Chapter 153 Obtaining the Insect Badge
"So strong!"

A Bi looked at Xiao Luo in shock.Perhaps this is the most powerful trainer he has met since he became the gym master.Although he knew he would lose, Ah Bi had to continue the fight.This is the responsibility of a gym trainer.

"Come back to the armored pupa." Ah Bi took back the armored pupa and replaced it with a poke ball: "Heracross, it's up to you."


A white light flashed, and a strong Heracross appeared opposite the round land shark, with a natural expression on his face, and his fighting spirit did not seem high.

"Heracross, the rock blade." After seeing Xiao Luo's strength, Ah Bi quickly attacked first.


Two bands of white light intersected around Heracross, and then turned into countless sharp stones.With a scream from Heracross, the stones turned into sharp blades and hit the round land shark.

"Round land shark, dig a hole."


The round land shark jumped up, plunged into the ground, and disappeared underground.The rock blade hits the air.

"Heracross, fly up, be careful."


Heracross nodded, opened the shell on his back, quickly flapped his wings and flew in mid-air, staring at the field with his big eyes blinking, looking alert.

"Hmph, round land shark, slam!"


The ground directly below Heracross cracked, and the round land shark broke through the ground with a white light all over its body, and rushed towards Heracross.

Such an attack was naturally caught by Heracross and Abi.

"Heracross, Megaton Horn."


The big horn above Heracross's head glowed with dazzling white light, and he greeted him with constant screams.


After the two elves stalemate in mid-air for a while, the round land shark was knocked down with difficulty, and fell hard to the ground.

"Very good, it's now, Rock Blade!" Ah Bi excitedly commanded.

"Stop it, round land shark sand hail attack!"


The round land shark got up in time, its body spun like a top, and a large cloud of sand and dust flew up, covering Heracross. The flying sand and dust were somewhat lethal. Although the damage was not great, it also stopped Heracross in time. Lacrosse's Rock Blade.

Seeing this, Ah Bi frowned slightly, but he had no choice but to change the order and said, "Heracross, rush up and use close combat."

Another great trick.

Xiao Luo was a bit overwhelmed when he heard Abi's command, rock sharp blade, million-ton horn attack, close-quarters attack, Nima was full of great tricks, Heracross could be so awesome.

Xiao Luo didn't dare to confront it head-on, so he could only command with aggrieved words: "Yuan Lu Shark, dig a hole."

"Don't let it go, come on, Heracross."


Heracross' eyes suddenly became sharp, his wings hummed, and his speed suddenly increased.Fly to the side of the land shark before it turns into the ground.

In the next scene, Xiao Luo directly covered her eyes.After a "bang bang bang bang" sound, Xiao Luo looked at the situation of the round land shark through his fingers.

After being beaten crazily at close quarters, Yuan Lu Shark fluttered dizzily, as if in a state of confusion.

"Fix it, Megaton Corner Shot."


Heracross once again issued a mega-ton horn attack to knock the round land shark into the air.

"The round land shark loses the ability to fight, and Heracross wins."

The corner of Xiao Luo's mouth twitched, although he felt distressed, but he was helpless.He could only take Yuanlu Shark back, exchanged for a poke ball and threw it out: "Charizard, I'll leave the rest to you."


The huge dragon body appeared directly above Heracross, its eyes glanced sharply, and its scars were hideous.The flames from the mouth hit the sky.The domineering appearance made Heracross instantly show a fearful expression.

"It's actually a fire-breathing dragon!" Ah Bi also had slight sweat stains on his forehead, and swallowed hard.

"Don't be afraid of Heracross, use the rock blade." A Biqiang commanded calmly.


Heracross launched the rock blade trick, and a large piece of sharp stone hit the fire-breathing dragon with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Solve it with one blow, and get an electric shock." Xiao Luo stretched out his hand and shouted loudly.


The fire-breathing dragon roared loudly, and blue flames suddenly burned on its body, and the fire-breathing dragon turned into a huge blue fireball, impacting down like a blue meteor.

The release of the "Boom" trick shocked people's hearts, and Heracross was directly hit on the ground by the explosive electric shock in horror.The ground cracked and shook violently, large pieces of leaves fell from the indoor trees, and the insect elves on the trees panicked and ran around.

After the explosive electric shock, Heracross lay in the middle of the big pit, his whole body was pitch black, his eyes spiraled.

"Heracross loses the ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!"

At the same time, blue lightning flashed across the fire-breathing dragon, causing the fire-breathing dragon to show a slightly painful expression.Although the explosive electric shock is powerful, it also does some damage to oneself.

"Damn it, come back Heracross." Abi retracted Heracross, looking at the charizard with a little fear in his eyes.

This fire-breathing dragon is definitely the nemesis of the insect-type elves. Although he has certain means to deal with the unique moves of the fire-type, he can be sure that those means will have absolutely no effect on this fire-breathing dragon.At this moment, he was really desperate. He really wanted to hand over the badge directly and end the game.But he knew that as a gym trainer, he absolutely couldn't do this.He is the whetstone of the trainers arranged by the alliance. If he surrenders without a fight, he will not only be ashamed, but will also be punished by the alliance.

Ah Bi sighed, and reluctantly took out the elf ball and threw it out: "The Giant Pincer Mantis, it's up to you."


A white light flashed, and a tall red figure appeared on the field. He was tall and straight, with bright armor and piercing eyes. Even though the opponent was a powerful fire-breathing dragon, he still did not change his color at all.

"This giant pincer mantis has been bred very well, Ah Bi!" Xiao Luo also has a giant pincer mantis, so he knows the strengths and weaknesses of a giant mantis very well.Although Ah Bi's giant pincer mantis can't compare with his own, it is already very good.

"Well, it's the strongest elf in my hand. But..." Ah Bi looked at Xiao Luo's fire-breathing dragon and smiled bitterly.

"Hehe, I haven't fought yet, so why don't I have any confidence?"

A Bi shook his head and said: "The result is predictable, the fight is just a formality, your fire-breathing dragon is too powerful."

Xiao Luo smiled and said no more.Ah Bi has lost confidence, and talking too much will make others feel that he is hypocritical.

"Go ahead, Ah Bi."

"Then I won't be polite, Giant Pincer Mantis, use Yan Fan."


The giant pincer mantis spread its wings on its back, and its body glides, wrapped in streaks of white light, rushing towards the fire-breathing dragon.

"Next, Charizard."


The fire-breathing dragon stretched out its hands, and forcibly received the attack of the giant pincer mantis.

Ah Bi secretly had a bad idea, and immediately said: "Giant Pincer Mantis, hurry up and use high-speed movement."

"Grab it!"

"call out"

The fire-breathing dragon was a beat slower, and was quickly escaped by the giant pincer mantis.Afterwards, the giant pincer mantis flickered, constantly shifting its position.

Xiao Luo didn't care, and continued to command: "Charizard, spray flames, and attack."


Thick and scorching jet flames spewed out from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, following the figure of the giant pincer mantis and swept over.

Seeing that he was about to hit the Giant Pincer Mantis, Ah Bi commanded again: "Giant Pincer Mantis, use Sword Dance."


The giant pincer mantis raised both hands, its body spun at high speed, and the sprayed flames were spun and bounced around.

Xiao Luo smiled and commanded: "Full power!"


The jet flames suddenly thickened, and the temperature also rose to a higher level. The impact force was so great that the giant pincer mantis using the sword dance slowly moved back.

If this goes on, the giant pincer mantis will not be able to hold on.

Looking at this scene, Ah Bi clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Giant pincer mantis, run away quickly."

After hearing Ah Bi's command, the giant pincer mantis stopped the sword dance and flew upwards.It was just that he was inevitably hit by jet flames on his lower body, leaving a pitch-black scar.This made the giant pincer mantis extremely painful, and the speed was inevitably affected.

"Catch up and use the earth throw."


The fire-breathing dragon fluttered its wings and quickly appeared above the giant pincer mantis. The giant pincer mantis was startled by the sudden appearance of the fire-breathing dragon. Just as it wanted to avoid it, it was hugged tightly by the fire-breathing dragon's hands, and its claws were almost dug into it. The body is average.

The fire-breathing dragon soared into the sky holding the mantis with its giant pincers in its arms. After hovering in the air for a few weeks, it crashed down towards the ground at extreme speed.


The giant pincer mantis was hit hard on the ground.

"Spray flames!"


The flying fire-breathing dragon shot out again following a jet of flame, and there was another bang, billowing thick smoke accompanied by smoke and dust floating in the hall.

After a long time, the referee announced the final result: "The giant pincer mantis lost the ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon won, so the challenger wins."

(End of this chapter)

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