Chapter 151
What happened for a moment made Ji Ke a little stunned. Fortunately, after the four fire-breathing dragons fell to the ground, she finally reacted, and panickedly stopped the fire-breathing dragon and Mage Geng Gui from continuing to clash.Xiao Luo also took the opportunity to take out the elf ball and put away the fire-breathing dragon that Kuailong had knocked down.

"What are you doing?" Ji Ke was very annoyed when he saw Xiao Luo subdue the fire-breathing dragon so blatantly.

"Take it in! What's the matter?" Xiao Luo pretended to be innocent.

"This is the valley of fire-breathing dragons, and it is forbidden to tame fire-breathing dragons." Ji Ke said angrily.

"I didn't say it before, I don't know." Xiao Luo scratched her head, embarrassed.


Ji Ke is a little speechless, does this need an introduction?The elves in some protected areas are forbidden to be tamed. This is an unwritten rule. A dignified trainer doesn't even know this, so no one will believe it.

Fortunately, Ji Ke didn't want to argue with him, so he waved his hand and said, "Let's release it quickly."

"That can't be done!" Xiao Luo resolutely refused, and said: "You have also seen that it attacked Kuailong first. After being defeated by Kuailong, as a trainer, I am naturally qualified to subdue it. Even if it is a protected area The elves are no exception."

"No, no matter what, the fire-breathing dragon in the fire-breathing dragon valley cannot be tamed. You let him go quickly." Ji Ke said angrily.

Xiao Luo said indifferently: "This is the right to be a trainer, and it is protected by the alliance. Do you want to challenge the authority of the alliance?" Xiao Luo buckled an oversized hat.

"You..." Ji Ke pointed at him and was speechless.

Originally, he was brought to the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley to exchange for the fast dragon in his hand.Unexpectedly, Kuailong didn't get it, but gave him a fire-breathing dragon for nothing.

Ji Ke also knew that he was unreasonable, but when he thought that he had suffered such a big loss, he felt unhappy.

Seeing that Xiao Luo was determined to eat her, he trotted to get Xiao Luo's elf ball first and release the fire-breathing dragon.


Just when Ji Ke reached out to take the poke ball, a light blue fluorescent light appeared, wrapping Ji Ke up.Ji Ke was restrained and floated up, unable to move.

"Hey...Miss Ji Ke, it's against the law to snatch the trainer's spirit." Geng Gui said with a sinister smile.

"Let go of me, this is the valley of the fire-breathing dragon, aren't you afraid of arousing the anger of the fire-breathing dragon?" Ji Ke said angrily.

Xiao Luo ignored her, Shi Shiran walked over, put away the elf ball, and said: "As the manager of the Charizard Valley, if I am attacked here, do you think the alliance will help me get justice? ?”

"Hmph, do you think the alliance will embarrass me for a little trainer?" Ji Ke sneered.

"No way!" Xiao Luo was surprised, "Miss Ji Ke doesn't think my face looks familiar?"

"Familiar?" Ji Ke looked at Xiao Luo seriously, and snorted, "It's so ugly!"


"I'm happy if I'm ugly, you can take care of it. Besides, I'm the champion of this year's Quartz League, you don't know." After Xiao Luo finished speaking, he looked at Ji Ke very proudly.

"League champion!?" Ji Ke was a little surprised.

Xiao Luo proudly said: "That's right, it's the champion of the league. So, if something happened to me in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, how the league is doing, I will take some symbolic measures. For example... cancel your status as a manager .”

"You..." Ji Ke's pretty face flushed with anger.




Over there, when the fire-breathing dragons saw that Ji Ke was caught by Geng Gui, they immediately rioted and roared, but because of Geng Gui's deterrence, they didn't dare to rush up for a while, their eyes were red, and they stared at the little boy. Luo et al.

"Let go of me, or something will really happen." Ji Ke also panicked at this moment, and hurriedly said to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo is also a little scared, too much is too late, if the group of fire-breathing dragons really lose their minds and rush forward, it will be a question of whether they can escape.Therefore, Xiao Luo hurriedly asked Geng Gui to let Xiao Luo go, and asked her to appease the fire-breathing dragons.



Just as Ji Ke was let go, there were two loud roars in the distance again.Then, two huge fire-breathing dragons slowly flew over.

With these two roars, the surrounding fire-breathing dragons instantly quieted down.Geng Gui flew in mid-air with a serious expression, and Celebi also appeared beside it, staring at the two fire-breathing dragons flying towards it.

"This is... Celebi!" Ji Ke looked at Celebi who appeared out of nowhere in shock, "You still have such a beast spirit."

Xiao Luo ignored him, and looked nervously at the two fire-breathing dragons, making Geng Gui and Celebi treat the elves so seriously, and they definitely have the strength of divine beasts.

"Why, are you scared?" Looking at Xiao Luo's expression, Ji Ke smiled lightly.

"Afraid?" Xiao Luo straightened her body, "Young master has never been afraid, and the big deal will turn the world upside down. Celebi and Ghost are not vegetarians."

Having said that, Xiao Luo has already planned how to escape.At this moment, he really regretted not bringing the bald bird out.Kuailong is now injured, and they will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the fire-breathing dragon with them.If there is a fight, Geng Gui and Celebi will have to restrain the two huge fire-breathing dragons, and have no time to take care of them. It seems that they can only rely on the Hippo King to move instantly.

Thinking of this, Xiao Luo immediately took back the eager Kuailong, released the Hippo King, and called Ke Er and Zhihong to stand beside him.Once the situation is wrong, teleport away immediately.

Two fire-breathing dragons landed. These two fire-breathing dragons are already old, with some obvious wrinkles on their faces.It's just that the body is still strong, and the aura exuded is extremely powerful.

Two fire-breathing dragons, one with a tyrannical expression, seems to dislike everything.One has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, half-closed eyes, as if dozing off.


"It's asking what's going on here, meow~" Miaomiao made a translation beside Xiao Luo.

A clever fire-breathing dragon walked over, gesturing with hands and feet and telling what happened just now.

Looking at the six fire-breathing dragons lying on the ground, the tyrannical fire-breathing dragon seemed extremely angry and roared at Mage Geng Gui.

Geng Gui was not afraid, he stepped forward slightly, ready to fight at any time.

The tyrannical fire-breathing dragon felt that his majesty was being challenged. Just as he was about to charge up, Ji Ke ran out and said anxiously, "Don't do anything."


The tyrannical fire-breathing dragon seemed to call out to Ji Ke inquiringly.

"The responsibility this time is not theirs. If you want to do it, it will be very troublesome."

The tyrannical fire-breathing dragon was very unconvinced, looked at Geng Gui, and then at Xiao Luo, but couldn't do anything for a while, just bared its teeth with a fierce look on its face.


The benevolent fire-breathing dragon finally made a sound, barking a few times at the tyrannical fire-breathing dragon.Then he yelled at the fire-breathing dragons around him a few times, and the tyrannical fire-breathing dragon quieted down.The surrounding fire-breathing dragons also scattered all of a sudden.Here, only the two fire-breathing dragons, Xiao Luo and others are left.

Afterwards, the kindly-eyed fire-breathing dragon nodded to Celebi, flew to Xiao Luo's side, and cried out.

"It said that it already knew the general course of the matter." Meow Miao began to translate, "It also said that you, who can win the approval of the forest god, are undoubtedly a powerful and kind trainer, and its child can travel with you is also a kind of Lucky. I just hope you can bring it back here often, after all, this is the real home of the fire-breathing dragon."

Xiao Luo didn't expect this fire-breathing dragon to be so talkative, and nodded happily: "Don't worry, I will bring it here often. And I will train it to be stronger than you."

The fire-breathing dragon laughed happily when Xiao Luo said that, then, it twitched its nose, sniffed Xiao Luo's body, and said: "I smell a lot of breaths of supreme beings on you, I think you There must be some kind of mission, right?"

Xiao Luo rolled her eyes wide, coughed twice on purpose, and said, "I have no right to reveal too much to you about the mission that Arceus entrusted to me. Taking in your child is also the need of this mission. In the future, Arceus will make up for it." give it."

The fire-breathing dragon's eyes widened, and it seemed to be extremely frightened: "Is it Lord Arceus, the creation god?"

"You know?" Xiao Luo pretended to be surprised.

"I was lucky enough to see it once." The fire-breathing dragon smiled, "It is an honor for that child to be able to serve Lord Arceus."

"Mighty boy, can you stay here for a night?" the fire-breathing dragon asked again.

Xiao Luo nodded and said, "I originally planned to spend the night here."

"Then you release my child, I will tell it some things, and when I leave tomorrow, I will let it come to you again."

"Of course this is no problem." Xiao Luo released the fire-breathing dragon with confidence.The old fire-breathing dragon knew Arceus, and obviously would not do anything against him.

Afterwards, Xiao Luo released the subdued fire-breathing dragon. Although the fire-breathing dragon was not angry, it also knew its own fate, lowered its head, and was listless.

After the two old fire-breathing dragons flew away with Xiao Luo's fire-breathing dragon, Ji Ke also had to face the fact that Xiao Luo subdued the fire-breathing dragon, and began to arrange dinner and rest for Xiao Luo and others.

(End of this chapter)

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