doubt an extremely powerful spirit.The number of fire-breathing dragons in the fire-breathing dragon valley is the largest in the world.As the manager here, Ji Ke is quite proud of being able to manage so many powerful elves.

"Okay, come in with me and have a look." Ji Ke walked in with Xiao Luo and others.

Zhihong was the first to follow closely, looking at the fire-breathing dragons excitedly.Cole seemed a little scared, holding Pokobi in one hand and Xiao Luo's arm in the other, looking at these big guys with some fear.Xiao Luo's eyes rolled around, looking for a unique existence, the purpose is self-evident.




Just as Xiao Luo was looking for a target to subdue, the Kuailong who followed in had already fought a fire-breathing dragon.

When Xiao Luo came in, he didn't put Kuailong away. The elves in Xiao Luo's hands were almost all unruly people, and Kuailong was no exception.Although he was in the fire-breathing dragon valley, Kuailong still followed Xiao Luo as if he was number one in the world, and looked at the fire-breathing dragons around him with his mouth crooked and squinting eyes.

And this expression naturally angered those militants in the fire-breathing dragon.The sturdy fire-breathing dragon with a scar on one eye couldn't bear it first, and when Kuailong looked at it provocatively, he rushed directly to it.

The two elves immediately fought.It's just that the two elves were very restrained, the fire-breathing dragon didn't use the trick, and the fast dragon didn't bother to use it.Just like this, you hit me and I hit you, and you punched me and I punched you in hand-to-hand combat.

"It's this guy again." Ji Ke looked at the fire-breathing dragon that was in a ball with the fast dragon, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This fire-breathing dragon is a famous thorn in the fire-breathing dragon valley. Except for a few powerful old fire-breathing dragons, there are not many fire-breathing dragons that are its opponents!" Cole smiled at Xiao Luo.

"Well, it's not bad." Xiao Luo also replied with a smile.

Since you dare to provoke, so be it, it looks pretty good.Seeing that the size of the fire-breathing dragon was a circle larger than that of the surrounding fire-breathing dragons, Xiao Luo secretly decided to tame this one.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Ji Ke asked.

"Why stop them?"


Ji Ke choked for a moment, saying that he understood so well, don't you understand?

Ji Ke said: "It's very powerful. Your Kuailong may not be the opponent. Are you afraid that your Kuailong will suffer?"

Xiao Luo smiled lightly: "That's not necessarily the case. Besides, if it can't beat it, it proves that it still needs training, and someone will 'train' it for me."

Xiao Luo said the second half of the sentence loudly so that Kuailong could hear it.

Kuailong, who was fighting the fire-breathing dragon, became a little confused when he heard Xiao Luo's words.practice it?who practiced itIt seems that Boss Diao and Boss Bao didn't come out with him. Although Flame Chicken is powerful, it seems that he may not be able to beat himself.


Just when Kuailong felt that Xiao Luo was scaring it, a series of sinister laughter came into his ears out of thin air.

Kuailong shuddered immediately when he heard this voice, Nima, why did he forget this old man.This is the real grandpa.

Geng Gui followed Xiao Luo, always acting as a coach, and the elves under Xiao Luo were often taught by him.And that's okay, ever since Geng Gui got the mage evolution stone, in order to adapt to his own strength, he often [-]v[-] or even [-]v against it and Bi Diao and Gyarados.Because Geng Gui couldn't control his strength well, they were beaten for a long time every time.Thinking back to those dark days, Kuailong really burst into tears and had nowhere to complain.

Suddenly hearing Geng Gui's signature laughter again, Kuailong was really scared.


Threatened by Geng Gui, Kuailong, who was holding hands and wrestling with the fire-breathing dragon, let out a loud roar, and his power surged instantly, throwing the huge body of the fire-breathing dragon away.


The fire-breathing dragon suffered a loss, and was watched by many of its kind. Under the anger, it lost its mind, and opened its mouth to shoot out a thick jet of flame.


Kuailong was not afraid, and also shot out a jet of flame.


The two jets of flame collided and exploded in an instant, with strong winds and thick smoke billowing.

Seeing that the two elves were really moving, the surrounding fire-breathing dragons gave up enough space, and looked at Kuailong with unkind eyes, as if they were swarming up.

Xiao Luo squinted his eyes and looked at the fire-breathing dragons around him, and said to the air: "Whoever dares to interfere with the battle, beat it."

"Don't worry, leave it to me..." Geng Gui's voice came out.It only spoke to Luo, so Cole didn't hear anything.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Ke asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I just don't want elves to interfere with their battle."

Ji Ke nodded, looked at Xiao Luo's Kuailong again, and said, "Your Kuailong is very powerful."

"Hehe, it's okay!" Although Xiao Luo's tone was modest, his expression was full of pride.

"Hehe, Xiao Luo, what do you think of this fire-breathing dragon?" Ji Ke asked.

"Very powerful, the strongest fire-breathing dragon I have ever met."

"Then..." Ji Ke hesitated for a long time but still couldn't speak.

"What?" Xiao Luo looked up at her suspiciously.

"Well... how about I exchange this fire-breathing dragon for your fast dragon?" Ji Ke asked with a slightly red face.

She wanted Xiao Luo's fast dragon very much, and the main purpose of taking Xiao Luo into the fire-breathing dragon valley as an exception was also to exchange the fast dragon in Xiao Luo's hands.It's just that she didn't expect that the Kuailong in Xiao Luo's hand was so powerful.Thinking about the rarity of the fast dragon, it felt that it would be unrealistic to exchange the fire-breathing dragon for the fast dragon.If she didn't want a fast dragon so much, she would never speak.

"What?! No, absolutely not!" Before Xiao Luo could speak, Cole yelled loudly: "This fast dragon was given to Brother Xiao Luo by Cole, and Brother Luo will not change it. You Even if you exchange it with a divine beast, Big Brother Xiao Luo won't change it."

Kele looked at Ji Ke angrily. He thought this sister was very good at first, but now he hates it more and more.

"Brother Luo, let's go. Cole lives in a tent and sleeps in a sleeping bag, so he won't stay overnight."

Xiao Luo: "..."

"Okay, Cole, don't be angry. Sister Ji Ke was joking with you. Right, Miss Ji Ke." Xiao Luo comforted Cole by touching his head.

"Really?" Cole looked at Ji Ke suspiciously.

Ji Ke didn't expect Ke Er's reaction to be so strong. Now that Xiao Luo found her a step, she laughed and said, "Yes... yes, my sister is just joking with you. See, you are nervous."

After saying this, Ji Ke sighed in his heart, it seems that Kuailong is dead.

Xiao Luo was talking here, and the battle on Kuailong's side was also coming to an end.Although the fire-breathing dragon was very powerful, it was still a bit short in front of the Kuailong who had tried his best not to be taught a lesson.After Kuailong made a dragon charge, the fire-breathing dragon crashed to the ground and lost the power to fly again.

Kuailong is not feeling well at the moment, with scars all over his body and panting like a cow.




The roars of the fire-breathing dragons around were one after another, and two fire-breathing dragons flew out again and rushed towards the fast dragon.

"Boom" "Boom"

Two shadow balls flew out and knocked the two fire-breathing dragons to the ground.

Geng Gui stood in front of Kuailong with a serious face, and looked majestically at the fire-breathing dragons around him.




The fire-breathing dragons became even more angry, and four flew out again and rushed towards Geng Gui.

"Geng Gui~" "Here~"

Geng Gui immediately aroused the power of the mage evolution stone, and the light of evolution illuminated the entire valley.After the white light dissipated, Geng Gui's image changed drastically, with a mark like a yellow eye appearing between his brows, his lower body and legs disappeared, turning scarlet.Both palms elongated, like horseshoes.The hair all over his body was prickly, and he looked extraordinarily strange.


Geng Gui stretched out his hands, and chaotic black light shot out frantically, instantly engulfing the four fire-breathing dragons rushing up.

As the four fire-breathing dragons fell to the ground, the fire-breathing dragons in the valley finally calmed down, looking at Geng Gui in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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