Chapter 152
The next day, when Xiao Luo and others were about to set off again, Zhihong found Xiao Luo coyly.

"That's...Master! I...I..." Zhihong blushed slightly, hesitating.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Luo asked curiously.

"I think...I think..."

"Say what you think, a big boy, Niu Niu is like a bitch, what does he look like?"

"Yes! Master, I want to stay here." After speaking, Zhihong blushed and secretly looked at Ji Ke's expression.

Xiao Luo looked at him, then at Ji Ke who was dressed sexy, and thought to himself: Damn, you kid wants young grass to hook an old cow. He has a future, even more promising than Xiao Gang.

"Ahem..." Xiao Luo put on airs, "Why?"

"That... I like fire-breathing dragons. I want to subdue a fire-breathing dragon like the master here before leaving. And..."

"Besides, there are quite a lot of things going on in the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley. I want to stay here to help Sister Ji Ke do something. Besides, Sister Ji Ke is also very strong, and I want to learn something from her."

"No need, I will take care of it alone..." Ji Ke refused.

"Well, there is a future, I agree with you. You have to remember, if you don't subdue a fire-breathing dragon, you will never leave the fire-breathing dragon valley, you know."

"Yes, master! I will definitely tame a fire-breathing dragon, and it must be stronger than the master's." Zhihong said excitedly.

"You..." Ji Ke looked at Xiao Luo angrily, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Oh, it seems that sister Ji Ke doesn't like you, Zhihong." Xiao Luo joked.

"This one……"

Xiao Luo put his arms around his shoulders, dragged him aside, and said: "Master told you, if you don't like you, you can pester her, bother her every day, and follow her every step of the way. Elves have the same feelings. After getting along for a long time, they must have feelings. Do you understand?"

"Ah! Is it true, master?" Zhihong asked stupidly.

"Of course it is true. Also, you have to say nice things to her every day, for example, Sister Ji Ke, you are so beautiful today, Sister Ji Ke, you are so gentle, Sister Ji Ke, you are so stylish, etc... And you must listen to her, why do you tell you what you do, scold you, listen to you, beat you, stand next to you, and greet you with a smile... Also, the first step you have to do is to get Little Lisa's favor, do you know that? I have a lot of wild fruits here, and I give them to you to bribe Little Lisa. Asking Little Lisa to help you is equivalent to planting a spy inside, which is quite necessary. besides……"

Zhihong blushed and nodded vigorously.

"Okay, that's all I can teach you. Remember, you must be thick-skinned, don't leave even if you are chased away, and stay here just begging for nothing."

"Don't worry, master, I know." Zhihong nodded vigorously.

"A child can be taught!" Xiao Luo smiled and patted Zhihong on the shoulder.



At this moment, Xiao Luo's fire-breathing dragon flew out of the valley and landed beside Xiao Luo.


Xiao Luo discovered that the fire-breathing dragon actually wore a mage evolution stone on its neck.

"Charizard, where did you get this mage evolution stone?" Xiao Luo asked in surprise.


"It said it was given to it by its grandfather. In the past, its grandfather relied on this to dominate the Charizard Valley. Now it will follow you to complete the use, so its grandfather gave it to meow~"

"So your grandpa still has such good things." Xiao Luo nodded, and then asked the fire-breathing dragon: "Then are you willing to come with me? If you don't want to, I won't force you."


The fire-breathing dragon nodded quickly, and then yelled a few words to Meow Meow, asking it to translate.

"It said that its grandfather said that it is a kind of luck to follow you, and it is also arranged by the heavens. The prestige of the fire-breathing dragon family may resound from it to the world. So it is very willing to love you, meow~"

Xiao Luo patted his neck and said affirmatively, "Don't worry, there will be such a day,"

Afterwards, Xiaoluo, Cole, and Miaomiao bid farewell to Ji Ke and Zhihong, and continued to march towards Juipi Town.

Along the way, the training of the round land shark was naturally indispensable.After such a long training and fighting, the progress of the round land shark has obviously slowed down, and the wild elves can no longer meet its training needs.Xiao Luo faintly felt that the round land shark had a slight sign of evolution.

After a night of camping in the wild, at noon the next day, Xiao Luo and the others finally arrived at Juipi Town.

"Finally in town, Cole is going to eat barbecue." Cole entered the town, feeling very happy.

Xiao Luo said with a smile: "If you eat any more, you will become a fat girl, and sister Xia Yi and your grandfather won't like you anymore."

"No way, Cole needs to eat more, grow up quickly, and be as beautiful as Aunt Elena in the future." Cole looked yearning.

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry to grow up?" Xiao Luo asked.

"Marry Brother Xiaoluo, and have a cute baby like me!"

"Boom" "Boom"

Xiao Luo and Miaomiao were immediately knocked down by the thunder.


After eating barbecue with Cole, Xiao Luo came to the Juniper Gym.

The venue of the Juniper Gymnasium is an indoor venue, with some trees planted on the venue, like a small forest.

Xiao Luo walked into the hall, and the owner, Abi, was observing a green caterpillar on a ladder.

"Hello, I'm here for the guild hall competition." Xiao Luo shouted at A Bi.

"Oh? Are you here to challenge the guild hall?" Ah Bi got off the ladder, walked up to Xiao Luo and stretched out his hand: "I am the owner of the juniper gymnasium, A Bi."

Xiao Luo stretched out his hand and shook him: "Xiao Luo from the new town."

Xiao Luo looked at A Bi and found that A Bi's age should be about the same as him, at most one or two years older than him.Therefore, Xiao Luo is not optimistic about Abi's strength.

In fact, Xiao Luo still has a lot of opinions on the way the league selects the owner.The strength is too uneven, and some pavilion owners have the strength of a heavenly king, such as Xia Bo from Honglian Island and Liu Bo from Kaji Town... and some old guys.If they don't release the water, few trainers can get the badge from them.Some gym owners are only at the level of ordinary trainers, not even elites.The typical ones are the three sisters in Hualan City. Fortunately, there are Aliu guards in the Hualan Gym now.

After introducing each other, Ah Bi called the referee and started the match with Xiao Luo.

"Now there is a gymnasium competition with badges as a bet. The challenger, Xiaoluo, is against the juniper gymnasium, Abi. There are three elves that can be used in the competition. The competition begins!"

"It's my first one, go to Iron Armor Chrysalis."

Ah Bi threw the elf ball, and an emerald green armored chrysalis appeared on the field.Dumbfounded, Xiao Luo looked dumbfounded for a while.

This kind of elf may have miraculous effects against ordinary trainers, but for Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo has 100 ways to defeat it.

Xiao Luo shook his head, took out Yuan Lu Shark's elf ball and threw it out: "Yuan Lu Shark, the first round is up to you."


After being trained for a long time and participating in regular battles, the round land shark is somewhat excited.

"Yuanlu Shark?! It's a very rare elf. However, my insect-type Pokémon will not fail just because it is rare! Iron Armor Chrysalis, use Hard Bang."

First use the hard bang bang, then the hard bang bang, then the hard bang bang, the whole body hard bang, and finally the brainless impact. This is probably the only routine of the armored chrysalis.After the body hardens, the damage caused by the impact will be greatly increased.This is indeed an effective attack method, but to Xiao Luo, it is really not enough.

"Yuan Lu Shark, slam!" Xiao Luo didn't talk nonsense, and ordered Yuan Lu Shark to use his big move.

The body of the armored chrysalis over there has already shone like glass, and it is obvious that the rigidity has already taken effect.

On the other side, the round land shark has already started to run in big strides, its body is glowing with white fluorescence, and there are many blue shadows behind it.


The huge impact directly sent the armored chrysalis flying, spinning continuously in the air.

"Hmph, my armored chrysalis will not be defeated so easily. Iron armored chrysalis, borrow the force of the fall and use the impact."

Xiao Luo shook his head and said calmly, "Dragon Wave!"


The round land shark opened its mouth and spewed out a faint blue energy wave, soaring up into the sky with its teeth and claws like a giant dragon.The armored chrysalis rushed down and was swallowed by the wave of the dragon.


After the violent explosion, the armored chrysalis fell to the ground in pitch black.

"The armored chrysalis loses its ability to fight, and the round land shark wins."


The round land shark crossed its short arms and looked at the armored chrysalis with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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