Chapter 158

As soon as Team Rocket's helicopter flew away, Cole cried with a "wow": "Brother Luo, Kuailong and Flame Chicken have been captured, hurry up and save them!"

"Be good, Keer, I will definitely save them." Xiao Luo comforted.

"Go now, go now, they are going to fly away." Cole was still crying.

Xiao Luo was helpless, why didn't he want to catch up and rescue Kuailong and Flame Chicken.It's just that after two battles, the fighting power of the elf in his hand is really limited.Although Geng Gui and Celebi have sufficient fighting power, it is not easy to catch up with them with the speed of the helicopter.

And if you accidentally fell into the siege of the Rockets, it would be hard to say.Xiao Luo will not blindly think that Geng Gui and Celebi can sweep the Rockets.

Xiao Luo persuaded again: "Geng Gui has already caught up, they can't escape. Let's go back to the elf center and contact your grandfather first."

Hearing that Xiao Luo wanted to contact He Shan, Cole stopped crying, and dragged Xiao Luo to the elf center: "Then let's go there quickly and ask Grandpa to send someone over to rescue Kuailong and Flame Chicken."

"Cole, wait a minute!"

Little Luo pulled Cole back, looked at Tianmu and said, "Do you want to go together?"

Tian Mu nodded and said: "Let's go together! I am also responsible for your elf being caught, and investigating the Rockets' activities in Chengdu is also one of the tasks my master entrusted to me."

Xiao Luo asked in surprise, "Who is your master?"

"You will know in the future." Tian Mu smiled mysteriously.

Seeing that Tianmu didn't want to say anything, Xiao Luo stopped asking, but looked around, looking for Suicune's figure.

"Strange, where's Suicune?"

"Just when you stopped Team Rocket, you ran away meow~"

Xiao Luo was furious: "This guy really doesn't know good from bad. We rescued it, but it ran away by itself. Next time we meet it, we must teach it a lesson."

Tian Mu was astonished and speechless, did the divine beast teach a lesson?Xiao Luo, don't you brag that we are still friends!
After arriving at the elf center, Cole quickly ran to the videophone and contacted the kind old man.

The avatar of the kind old man just appeared on the phone, and Cole cried again with a "wow".Xiao Luo seemed to have been prepared to plug her ears, and distanced herself from Cole.

As soon as Cole cried, He Shan panicked a little, and coaxed her sweetheart.A few minutes later, Cole twitched his nose, stopped crying, and asked Xiao Luo to answer the phone.

"Why did you run into someone from the Rockets again!" He said kindly and reproachfully.The precious granddaughter followed Xiao Luo, and He Shan was really afraid that Xiao Luo would conflict with the Rockets.

"It's just a chance encounter." Xiao Luo talked about the original and kindness.

"Then what are you going to do?" He Shan lamented, "Kole gave me a death order, and I must rescue Kuailong."

"Didn't she mention the flame chicken?" Xiao Luo asked in a low voice.

He Shan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "She can clearly distinguish between closeness and intimacy."

Xiao Luo curled her lips, and thought to herself: It seems that the flame chicken loves this girl for nothing.

"How's the situation now?" He Shan asked again: "Do you know where they fled?"

"Geng Gui has already followed, let's talk about everything when Geng Gui comes back."

He Shan nodded and said: "That's the only way to go. Contact me when the time comes. Don't act recklessly. Although the city is not the main sphere of influence of Shiluf, we Shiluf still have some energy in Chengdu. "

"I will!"


After hanging up the friendly phone call, Xiao Luo gave the elf to Miss Joy for treatment, and waited anxiously for Geng Gui's return in the elf center.

Until the next morning, Geng Gui finally rushed back.

According to the information brought back by Geng Gui, Miaomiao quickly determined the location - Manjin City.A super metropolis in the Chengdu area, not too far from Huipi Town.

According to Geng Gui, there should be a secret base of the Rockets in Manjin City, with a large number of people in the base.There are hundreds of elves imprisoned by the flame team, and the fast dragon and the flame chicken are just one of them.Geng Gui didn't dare to act without authorization, so he could only come back first to discuss countermeasures with Xiao Luo.

After learning about the situation, Xiao Luo immediately dialed the number of the kind old man and told him the information Geng Gui brought back.

After leaving a sentence of "wait for my message", the kind old man hung up the phone.

About an hour later, the kind old man called back and told Xiao Luo that everything was in order, and that he could just look for Miss Junsha directly after the gold market was full.And warned him to obey Miss Junsha's arrangements.

Although Xiao Luo's mind is mature enough in the eyes of the kind old man, he still looks like a child, so Heshan has always been worried about him.

Xiao Luo readily agreed to the kind old man's request.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Luo took Miaomiao and Cole on a fire-breathing dragon, while Tian Mu took his own fast dragon and flew towards Manjin City together.

Fearing that the Rockets would notice something and move away, the Charizard increased its speed to the maximum under Xiao Luo's urging.

Three hours later, Xiao Luo and his party arrived at the Elf Center in Manjin City. The fire-breathing dragon was so tired that it almost collapsed on the ground.

After eating something at the elf center and resting for a while, Xiao Luo let Cole and Meow stay in the elf center.He himself and Tian Mu went to the police station in Manjin City to find Miss Junsha.

Far away from the police station, Xiao Luo saw two middle-aged men in police uniforms standing at the gate of the police station.One of the men saw Xiao Luo and Tian Mu walking towards the police station, so he hurried up to meet him, bowed to Xiao Luo, and asked aloud, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Xiao Luo?"

"You know me?" Xiao Luo asked in surprise.

"I have seen Mr. Xiao Luo's photo. Mr. Xiao Luo, please follow me. Miss Junsha has been waiting for a long time." After speaking, the middle-aged policeman took Xiao Luo and Tian Mu to the police station.

It wasn't until entering the compound of the police station that Xiao Luo suddenly discovered that there were nearly a hundred policemen in full armor, standing by on the spot.And right in front of this group of policemen is Miss Junsha who looks the same all over the country.

"Are you the Xiao Luo that the kind old man said?" Junsha asked Xiao Luo after looking at the two of them.

"Hi sister Junsha, I am Xiaoluo from Zhenxin Town!" Xiaoluo greeted very politely.

"Then you are..." Junsha looked at Tianmu.

"My name is Tian Mu!" Tian Mu said lightly.

"He is my friend, a very capable trainer." Xiao Luo explained.

Junsha just nodded, and then asked Xiao Luo: "I heard from the kind old man that you discovered that the Rockets have a secret base in our Manjin City and illegally captured a large number of elves, right?"


"I also received an order from my superiors to destroy the Rockets' secret base in Manjin City at all costs. However, you are the only one who knows the location of this base." Junsha asked Xiao Luo calmly. Said: "Can you show us the way?"

Xiao Luo looked at Junsha, then at the policeman behind Junsha, and said, "It's okay to lead the way, that's why I came here. After all, my two elves are also in the hands of the Rockets. It's just... "

"Just what?" Junsha asked.

"With these people wanting to take away the Rockets' base in Manjin City, isn't Miss Junsha underestimating the Rockets?" Tian Mu simply helped Xiao Luo express his concerns.

"Ha ha!"

Junsha smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, these are just assault personnel. As we set off, all kinds of armed forces, sea, land, and air will fully cooperate with us to ensure that the members of the Rockets fly south. "

Hearing what Junsha said, Xiao Luo was relieved.He called out Geng Gui and began to lead the way for Junsha.

(End of this chapter)

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