Chapter 161 Berserk Bangira

"Hmph, come back, Boss Cat." Sachs retracted Boss Cat, replaced another poke ball and threw it out: "Jewel Starfish, kill it."

"The poke ball was opened, and a gem starfish with a good appearance appeared on the field."

"There are still elves! Hei Lujia, you step aside first, you don't need to come this time."

Hei Lujia was already a little weak after the previous battle, Xiao Luo didn't want him to continue fighting.The reason why he didn't take it back directly was because Xiao Luo wanted the two black Lujia to spend more time together.

Sure enough, after Hei Lujia heard Xiao Luo's words, although his expression was still ferocious, he did not insist on fighting, but ran to the side of the cage to communicate with Hei Lujia inside.It wasn't worried at all about the next battle.It couldn't be more clear about Xiao Luo's strength.

"Hippo King, this game is up to you." Xiao Luo saw that Sa Qi sent out a water-type elf, so he also took out the Hippo King with water attributes.


A white light flashed, and the Hippo King leisurely folded his hands behind his back, his eyes lightly sweeping over the gem starfish, with a kind expression on his face, like an elderly leader.

"Hmph, gem starfish, use the water cannon."


As soon as Sachi's voice fell, the gem starfish sprayed out a thick spiral water column and hit the hippopotamus king.

So fast move speed!Xiao Luo was slightly surprised.


Faced with such a big trick, Xiao Luo naturally did not dare to neglect.

The Hippo King stretched out his hands, and a green protective cover tightly protected the Hippo King. Even though the powerful water cannon came, it still couldn't break through this protection.

After the water cannon passed, Xiao Luo immediately commanded the Hippo King to launch an attack: "Hippo King, illusion!"

"Ladu—" the Hippo King yelled, his eyes glowed blue, and he looked at the jewel starfish on the opposite side.

"Jewel starfish, we also use illusion."

The gem in the middle of the gem starfish also glowed with a faint blue light.


The two energies are intertwined, and the entire space seems to be distorted and trembling slightly.

"La - all -"

The Hippo King, whose eyes turned pure white with blue light, exploded into a small universe like Superman, and the cloth around his neck, like a swimming ring, shook rapidly.With a long cry, a burst of blue energy visible to the naked eye suddenly surged, engulfing the gem starfish.

"Puff" "Boom"

There was a strong wind in the room, and as the wind picked up, the gemstone starfish flew out backwards like a lightning strike.

"How could this be?" Saqi's face changed drastically. She was always proud of the super power of Gem Starfish, but she never thought that she would lose so thoroughly in the super power competition.

"Good job Hippo King." Xiao Luo praised Hippo King loudly.

"Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, the Hippo King uses the mind hammer."


King Hippo stood with his legs side by side, kicked the ground hard, and a burst of blue energy wrapped him up like a rocket and rushed towards the gem starfish.

"Damn it, gem starfish, you can't admit defeat, use high-speed rotation."

Gem Starfish struggled to stand up after hearing Sach's words, and launched a high-speed spinning trick to meet Hippo King's mind hammer.


What Xiao Luo didn't expect was that this time the collision was evenly matched.

Xiao Luo frowned slightly, and sighed helplessly.

I usually pay too much attention to the training of Hippo King's special attack, but ignore its physical attack.

"Hippo King, use the yawn!" Xiao Luo continued to command.

"Don't think about it, gem starfish, continue to attack at high speed."


As soon as the hippopotamus landed on the ground, he opened his mouth wide and let out a long yawn. A fist-sized bubble floated towards the jewel starfish.


The jewel starfish rotating at high speed broke the air bubbles, and because of this, the jewel starfish simply fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

This also works!Sach looked a little dumbfounded.

"Now, King Hippo gives it the final blow, illusion."


The blue fluorescence controls the jewel starfish to float in the air, and with the wave of the Hippo King's hand, the jewel starfish was smashed to the ground.

After one blow, the jewels of the gem starfish began to flash "beep, beep, beep".

"It's done!" Xiao Luo happily snapped his fingers and said, "Let's use any other elves."

Sage was unwilling to take out the poke ball to continue fighting, but then calmed down.She already understood that she was no match for the champion of the Quartz Alliance, and no matter how many elves she had, it would be useless.

She looked at the battlefield between Chakra and Tianmu, and found that Chakra was worse than her, and neither of the two elves defeated Tianmu's Huanla.

Seeing that Chakra was angrily about to use the third elf, Saqi immediately stopped him: "Chakra, don't fight, we will retreat immediately, if we don't leave, it will be too late."

Chakra's complexion changed, and he gave Tianmu a vicious look: "Boy, let me let you go today for the sake of your master. Next time, don't fall into my hands again."

After speaking harshly, Chakra didn't wait for Tian Mu to speak, and quickly picked up a sack next to him, and stood with Saqi.

"Want to run? Did you get my master's consent?" Xiao Luo led Hippo King and Geng Gui to surround the two of them. Hei Lujia and Tian Mu also ran over in time and surrounded them.


Sach snorted coldly, stretched his hand into his bosom, took out two iron ball-like objects and smashed them down hard on the ground.


The smoke filled the air with a strong pungent smell. Xiao Luo and the others were caught off guard and coughed violently.

The two took the opportunity to run to a corner of the room, opened two floors there, and revealed a ride that looked like a motorboat.The two sat up very skillfully and fastened their seat belts.Chakra sat in the driver's seat and began to operate skillfully.

"Geng Gui, don't let them escape! Ahem..." Xiao Luo immediately ordered Geng Gui to stop them after discovering their actions.

"Geng Gui~"

Geng Gui was the least affected, so he quickly recovered. After hearing Xiao Luo's cry, Geng Gui immediately rushed towards the two of them.

"Hurry up, hurry up... Hurry up... Geng Gui is coming..." Saqi kept urging. "

"Damn...Damn...Damn..." Chakra cursed, at this moment he wished he could grow some hands.

Seeing that Geng Gui was about to rush over, Saqi took out a pitch-black elf ball from the sack next to him in a panic and threw it out...


The imposing roar made Geng Gui stop abruptly.At this moment, standing in front of him is a super strong elf with a height of more than two meters - Bangira.

Moreover, this Bangira's eyes were scarlet, and his aura was tyrannical. As soon as he appeared, a wave of evil waves swept over him instantly.

"What's going on?" Geng Gui dodged Bangira's attack, a little confused.


The previous evil wave had just stopped, and before Geng Gui could catch his breath, the second wave of evil wave hit it again.


Geng Gui was really a little dumbfounded, the guy with feelings had his eyes on him.

"Okay!" Chakra's excited voice came out.

Geng Gui looked towards the two of them and found that the ride was slowly descending underground.Geng Gui wanted to chase after him, so he dodged Bangira's attack again, trying to bypass it.

However, as soon as it moved on this side, Bangira also moved, striding heavily, roaring with killing intent, teeth glowing white, and biting towards Geng Gui.

Geng Gui moved sideways and dodged again.

This time Geng Gui got angry, his face that should have been smiling all the time shrugged, it was gloomy and scary...

(End of this chapter)

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