Chapter 154 Challenge from the Challenger
"I lost!" At the end of the game, Ah Bi generously presented the insect badge, "This insect badge is yours."

"Thank you!" Xiao Luo put away the badge, shook hands with Ah Bi, and then wanted to take Cole and Meow Miao out of here.

At this moment, the door of the guild hall was pushed open again, and a tall, slightly burly boy walked in.

"This is the cypress gymnasium, right?" the young man asked Xiao Luo and the others with a smile on his face.

"This is the Juniper Gym, and I am the owner, Abi!" Abi walked up and stretched out his hand to him.

"Hello, I'm Tianmu from Kaji Town, and I'm here to challenge the guild hall." The young man extended his hand and shook the pen and introduced.

"The challenge hall will wait until the day after tomorrow. The elf in my hand was seriously injured in the game just now. I can't accept the challenge these two days." Abi explained with a wry smile.


Tian Mu looked at A Bi, then at Xiao Luo, and seemed to understand something.He walked up to Xiao Luo, stretched out his hand and said, "Tianmu from Kaji Town!"

"What a new town, Xiao Luo!" Xiao Luo generously reached out and shook his hand.

"Were you challenging the guild just now?" Tian Mu asked.

Xiao Luo nodded.

"Master Abi, how is the strength of this trainer?" Tian Mu asked.

A Bi smiled and said: "Xiao Luo's strength is far superior to mine, I am not his opponent."

"Since that's the case, Master Abi, what do you think of this? Player Xiao Luo will play instead of you. I still have some things to do, and I can't stay in Junpi Town for too long."

"This one……"

Ah Bi hesitated, not because he didn't want Xiao Luo to replace him, but because he didn't know what Xiao Luo thought.

"Xiao Luo, what do you think?" Tian Mu seemed to realize that the decision was not in A Bi's hands, so he asked Xiao Luo for his opinion.

Xiao Luo smiled and said to A Bi: "Well, A Bi, let me fight with him, and you can decide whether you can give him a badge, how about it?"

Now that the two trainers have negotiated, Ah Bi will naturally not object: "Okay then, Xiao Luo will play instead of me, and I will be the referee for you."

Xiao Luo and Tian Mu looked at each other with a smile, and walked onto the playing field tacitly.

"Now Tianmu from Kaji Town will challenge Xiao Luo from Zhenxin Town. There are three elves available for the competition, and the competition begins."

"I hope you don't disappoint me too much, Xiao Luo!" Tian Mu said a little arrogantly.

"That's what I want to say, the challenger——Tianmu!" Xiao Luo squinted at him, biting the word challenger especially.

Because Xiao Luo was playing on behalf of the owner, Xiao Luo had no choice but to take out the Poké Ball first and throw it out: "Hippo King, the first round is up to you!"


A white light flashed, and the Hippo King leisurely appeared on the field.

"Hippo King? It's a rare elf." Tian Mu was a little surprised when he saw the Hippo King.

Afterwards, Tian Mu threw out the elf ball: "To deal with the Hippo King, use it, go!"


White light fell, and a gloomy Hula appeared in front of the Hippo King.

"Huanla?" Xiao Luo frowned a little, which seemed to be a bit harsh.

Huanla possesses the evil attribute, and super power tricks have no effect on it.Of course, the auxiliary trick of deceiving the space is excluded.

"Preemptive strike, pull, use alloy claws."


Huanla's paws glowed with a thick white light, and he rushed towards the hippopotamus king.

So fast!Xiao Luo was taken aback by the speed of Huo La, who could almost see afterimages when Huo La hit the impact.

"Hippo King protects." Xiao Luo hurriedly commanded.


The Hippo King made a green protective cover in time to resist the attack of the alloy claws.

"Hmph, it's useless, Huola continues to attack."


Hu, who was bounced by the protection, kicked the ground and rushed straight up again. At this moment, the protection of the Hippo King had disappeared, and before Xiao Luo had time to command, the Hippo King was blown away by the alloy.

"Hippo King, the water is fluctuating." Xiao Luo looked serious, this guy named Tian Mu is definitely not simple.

After the Hippo King landed, he stretched out his hands, and quickly formed a sky blue water polo in his hands, hitting Yula.

"Huanla, get out of the way."

The water wave's attack point is under Huola's feet, so Huola's way of dodging is to jump high.

"Hippo King, aim the freezing light at the ground."


The hippopotamus king opened his mouth and spewed out several twists and turns of blue light hitting the ground.Because of the attack of the water wave before, water is everywhere on the ground now, and after being strafed by the freezing light, a thin layer of ice has formed.

"Oh? Freeze the field and limit the speed of Huola? Hmph, Xiao Luo, you're thinking too much. Hula, use Freezing Wind!"


Huola opened her small mouth in the air, and a large gust of cold wind with snow particles blew out. Hippo Wang Gang had used the freezing light to avoid it, and fell to the ground in embarrassment again by the freezing wind.

After the freezing wind passed, Huola landed steadily on the ice layer on the ground.

"To solve it, use the shadow ball."


A pitch-black ball of energy was formed between the two claws of Huola, hitting the hippopotamus king.



King Hippo once again used his protection trick to counteract the shadow ball's attack.

"Protection, it's really an annoying trick." Tian Mu shrugged, "In that case, Xunla, let's use the alloy claw again."


Huanla stepped on the ice and rushed up again.

A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Luo's mouth.Who said it was useless, under the influence of the ice layer, the speed of Yula was obviously slowed down a lot.

"Hippo King, counterattack, power gem!"

"La - all -"

Following the long cry of the Hippo King, a large number of glowing stones appeared around the Hippo King's body, whistling towards Yula.

After trying hard to avoid a few of them, Huola slipped and fell to the ground. The remaining power gems whizzed and submerged Huola with a bang, producing billowing thick smoke.

"Water fluctuations!" Xiao Luo didn't dare to be careless, and continued to direct the Hippo King to attack.

The Hippo King once again condensed a sky-blue water polo and threw it towards the center of the thick smoke.

"call out"

Before the water ripples spread, Huola jumped out, with some obvious scars on his body, staring at the hippopotamus king panting.The hippopotamus king was also panting, no longer the leisurely look before.

"Huanla, are you okay!" Tianmu asked with some concern.What happened just now also shocked him, he didn't expect Xiao Luo's counterattack to be so fierce.Until now, he finally started to look at Xiao Luo squarely.

"I didn't expect you to have such a means. I underestimated you." Tian Mu lost his calm smile and said to Xiao Luo with a serious expression.

"Don't you know me?" Xiao Luo asked, pointing at herself.


"Forget it if you don't know each other!" Isn't the young master a celebrity?Xiao Luo was a little chilled, he was a league champion after all, and no one had recognized him until now.

"Hmph, Yula, shadow ball."

"King Hippo freezes light."


The shadow ball collided with the freezing light, exploded, and the air waves were so violent that the two tired elves were sent flying.

Then, the two elves struggled again and stood up.

"Xu La, use Freezing Wind!"

Huola opened his mouth and spewed out cold wind mixed with snow particles to hit the Hippo King.

"Hippo King, the water is fluctuating!"

The Hippo King created a blue water ball that blasted the freezing wind, and layers of water waves spread to form a frozen barrier to block the attack of the freezing wind.

Looking at the frozen barrier, Tian Mu's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly commanded: "Huanla, the alloy claws will smash the barrier."

Xiao Luo was startled, and immediately understood Tian Mu's thoughts, and hurriedly directed Hippo King to say: "Use the power of gemstones."

Yula activated the alloy claws to shatter the frozen barrier, and the barrier turned into ice cubes of different sizes.

The outcome is here.

Tian Mu clenched his fists: "Huanla, use those ice cubes to attack the hippopotamus king."


Huo pulls his claws in unison and hits the ice cubes towards the hippopotamus king one by one. In just a moment, a large number of ice cubes fly towards the hippopotamus king with the sound of breaking through the air.

At this moment, the gem power of the Hippo King was also activated, and the colorful stones roared to meet them. The two collided and intertwined continuously, forming a gorgeous fireworks.

The ice block inevitably attacked Hippo King, and Yula couldn't escape the attack of all the gem powers.

When the field quieted down, the two elves fell to the ground at the same time.

"King Hippopotamus, Huanla loses the ability to fight at the same time!"

(End of this chapter)

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