Chapter 160 Heiluga vs. Cat Boss
"Stand back a little bit."

After Xiao Luo backed away, Geng Gui slowly stretched out his hands, gathering a shadow ball big enough to hit the door.


With the drop of the shadow ball, the door sags inward and deforms violently, but it still hasn't been broken open.

This explosion also startled Sach and Chakra in the room.

"They are already here, hurry up." Sach said to Chakra with a serious expression.

"I'm already trying my best, boss." Chakra kept taking out black elf balls and threw them at the elves in the iron cage.Those elf balls are very special. When the elf ball is opened, a black light gushes out, subduing the elf inside the elf ball, and the elf ball doesn't even shake symbolically.

The imprisoned elves are all rare and powerful elves. The first few cages are empty, and there are at least hundreds of such elves in the remaining three large cages.


There was another explosion, and the door began to loosen, only some edges were still pulling on the wall as if they were broken.

"It's too late, let's subdue Xiao Luo's two elves first, and we will retreat immediately." Sach said again.

Xiao Luo's Kuailong and Flame Chicken were specially imprisoned in a small cage.After Chakra heard what Sarge said, he ran over with two black poke balls.

"boom" "boom"

The door was finally opened by Geng Gui.Xiao Luo couldn't wait to rush in.

"Xiao Luo!" Sa Qi was surprised, she didn't expect Xiao Luo to rush over alone.

"You are?" Xiao Luo looked at Sa Qi curiously, and suddenly said, "Why don't you have eyebrows?"

Sach: "..."

"Chakra, quickly subdue Kuailong and Flame Chicken, I'll stop him! Go, Boss Cat."


Xiao Luo looked at Chakra in surprise and doubt, and found that he was actually holding two black elf balls in his hands.

Xiao Luo seemed to think of something, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Stop it!" Xiao Luo roared, "Geng Gui, stop him quickly."

"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui also realized that something was wrong, quickly gathered a shadow ball and smashed it at Chakra.

"Hmph, boss cat, use the shadow ball."


A shadow ball of the same size flew out to the side, hit Geng Gui's shadow ball, and detonated it.


Boss Meow quickly rushed to stand in front of Geng Gui, posing in a fighting stance.


Just as Xiao Luo was subconsciously touching his lower back, a very abrupt voice sounded behind him.

"Huanla, there's a flash of lightning!"

"call out"

A white light quickly passed Geng Gui and the cat boss, and Chakra was hit by the white light when he was about to throw the poke ball.

"Tianmu!" Xiao Luo looked at Tianmu behind him, and said in surprise, "Why are you here!"

"I don't worry about you being alone, so I followed up to take a look." Tian Mu took a short breath and smiled, "Fortunately, I came in time."

"Damn kid, you dare to attack me to make you look good. Come out, armor bird!" Chakra jumped up from the ground, took out the poke ball and threw it out.

After the white light flashed, a huge bird with steel armor appeared in front of Huanla.

"Leave that little man to me!" Tian Mu raised his eyebrows and said to Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll deal with the one without eyebrows."

Saqi was furious. She hated people saying that she had no eyebrows: "Damn boy, didn't your mother teach you what is polite?"

"I don't have a mother!" Xiao Luo replied decisively.


"Then let me teach you what is polite. Boss cat, win the shadow ball."


The cat boss quickly formed a black energy ball in front of his mouth and hit Geng Gui. Geng Gui's figure flashed and easily dodged the attack.

"Ghost, you don't need to take action against such a small character." Xiao Luo said, taking out a poke ball and throwing it out: "Hei Lujia, this battle is left to you."

"Wang woo~"

A white light flashed, and Hei Lujia appeared in front of the cat boss with a ferocious expression.

"Wow, woof, woof..."

As soon as Hei Lujia appeared here, a Hei Lujia in the cage immediately screamed excitedly.

Xiao Luo's Hei Lujia also became agitated when he heard the sound, he no longer cared about fighting, and ran over after finding the source of the sound.

In the last big cage, there is a relatively thin Heluga, and it is it that makes the sound.The two Hei Lujia met and had an intimate conversation across the cage, and Xiao Luo's Hei Lujia called out to Xiao Luo.

"It said that was the mother of its child. I didn't expect to meet it in this place." When Miaomiao was away, Geng Gui temporarily acted as an interpreter.

Only then did Xiao Luo suddenly realize that the member of the Rockets who emotionally captured the wife of the young master Hei Lujia was from this base.

"Hei Lujia, deal with the person in front of you first, and then save...then save...then save the baby and its mother." Xiao Luo said awkwardly.

"Wang woo~"

What Xiao Luo said was awkward, but Hei Lujia's listening was not awkward.After thinking that the people in front of him were the group who destroyed his family, Hei Lujia's entire body was ablaze with anger.Without waiting for Xiao Luo's command, he barked all the way towards the cat boss and opened his mouth to bite.

"Hmph, Boss Cat, use a split attack."

The cat boss raised his forelegs, and slapped Hei Lujia hard with his glowing fingers and claws.Hei Lujia was so angry that he lost his mind and didn't dodge anything. He was hit by the cat boss, screamed, and rolled out.

"Hei Lujia, calm down." Seeing that Hei Lujia who got up was about to rush forward again, Xiao Luo immediately stopped him.

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia calmed down a little, but gritted his teeth vigorously, his expression becoming more and more ferocious.

"Boss cat, use water wave!"


The cat boss opened his mouth to gather a blue water polo, and shot it towards Hei Lujia.

"Spray flames!"


After Hei Lujia heard Xiao Luo's command, he immediately opened his mouth and sprayed out a thick crimson flame, facing the waves of the water.


The sound of water and fire intersecting instantly sounded, and white steam filled the air.

"Heiluga, use scent detection, then use purgatory."

Hei Lujia's nose twitched, and he quickly determined the position of the cat boss.Immediately afterwards, Hei Lujia opened his mouth and sprayed out a large number of rotating flames, wrapping towards the cat boss.

"Cat boss, use protection." Sach quickly gave instructions.


The green protective cover appeared, blocking Hei Lujia's purgatory trick.

"Hmph, Hei Lujia, use the crushing attack."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia opened his mouth wide, his bare teeth shone with a chilling white light, and rushed towards the cat boss.

"Boss cat, use Split."

The cat boss's fingers and claws glowed with light, and he went forward without fear.

One of the two elves used their mouth and the other used their claws, and they fought into a ball.

Damn, how could there be such a powerful elf at such a young age.Sach's face was a little ugly.

What a tough cat boss, and the trainer is not mediocre, this person must have a high status in the Rockets.Xiao Luo looked at Saqi again, guessing her status in the Rockets.

After fighting each other for a while, the two elves pulled away from each other with scars and exhaustion.

"Boss cat, use the water wave." Sach commanded again.

"call out"

A blue water polo hit Hei Lujia again.

"Use Crunch after dodging."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia jumped high, dodged the attack of Shui Ji, and then rushed towards the cat boss with a white light on his mouth.

"Damn, cat boss, continuous water fluctuations."

After Xiao Luo heard Sa Qi's command, his eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately commanded: "Shadow clone."


There were three more Black Luga on the field.The four black Lujiaqi rushed towards the cat boss.

In this short distance, the cat boss only used the water wave twice.It's just a pity that he failed to hit Hei Lujia's real body twice.When Hei Lujia rushed to the front and back, he bit the cat boss's neck fiercely with his crushing trick.

"Damn, hate..." Sach stomped his feet angrily.

Xiao Luo was a little excited: "Very good, that's it, and then use the jet flame."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia threw the cat boss high, and at the same time a burst of flames spewed out, following closely...

When the cat boss landed on the ground, he was already completely black and fainted on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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