Chapter 155 The Battle of Two Dogs
Xiao Luo and Tian Mu took back the spirit at the same time.

Tian Mu's strength far surpassed Xiao Luo's imagination, so Xiao Luo also treated this game with a [-]-point elf.

"Hei Lujia, it's time for you to play." Xiao Luo quickly replaced Hei Lujia's poke ball and threw it out.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia appeared on the field with a ferocious face, and his body was stronger than Hei Lujia who looked a little thin.

"Hei Lujia!?" Tian Mu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Your Hei Lujia looks pretty good, but I don't know how strong it is."

"You'll know if you try it." Xiao Luo smiled.

Tian Mu also smiled back, took out the poke ball and threw it out: "Just use it to try it, go, wind speed dog."


A white light flashed, and a majestic wind speed dog appeared opposite Hei Lujia with its head held high.

Although they are both canine elves, Wind Speed ​​Dog looks like a gentleman, while Hei Lujia looks like a brave and ruthless outlaw.

Xiao Luo looked at Feng Speed ​​Dog and then at Hei Lujia, feeling slightly sour.Nima, it's still wind speed dog breeze, but unfortunately I'm unlucky and always can't touch it.

"Wind speed dog, shoot flames."

"Heiluga, spray flames."

The two made commands one after another, two jets of flame roared out, and exploded at the touch of a touch, creating billowing air waves.

This was just a tentative attack. At this moment, the two of them also understood that the strength of the two elves was roughly at the same level.Next, it depends on the level of the trainers.

"Wind-speed dog, God-speed."


The wind speed dog let out a long cry, dragging streaks of blue light and shadow, and rushed towards Hei Lujia like flying.

"Fight back." Xiao Luo commanded in time.

Hei Lujia's head was slightly lowered, and his body was glowing red. Coupled with its pitch-black body, it looked extraordinarily bewitching.


The wind speed dog rushed up, and returned double punches, and the wind speed dog barked in pain and was bounced out.And Hei Lujia is not feeling well at the moment, although the return punch can double the attack, but it also means that he is hit by this trick,

"It's now, Hei Lujia, big characters." Xiao Luo seized the opportunity and launched a big attack.

"Wang woo~"

The flame in Hei Lujia's mouth was burning, and after accumulating power, it spewed out suddenly, a crimson flame swirled to form a "big" shape, and pressed towards the wind speed dog majesticly.

"Hey, come on, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Blast Flame Electric Shock!" Tian Mu directed with a smile on his face.

After the wind speed dog heard Tian Mu's command, he quickly stood up from the ground, ignored the flying big characters, let out a long roar, and burst into majestic blue flames from his body.

Xiao Luo seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed drastically.At this moment, the big characters blasted on the wind speed dog, and the flame seemed to be controlled by the wind speed dog. It was slowly absorbed and transformed into a blue flame, adding the power of the explosive electric shock for no reason.

Grass mud horse, being overshadowed, is actually a fire-igniting characteristic!
Xiao Luo was a little dumbfounded looking at the huge fireball coming at him.


Although Hei Lujia tried his best to dodge, he still couldn't avoid the impact of the explosive electric shock.As if hit by a truck, Hei Lujia flew straight out and hit the wall of the gymnasium, causing cracks in the wall.

"Hei Lujia..." Xiao Luo called out a little nervously.


The painful barking of the Wind Speed ​​Dog also came out at this moment, such a powerful explosive electric shock, the reaction damage received would not be small.

"Wang... woo..."

What made Xiao Luo extremely happy was that after this blow, Hei Lujia hadn't lost his ability to fight, and stood up tremblingly, panting heavily.

"Can still stand up, the wind speed dog gave it the last blow, the flame wheel."


The wind speed dog charged up again, and in the process of running, its body was gradually wrapped in flames, forming a huge fireball.

"Hei Lujia, shadow ball."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia screamed angrily, opened his mouth wide, and formed a pitch-black energy ball in his mouth, and quickly shot it towards the impacting wind speed dog.


After a bang, the flame wheel lost to the attack of the shadow ball, and the wind speed dog was thrown out.Although the wind speed dog suffered a loss, Xiao Luo could tell that the damage suffered by the wind speed dog was not very great.

"It's really difficult, the wind speed dog uses super speed."

"call out"

Dots of blue light rose, and the wind speed dog rushed towards Hei Lujia again, dragging the blue light.

"Fight it, Hei Lujia, use the return punch."

"Wang woo~"

Red fluorescence glowed all over Hei Lujia's body again, and his eyes were resolutely waiting for the swift attack.

"Want to die together? Don't think about it, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Jet Flame after dodging."


After the wind speed dog rushed in front of Hei Lujia, he stopped his trick, jumped to the side, and wanted to use jet flames.

"Hey, it's my turn this time. Heiluga, shadow ball!"

"call out"

Before the jet flame of the wind speed dog was emitted, a shadow ball flew over, and hit its huge head directly under the stunned gaze of the wind speed dog.

"How could it be possible to stop the return punch in an instant?" Tian Mu was completely dumbfounded.

"Nothing is impossible. The ordinary Hei Lujia can't do it, but it doesn't mean that my Hei Lujia can't do it. Hei Lujia, keep attacking, and use the shadow ball again."

At this moment, Hei Lujia had also reached his limit. After hearing Xiao Luo's command, he used his last strength to send a shadow ball at Feng Speed ​​Dog, and then fell to the ground.

"Hmph, wind speed dog, spray flames."

The Wind Speed ​​Dog was almost reaching its limit, it struggled to stand up, and only managed to use the flame-throwing trick when the shadow ball flew in front of it.


The two intersected and exploded, and the wind speed dog was overturned to the ground by the air wave again.But this time, it failed to get up again.

"Hei Lujia, the wind speed dog lost the ability to fight at the same time." Abi made a fair judgment.At this moment, Ah Bi was also deeply shocked by their game.There is no doubt about Xiao Luo's strength, but he did not expect this trainer named Tian Mu to be able to draw with Xiao Luo twice.This strength is enough to get N insect badges from him.

Tian Mu frowned slightly, he was very dissatisfied with the result.It was beyond his expectation that the game that he thought could be easily won had come to such an extent.

"You are very strong, stronger than any opponent I have met before." Tian Mu retracted the wind speed dog and said lightly.

"You are not weak, but you are not necessarily stronger than the opponent I met." Xiao Luo also took Hei Lujia back and responded.

"Oh? It seems that you have met many powerful trainers."

Xiao Luo glanced at him and said, "The trainers at the alliance meeting are all very strong, haven't you met them before?"

"Hehe, this is my first challenge to the league, and I haven't participated in any league competition yet," Tian Mu explained.

Xiao Luo was a little surprised and said: "No way, you should be fourteen or fifteen years old, how could you never have joined the league?"

"I have been practicing with my master before, and this year my master let me go on a trip." Tian Mu laughed at himself, and then said: "Okay, let's start the competition. After the end, we will have a good chat. I will make you a friend." gone."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "Okay, I'll treat you to barbecue after the game."

"Whoever wins, please! This is my last elf, go fast dragon!"


A white light flashed, and a fat, high-spirited Kuailong appeared in midair.From its expression, it can be seen that the character of this fast dragon is somewhat similar to that of Tian Mu, with a little pride in its gentleness.

"Kuailong?" Xiaolu was a little moved.

"That's right, it's Kuailong." Tian Mu said with some pride, "This is the initial elf my master gave me."


Xiao Luo thought for a while, then took out the flame chicken's elf ball: "Go, Huo... Damn, why did you run out without authorization!"


Xiao Luo's fast dragon ran out of the elf ball first, and its body shape was roughly the same as Tian Mu's, but its arrogance was fully displayed on its face. Xiao Luo was more pleased that it was not as irritating as the bald bird's.

Xiao Luo's Kuailong saw that his opponent was of the same race as him, so he couldn't help but want to fight.

It's just that the other master was not happy with it making such a fuss.

The flame chicken also ran out of the poke ball, and yelled at Kuailong, who would not give in.Afterwards, the two elves fought and fought hand-to-hand on the field.

"This..." Tianmu's mouth twitched, "What's the situation?"

"Uh..." Xiao Luo blushed a little: "'s nothing, they owe education."

(End of this chapter)

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