Chapter 157 Goodbye Team Rocket

The two rushed out of the guild hall together, looked up, and saw a blue elegant dog elf jumping and running away from the houses in Juipi Town, followed by an armed and somewhat scary helicopter, which was brazenly facing the Only elves carry out cannon fire attacks.

"It's really Suicune!" Tian Mu looked at Suicune in surprise and said.

Xiao Luo looked at the big "R" logo on the helicopter fuselage, and was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the Rockets to be so crazy in the Chengdu area.

Suicune was in a bit of a mess, and he didn't know how long he had been chased by the Rockets. At this moment, as a member of the beast, he was exhausted, and his body was covered with scars from the artillery fire.

"What should we do now?" Tian Mu asked Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo pondered for a while, then said: "In this case, even if Miss Junsha comes, it won't help. It seems that we have to look at us."

"what do you mean……"

Xiao Luo pointed at the helicopter and said bluntly, "****!"

"Hehe, good! ****! Go, Kuailong!" Tian Mu threw out the elf ball.

"Quick Dragon, Flame Chicken, let's go together."

"Use Destroy Death Light!"

The two gave orders to their elves at the same time.

The three elves opened their mouths at the same time, and the energy of the destructive breath was continuously condensed in the mouths, forming a large golden light cluster.

Following the sound of three roars, three thick golden rays roared towards the helicopter in the sky.


Sach noticed the attack of the three elves, and said to the short man operating the helicopter: "Chakra, pay attention to the attack of the fleas on the ground."

Chakra smiled and quickly took control: "Hey, don't worry. With their attacks, they will definitely not be able to break through the shield I researched."


With Chakra's control, a blue energy shield appeared on the surface of the helicopter, and three destructive death rays hit the shield and exploded without causing any damage to the helicopter.

"Now it's my turn, let you have a taste of the rocket." Chakra smiled and controlled the helicopter.


The gun barrel of the helicopter was aimed at the three elves of Xiao Luo and Tian Mu.


Several rockets roared out, hitting the three elves.

"Call" "Call" "Z"

Two jets of flames and one hundred thousand volts were sent out quickly, meeting the incoming rockets and detonating them in mid-air.

"Huh? Some strength!" Chakra continued to control, and more barrels were aimed at the three elves.

"Look at who the trainer on the ground is." Sach said at this moment.


Chakra quickly scanned the situation on the ground, and the figures of Xiao Luo and Tian Mu appeared on the screen inside the helicopter.

"It's actually them!" Saqi looked at the two people on the screen with an extremely surprised expression.

"This kid isn't..." Chakra looked at Tianmu and said in surprise.

Sage nodded and said, "That's right, it's him, and you'll never know who the person next to him is."

When Chakra saw what Sach said, he looked at Xiao Luo carefully: "Does this kid have some background?"

Saqi chuckled, and said, "He is the little Luo that our boss often talks about. This time it really didn't take much effort. As long as we catch him, I believe that even if this mission fails, the boss will not punish us."

"What, he is Xiao Luo?!" Chakra said excitedly, "Haha, I actually met him. This time, I must let him taste the power of my Chakra."

"Be careful, he is not so easy to deal with." Sach still reminded in a timely manner.

"Don't worry. You have to know that even Suicune can't break the shield I invented, let alone these ordinary elves."

Chakra kept manipulating the helicopter and replaced all the shells with fishing net cannons.

"Head, what about that boy Tianmu?" Chakra turned around and asked Saqi after he was done with it.

"Now is a critical period. It is not easy to make enemies with him for the time being, so let him go first."

"Understood!" Chakra responded, and started to control the helicopter again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Countless fishing net shells were shot out and opened in mid-air, and the fishing nets fell towards Xiao Luo and the others overwhelmingly.

The Flaming Chicken and Kuailong fought back vigorously, but the fishing net was made of a special material and was not afraid of the flame. In such a situation, the two elves could not dodge and were covered on the ground by the fishing net.

The fishing net above Xiao Luo was wrapped in blue energy and green energy and thrown into the distance.

"Damn it, come back Flaming Chicken, Kuailong!" Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and tried to take Kuailong and Flaming Chicken back.

"Hey, want to take back the elves from Team Rocket? It's just a dream!" Chakra laughed when he saw Xiao Luo's actions.

Sure enough, the recovery light seemed to be blocked by the fishing net, and neither elf could be recovered.

"Damn, so ruthless! Ghost Lord, it's your turn to play."

"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui showed his figure, his eyes glowed blue, and he wanted to release the fishing nets on Kuailong and Flame Chicken.

"Want to escape? Dreaming!" Chakra's fingertips were flying, and he saw the gun barrels on both sides of the plane aimed at Geng Gui, and fired more than a dozen rockets in an instant.

"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui had no choice but to give up rescuing the two elves from the rocket attack.

"Quick Dragon, save them quickly."

Tianmu's Kuailong escaped under the control of Chakra. At this moment, Tianmu directed it to rescue Xiaoluo's elf.

"This kid doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. He deliberately let you go and made trouble." Chakra looked angrily at Tianmu's Kuailong on the screen.

"Hurry up and take it back, I believe that having these two elves will make Boss Sakagi happy."

"That's right, then take it back."

With Chakra's control, Kuailong and Flame Chicken were pulled into the helicopter before Tianmu's Kuailong arrived.

"Paralyzed, I've snatched the elves over my head." Xiao Luo was furious, and shouted at Geng Gui: "Master Ghost, shoot down that helicopter for me."

"Geng Gui~"

Sensing Xiao Luo's anger, Geng Gui let out a long cry, arousing the power of the mage stone in his body.The light of evolution shone, and Gengar began to change.

With the completion of the transformation and the dissipation of the white light, Mage Geng Gui majesticly floated in mid-air, pulling his hands together, and a huge shadow ball slowly formed in his hands.

Subsequently, the huge shadow ball was controlled by Geng Gui and smashed towards the helicopter.Immediately afterwards, mage Geng Gui opened his mouth wide and a beam of chaotic black light spewed out, quickly rushing towards the helicopter with the shadow ball on it.

Sach was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Quickly open the protective cover."

"Buzz" and "Boom"

The moment the protective cover was opened, Geng Gui's attack hit it. The huge energy conflict seemed to make time stand still for a moment, and the dazzling white light burst out was as bright as the sun, followed by an earth-shattering sound. With the bang, the entire Juniper Town seemed to shake.


The alarm sounded in the helicopter and the red light flashed.

"Okay... what a powerful attack, it used up all the energy of the shield in one blow." Chakra was stunned in surprise: "Boss, what should we do now? Should we continue to capture Suicune?"

Saqi gritted his teeth and said decisively: "The mission is cancelled, retreat quickly. Record everything that happened just now and show it to the boss. Geng Gui can still evolve, this is beyond our cognition."


After Geng Gui's attack, the helicopter turned around and left under the cover of the smoke screen.Xiao Luo was anxious, but he had no choice but to let Geng Gui stealthily follow up and make plans later.

(End of this chapter)

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