Chapter 162 The Seventh Spirit


Without any warning, when Geng Gui raised his hand, a shadow ball hit Bangira.


Even though he was attacked by Geng Gui's shadow ball, Bangira only paused for a moment, and rushed forward again roaring.

Geng Gui was a little frightened. After avoiding Bangira's crushing attack again, his eyes glowed blue, trying to restrain Bangira's actions.

It's just that Geng Gui's thinking was too simple. After being restrained, Bangira struggled violently, with such strength that it was difficult for Geng Gui to maintain such restraint.

After a while, Geng Gui had no choice but to give up the restraint on Bangira, and his face became more and more ugly.


Bangira became more violent, exhaled two white snorts, and opened his mouth to shoot out an evil wave.

"You bastard, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Geng Gui became angry from embarrassment, he no longer kept his hands, and stretched out his hands, which also applied the trick of creating evil waves.


The two evil waves collided together, and the chaos was that the black light canceled each other out between the two elves, and the intertwined energy formed a black energy wall.

There is no doubt about Geng Gui's strength, and he slowly pushed Bangira's evil waves towards Bangira.


There was another blast, and Bangira was hit again.


Bangira still didn't fall down, but the roar was obviously a little hoarse, and the panting became more and more severe.

Geng Gui was a little scared. Although he could tell that something was wrong with this Bangira early on, he didn't expect it to be so serious.If the fight continues like this, this Bangira will definitely die.

"Little Luo..."

Geng Gui looked at Xiao Luo helplessly and asked him to make up his mind.

"How could this be? What's going on with this Bangira?" Tian Mu asked suspiciously.

"It's all because of that black elf ball!" Xiao Luo said in a deep voice, "If I'm not mistaken, all elves subdued by that kind of elf ball should lose their minds, leaving only their fighting consciousness and instinct until they die. stop."

Tian Mu was dumbfounded and said, "How could there be such a poke ball!"

Xiao Luo sighed, and said: "This kind of elf ball definitely exists, but it is usually in the hands of elf hunters, but I didn't expect such a thing to appear in the hands of Team Rocket."

The reason why Xiao Luo said this was because he had seen such a scene in the theater version before - "The Encounter of Celebi Traveling Through Time and Space".

This is also the reason why Chakra wanted to subdue his fast dragon and flame chicken before, which made him nervous.

"They subdued so many elves before that, didn't they..." Tian Mu was so shocked that he couldn't speak.


Xiao Luo lamented, "It's not something we can stop."

Tian Mu said angrily: "No, this kind of thing must be reported to the alliance. The behavior of the Rockets is too cruel."

Xiao Luo pointed at Bangira and said, "Let's solve the troubles in front of us first, should we kill or keep?"

"I don't know about this either!" Tian Mu had a bitter expression on his face.

Seeing Bangira who slowed down and still insisted on attacking Geng Gui, Xiao Luo pondered for a while, then took out a poke ball and threw it at Bangira.

The poke ball opened, and Bangira took it in, but before the poke ball shook, a red light flashed, and Bangira ran out of the poke ball.

At the same time, he even opened his mouth and sprayed out a beam of destructive death towards Xiao Luo.


King Hippo arrived in front of Xiao Luo in time, and used a protective trick to resist the attack of destroying the dead light.

The appearance of this elf ball completely led Bangira to Xiaoluo's side, and Bangira began to approach Xiaoluo with heavy steps.

"Brave, this way." Geng Gui yelled, gathering a very weak shadow ball and hitting Bangira.

Bangira was on the verge of life and death, and Geng Gui didn't dare to make too violent an attack.

After the shadow ball hit Bangira, Bangira was attracted by Geng Gui again and attacked.

Seeing that he couldn't subdue it, Tian Mu said again: "Forget it, let's kill it!"

Xiao Luo's face was also a little ugly, and said: "Then you kill me, I can't do it."

Tianmu's lips moved, trying to say something to Yula beside him, but he couldn't make a sound.

Tian Mu looked again at Bangira, who was breathing in more air and staggering less, finally gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and said loudly, "Hua La, use alloy claws!"


Huola let out a cry of excitement, her right paw glowed with a dazzling white light, and rushed towards Bangira quickly.

Seeing Huola jumping high and slashing towards Benjila, Xiao Luo covered his eyes with his hands.At this moment, Xiao Luo saw the bracelet that Arceus gave her, and suddenly remembered something that she had forgotten...

"Stop!" Xiao Luo shouted loudly.

But at this point, he couldn't stop without saying anything. Seeing that the alloy claws were about to hit Bangira, Xiao Luo's expression turned extremely ugly.


At this critical moment, Huanla's vacated body actually flew out.Xiao Luo took a closer look, only to realize that Geng Gui actually made a timely move and knocked Xunla away.It was also because of this that Geng Gui showed a big flaw and was bitten and hit by Bangira's move. Geng Gui screamed in pain.

"Little bastard, Lord Ghost saved your life, yet you still dare to attack Master Ghost. I...I...I..." Geng Gui gave up and looked angrily at Bangira after he had been waiting for me for a long time.

Although Geng Gui wanted to teach Bangira a lesson, he didn't want to kill yet.At this moment, Bangira is on the verge of life and death, and a slightly heavier attack may kill it.


Huan La put on a fighting stance and yelled at Geng Gui, obviously very dissatisfied with Geng Gui's sneak attack.

"Little thing, you still dare to provoke me!"

Geng Gui was just venting his anger, when Xunla came up to him.Geng Gui didn't have any scruples about Huanla, he just raised his hand and hit a shadow ball quickly, and at the same time followed the shadow ball to bully him.

Huola is very flexible, although Geng Gui's shadow ball is very fast, it still jumps away by it.Just as he landed, Geng Gui's big face appeared on top of it, startling it.


Under Huan La's surprised eyes, Geng Gui's right fist was surrounded by flames, and a flame fist hit it in the face without mercy, knocking it to the ground.

"Why am I so good!" Geng Gui looked at his little hand in surprise.

The corners of Tian Mu Ting's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: If it wasn't for the fact that Huan La had experienced so many battles before, he would have been defeated so easily by you!

"Geng Gui!" Xiao Luo also gave Geng Gui a reproachful look.

Geng Gui shrugged, very indifferent.

Tian Mu didn't say much, put away his clothes, and asked Xiao Luo, "What's the matter? Can't bear it?"

Xiao Luo shook his head and said, "I want to try again!"

After speaking, Xiao Luo took off the pink spirit ball of the origin of the demon from the bracelet, and it grew bigger in his hand.

"Go, Poké Ball!" Xiao Luo threw out the Poké Ball forcefully.

After the poke ball touched Bangira, it opened automatically, and a ball of pink light gushed out, wrapping Bangira and receiving it into the poke ball.

This time, instead of turning on again, the Poké Ball began to shake continuously.

Both Xiao Luo and Tian Mu looked nervously at the elf ball, for fear that Bangira would run out again...


A crisp sound sounded, the sound was like the sound of heaven, and both Xiao Luo and Tian Mu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"This bastard has finally been subdued!" Geng Gui also let out a long sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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