Chapter 159

"Little girl, take someone with you and follow the ghost master." Geng Gui suddenly appeared in front of Junsha, startling her.


After being frightened, Jun Sha looked at Geng Gui in front of her in surprise.Afterwards, thinking of Geng Gui calling him a chick, he became annoyed: "Who are you calling a chick?"

"Call you chick!"

"Call another one and try."

"Chick!" Geng Gui was very straightforward.

"Little girl, you uncle!"

"Bang" Jun Salli took out her pistol and shot Geng Gui.


Geng Gui made a grimace: "I can't hit it, I can't hit it."

"Damn it, come out, Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Jun Sha was stunned by Geng Gui's anger.


A white light flashed, and a wind speed dog with an unusually fierce expression appeared in front of Junsha.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use scent detection."

After hearing Junsha's command, the wind speed dog twitched its nose and sniffed something in the air.With the completion of the wind speed dog's movements, Geng Gui actually materialized.

This frightened Geng Gui. Seeing Junsha's raised pistol again, Ma Liu put oil on the soles of his feet and flew towards the Rockets' secret base: "Hurry up and follow."

"Huh, you're running fast. Let's go!" Following Junsha's order, the police on standby moved in an orderly manner.With the departure here, the unique roar of helicopters sounded all around.

Geng Gui flew high in the air, not daring to get close to Junsha, for fear that she would shoot him indiscriminately.It doesn't believe that its fragile body can withstand the power of the bullet. If it accidentally gets hit, it will peel off its skin even if it doesn't die.

Xiao Luo and Tian Mu got on Junsha's police motorcycle and followed closely below Geng Gui.

For what Geng Gui did, Xiao Luo was also very helpless.Geng Gui's learning ability is very strong, and he can learn some new words easily from him.It's just that Junsha's sentence "little girl, you uncle" made little Luo Lei feel bad. There are also "advanced" "intellectuals" in this world of feelings.

Not long after, Geng Gui brought everyone to a high-end villa.

"It's here." Geng Gui floated in mid-air and said to Miss Junsha, "The ground in the living room of the villa can lead to the underground, and the Rockets' base is below."

Junsha nodded seriously, and immediately called someone to give some instructions.Afterwards, the policemen acted in an orderly manner. The manpower was divided into two parts, and some people scattered around and surrounded the villa.The other part quickly broke into the villa and controlled a group of middle-aged couples in the villa.

When the police rushed into the living room, the tall middle-aged man wanted to take out the poke ball to resist.But before the elf ball was thrown out, an extremely fast katti dog bit his arm, causing the elf ball to fall to the ground.

The falling poke ball finally kicked open, and a rumbling stone was surrounded by a group of catty dogs with vicious expressions as soon as it jumped out.Long Longshi's roar was firmly suppressed in his stomach. After looking at the surrounding situation, he didn't fart a single fart. With a flash of red light, he returned directly to the poke ball.

After controlling the two, the police searched for a while, and then opened the floor of the underground passage.At the signal of several policemen, several katti dogs jumped in first.It's just that as soon as the katti dogs entered, there was a rumbling sound from below the ground.

"Boom" "Boom"...

Several katti dogs screamed and flew upside down, and a big rock snake slowly crawled out of the passage. With its huge body, it held its head high and let out a loud roar. It looked at the surrounding crowd sharply, threatening it goes without saying.

"Hurry up and deal with it, jet flames!" Miss Junsha immediately commanded.


Miss Junsha's wind speed dog took the lead, and a thick red flame hit the big rock snake.Following the action of the wind speed dog, the surrounding policemen's katti dog and wind speed dog also followed suit, and dozens of flames entangled together, engulfing the big rock snake in an instant.

"Roar" "Boom"

With a painful roar, the big rock snake came majesticly, and went majesticly. Without making a move, it fell completely in the dark.

"Rush down!" Junsha commanded with an ugly face.Being interrupted by the big rock snake, I believe the members of the Rockets below have already noticed it.

This time, the police finally took the lead in jumping down, and a large group of Katie dogs and wind speed dogs followed their trainer and rushed towards the ground quickly.

"Let's hurry down too!" Junsha said to Xiaoluo and Tianmu.

Before the three of them had reached the end, the battle had already begun.More and more members of Team Rocket charged over and got into a ball with the police brought by Junsha.After reaching the bottom, Junsha could only stay here because she was in charge of directing.Her idea is to nibble away little by little and wipe out the Rockets.

Xiaoluo and Tianmu stood by Junsha's side and did not make a move. The policemen in charge of the assault were all elites. Although Team Rocket had more members than the policemen, in their opinion, the policeman was stronger. Victory would come sooner or later. matter.

However, Xiao Luo didn't know why, but always felt that something was wrong, and her mind was in a trance.

After a while, the feeling of uneasiness became more and more intense.Xiao Luo finally couldn't bear such a long wait: "No, I can't wait like this, I'm too worried about my Kuailong and Flame Chicken."

"You can rest assured, Xiao Luo." Junsha comforted: "We have completely blocked the surrounding area, and the Rockets will never escape."

"No, I'm still worried!" Xiao Luo shook her head and said, "It's not your elf who was caught, you won't understand my feelings."


Following Xiao Luo's shout, Geng Gui appeared again.

"Take me to Kuailong and Flame Chicken." Xiao Luo said anxiously.

"Follow me!" Geng Gui controlled Xiao Luo to fly up and rushed inside.

"Wait for me, I'll go too." Tian Mu shouted.It's just that Xiao Luo didn't seem to hear it, and drifted farther and farther without looking back.

"Come out, Huanla!" Tian Mu immediately took out the poke ball and threw it out.


"Xuanla, open a path and follow Xiao Luo and Geng Gui!"


Tianmu's Huanla seemed very excited when he heard this order, he stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, his paws glowed with white light, and led Tianmu to chase after Xiaoluo.Wherever they passed, whether it was a human or an elf, they were scratched and covered in scars, and fell to the ground with painful expressions.

With the escort of Geng Gui, Xiao Luo soon crossed the battlefield, occasionally met a few members of the Rockets who didn't raise their eyes, and were easily taken care of by Geng Gui.

"It's inside this house!" Geng Gui and Xiao Luo stopped in front of a house, the door was tightly closed, Xiao Luo pushed hard, but there was no response.

"Can you go over and open it from the inside?" Xiao Luo asked Geng Gui.

"No! If the door doesn't have a key, it can only be opened violently."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Xiao Luo asked curiously.

"Wait for you to open the door!"

"Your uncle, don't you know how to drive?" Xiao Luo roared angrily.

"Oh! Let me help you explain earlier, how would I know if you don't tell me." Geng Gui replied with a half-smile.

Xiao Luo lowered her head and kept saying three words in her heart: Your uncle...

(End of this chapter)

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