Chapter 156 The Battle of Double Dragons

As soon as Xiao Luo finished speaking, blue light appeared on Flame Chicken and Kuailong to wrap them up. The two elves seemed to have remembered something, with frightened expressions on their faces.


The two elves were controlled and smashed to the ground fiercely. Although both elves could break free from such restraints, it could be seen that they did not intend to do so.

Because they know who is attacking, it might be better if they don't resist. Once they resist, the subsequent punishment is absolutely unwilling and unacceptable.

"Boom" "Boom"...

After smashing it several times in a row, the blue light didn't dissipate until the two elves were a little dizzy.Kuailong and Flame Chicken lay on the ground with pitiful faces, looking at Xiao Luo with tears in their eyes.

"Ahem... Don't look at me, there is a wrong and a debt, whoever did it, you go to whoever it is." Xiao Luo shrugged and said.

The two elves grimaced and cried out in grief and indignation, not daring to be presumptuous anymore.

"Okay, let's leave this game to Kuailong. Flame Chicken, you will have a chance to make a move in the future." Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and put the Flame Chicken away.

After being taught by Geng Gui, the flame chicken didn't dare to resist Xiao Luo's decision, and obediently was taken back to the poke ball.

"Who is the elf who just shot?" Tian Mu asked aloud.

Tian Mu was very surprised. It could be seen that Xiao Luo's Flaming Chicken and Kuailong could compete with his own Kuailong.But Xiao Luo seems to have a more powerful elf in his hand, which can firmly suppress these two unruly elves.This really made him extremely curious about Xiao Luo.

"It's just an old Geng ghost, but it's not my elf. I don't have the strength to subdue it yet."

"Geng Gui? Not your elf?" Tian Mu asked in surprise.

"No!" Xiao Luo shook his head.

"Then why did it follow you?"

"This..." Xiao Luo was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Hehe, I'm too concerned, let's start the game." Seeing that Xiao Luo was unwilling to answer, Tian Mu didn't force him.


"Wow~" "Wow~"

Seeing that their respective trainers finally turned their minds to the competition, the two fast dragons roared excitedly. , staring at the opponent with fighting spirit.Eyes met, sparks overflowing.

"Kuailong, one hundred thousand volts!" Tian Mu took the lead in commanding.

"Zi la la"

Lightning flashed between the horns of Tianmu's Kuailong, and a thick yellow lightning shot up into the sky, sweeping towards Xiaoluo's Kuailong.

"Spray flames!"


The crimson flames charged forward, colliding with one hundred thousand volts.


A violent explosion sounded in the air, and thick black smoke rose and spread in all directions.

"Kuailong, it's time for us to attack, use Frozen Fist." After spraying flames, Xiao Luo gave the command again.


Kuailong flapped his wings and rushed towards Tianmu's Kuailong, his fat fists were full of cold air.

"Frozen light!" Tian Mu also commanded.

I saw Tianmu's Kuailong quickly opened his mouth, and the water-blue energy was continuously condensing in his mouth.

"Stop it, speed up."

"咻" Kuailong suddenly accelerated, and flew to Tianmu's Kuailong before the freezing light shot out, and a freezing punch mercilessly hit it in the face, knocking it into the air.

"Hmph, strike back!"


Although the freezing punch hit Tianmu's fast dragon, it did not stop its freezing light.Tianmu's Kuailong endured the huge damage caused by the freezing fist, and fired the freezing light towards Kuailong.

Several tortuous blue rays of light and their sudden attack came, and Xiao Luo's fast dragon had no time to dodge. It was hit perfectly by the freezing light, and it let out an extremely painful cry, and fell to the ground.

"Quick Dragon, chase, use Dragon Wave." Seeing that the freezing light hit, Tian Mu raised his eyebrows and continued to direct.


Tianmu's Kuailong screamed angrily, opened its mouth again, and the blue dragon energy gushed out, turning into a giant dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed towards Xiaoluo's Kuailong.

"Kuailong, hold on, use Dragon's Charge." Xiao Luo's tone became a little hasty.

At this time, he also saw that his Kuailong and Tianmu's Kuailong had completely different focus points.Because I have a preference for hand-to-hand combat, my Kuailong pays more attention to physical attacks and melee combat.Tianmu's Kuailong, on the other hand, focuses more on long-range special attacks.


After hearing Xiao Luo's encouragement, Kuailong quickly spread its wings and stopped falling.With a roar, dragon energy surged out, forming a huge western dragon shadow around it.As it flutters its wings, it rushes towards the wave of the dragon.

"Z" "Boom"

In the first day of junior high school, the two big moves of the dragon system were at a stalemate. Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light shone, and the two moves exploded violently again.The billowing smoke rose again, completely enveloping Xiao Luo's Kuailong.

Tian Mu frowned and reminded: "Kuailong, be careful."

Tian Mu was a little worried when he couldn't see Xiao Luo Kuailong.It won't be arrogant to think that Xiao Luo's fast dragon will be hurt in the collision just now.


Tianmu's Kuailong nodded, carefully watching the thick smoke below.

"call out"

The huge yellow figure suddenly rushed out of the smoke screen, and Tian Mu and his Kuailong both showed surprised expressions at such a fast speed.


With a roar, Xiao Luo's Kuailong turned around gorgeously, and the huge dragon tail pulled towards Tianmu's Kuailong with a strong sound of piercing through the air.

Tianmu's Kuailong also let out a roar, and stretched out his hands to resist Xiaoluo Kuailong's attack.


The gap in strength was fully exposed in the close combat. Tian Mu's Kuailong lost to Xiao Luo's Kuailong and was sent flying.

Xiao Luo's Kuailong took advantage of the victory to pursue, and once again bullied him, raised his right fist, and hit Tianmu's Kuailong.Tianmu's Kuailong was not to be outdone, and went forward.At the same time, lightning flashed between the two horns, and a hundred thousand volts also erupted at this moment.


Xiao Luo's Kuailong also responded to the jet of flames, and the two unique moves fought at close range, with wanton energy and burst instantly.The two fast dragons were thrown out at the same time and fell to the ground.

Afterwards, the two fast dragons struggled to get up again, panting and glaring at each other.

"Let's decide the outcome, Kuailong, Long Xingqun." Tian Mu commanded with a serious expression.

"Kuailong, destroy the dead light!" Xiao Luo's expression was equally serious.

"Wow" "Wow"

The two fast dragons roared at the same time, one abdomen was shining like a sun, and the other opened its mouth, and the red-golden energy was constantly gathering.

The trainers on both sides also clenched their fists, and slight sweat stains appeared on their foreheads.

"Come on, Kuailong (Show your strength, Kuailong)."

"Yo——" "Boom"

At this critical moment, an extremely clear and distant chirping sound suddenly came from outside, followed by a huge explosion, and the entire hall shook.Obviously, the explosion point is near here.

"what happened?"

Xiao Luo and Tian Mu asked at the same time.After the two fast dragons were affected, they both stopped their final attacks.

When the explosion sounded, Ah Bi rushed out of the hall to check the situation.

"Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo raised his head and called out into the air.

"It's Team Rocket and the beast Suicune." Geng Gui appeared and explained to Xiao Luo.

"Team Rocket!" Xiao Luo was surprised.

"Shui Jun!" Tian Mu also showed surprise.

"Come back, Kuailong." Tian Mu put Kuailong away, and said, "It seems that our battle will be postponed."

Xiao Luo also took out the elf ball and put Kuailong away: "I think so too, now I just want to see what the Rockets want to do."

"Go together?" Tian Mu asked with a smile.

"I can't ask for it!"


(I just arrived here from my hometown, and I will update a chapter today. After a day of driving, I feel a little uncomfortable, so let’s take a rest first. The normal update will start tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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