Chapter 163 Encounter in Manjin City

Bangira was subdued, and Geng Gui was free to take a look at the passage where Sage escaped.

With just one glance, Geng Gui frowned and said, "They escaped."

After hearing Geng Gui's words, Xiao Luo and Tian Mu also walked over to have a look.I saw that the passage was about 1.5 meters in diameter, and the inner wall was repaired to be extremely smooth, extending straight and obliquely downward.Reminiscent of the vehicle they were riding on, they knew that it was impossible to catch them.

"The Rockets have a deep plan!" Tian Mu looked at the passage for a long time before saying: "They were prepared to retreat from the beginning."

Xiao Luo said helplessly: "This group of people are really cunning. With this IQ, they don't know how many streets they have dumped Musashi and Kojiro!"

"Who are Musashi and Kojiro?" Tian Mu asked.

"Team Rocket duo, two super idiots!"


"Should we catch up and have a look?" Tian Mu asked.

Xiao Luo thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know where this passage leads to, and I'm not sure if there is any danger inside. If they planted bombs in the passage and we rush after them..."

Xiao Luo didn't continue talking, but Tian Mu also understood what he meant.

"Then all we can do now is wait for Miss Junsha here." Tian Mu said, "The elves here still need her to deal with it."

Xiao Luo nodded and agreed with Tian Mu's words.

Taking advantage of nothing to do, Xiao Luo opened Bangira's elf ball.

A white light flashed, and Bangira appeared in front of Xiao Luo, but its appearance was no longer as mighty as before, but lying limply on the ground, panting non-stop.He glanced at Xiao Luo suspiciously.

Little Luo found out that Bangira's rage had finally ceased to exist, so he was relieved a little. Just as he was about to say something to Bangira, Bangira coughed violently, bringing out large swaths of scarlet blood.

Little Luo was shocked, and hurried forward to check on Bangira's situation, but Bangira coughed more and more, and large swaths of blood spurted out of her mouth, accompanied by Bangira's degenerated pain screams.

When Xiao Luo saw such a situation, his hands and feet became cold and he was at a loss for what to do.

Although the elf battles in the past were fierce, there was no bloodshed after all, but now...

"Little Luo, don't hurry to put Bangira away." Tian Mu was also attracted by Bangira's roar, and immediately reminded him loudly when he saw Xiaoluo standing there blankly: "Hurry up and put Bangira away. Go to the elf center, if this continues, Bangira will really be hopeless,"

Only then did Xiao Luo react, and hurriedly took out the elf ball to put Bangira away, and then took out the Hippo King's elf ball to put the Hippo King back.

"I'm going to the Elf Center right away, and I'll leave it to you and Miss Junsha to explain." After Xiao Luo finished speaking to Tianmu, he said to Hei Lujia: "You just stay here with Tianmu and listen to the sky first." Mu's command, and then come to the Spirit Center to find me."

"Wang woo~"

Hei Lujia nodded to Xiao Luo, just found the child's mother, Hei Lujia naturally didn't want to leave with Xiao Luo before the child's mother was rescued.

After explaining, Xiao Luo immediately rushed out towards the way he came from, and Geng Gui followed closely behind him.

After sprinting for a while, Xiao Luo came to the original hall again. The battle here was also coming to an end. Team Rocket members were knocked down one by one and put on handcuffs.Only a few sporadic people are still stubbornly resisting.

"Xiao Luo, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Xiao Luo rushing, Miss Junsha asked aloud.

"My elf is injured, I am in a hurry to go to the elf center." Xiao Luo rushed out of Junsha in a gust of wind, and replied without looking back, "Tianmu is inside, and the rest will be left to you. "

"This child, don't be so anxious if the elf is injured." Junsha felt that Xiao Luo was making a fuss, so she shook her head helplessly.

After leaving the villa, Xiao Luo immediately released the fire-breathing dragon, climbed onto its back, and let it carry her to the elf center.Looking at Xiao Luo's anxious expression, the fire-breathing dragon also knew the seriousness of the matter. With a roar, it flew towards the elf center at its fastest speed.

Although there were police around the villa, these people also got the command of Miss Junsha's radio before Xiao Luo rushed out, and did not stop her.


On the other side, Sachi and Chakra are walking cautiously in a forest.

"This is a big trouble!" Saqi said distressedly, "I actually exposed the dark elf ball in advance. If the boss finds out, we will die."

"In that case, there is nothing we can do. If we don't use it, our elves can't stop that Geng Ghost. If we are caught, it will be even more troublesome. I believe the boss will not blame us." Cha Clara reassured.

"That being said, the dark elf ball has a lot to do with it. Once this kind of thing spreads, our Rockets will really become a target of public criticism. I believe many trainers will hate our Rockets. The league will definitely not take it easy. Let us go. This... oh..."

Chakra said: "There is no way to do this. Base No. [-] is coming soon. We will report this matter to the boss. I believe the boss will have a solution."

Sach said bitterly, "That's the only way to go."


Three days passed like this, and the Rockets' base in Manjin City was completely sealed off.Except for Saatchi and Chakra, all members of Team Rocket were arrested.Ms. Junsha also sent a large number of policemen to search the two in Manjin City, but after three days, there was still nothing.

Xiao Luo also stayed in the Elf Center for three full days, and Bangira's situation finally gradually stabilized, which relieved Xiao Luo's hanging heart.After all, it was a Bangira, a powerful elf that was cherished very much.

Tian Mu left Manjin City after sending back the two black lujias.After seeing the dark elf ball, he wanted to pass the news to his master as soon as possible.

After obtaining Hei Lujia's consent, Xiao Luo subdued his mother Hei Lujia and passed it on to Xia Yi.

In the evening of this day, Luo and Cole walked out of the elf center as usual, planning to go to the park to do daily training for their elves.When I looked up, I found three familiar figures walking towards the Elf Center.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaogang!"

"Little Luo?" The three of them heard someone calling their names, and only then did they find Xiao Luo and Cole standing at the door of the Elf Center.

The three walked up quickly, and Xiaozhi said excitedly: "Xiao Luo, why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you, Xiaozhi, you set off earlier than me, why did you just arrive in Manjin City?"

"This..." Xiaozhi looked embarrassed.

Looking at Xiaozhi's face, Xiaoluo remembered that in the plot, these three people were either lost or on the lost road.This can also understand why their itinerary is so slow.

"Are you going out?" Xiao Gang changed the topic, after all, he was also responsible for getting lost.

"Well, I plan to go to the park to train the elves."

"Training?!" Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Little Luo, fight me. Although I know I'm not your opponent, I want my elves to grow up in constant battles."

Xiao Luo looked at Xiao Zhi curiously, and thought to himself: This kind of words are not like what Xiao Zhi said. Could it be that his growth has been accelerated because of his appearance?
"Little Luo, since the Kanto Alliance, Xiaozhi has been aiming at you, and has changed very hard! It's like a completely different person." Xiaoxia said next to him: "I believe the current Xiaozhi will definitely surprise you of."

Xiao Luo raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, I accept your challenge. Let's go to the park together."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo led everyone to the park not far from the Elf Center.

(End of this chapter)

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