Chapter 165: The God of the Pi without a Fight!

"Round Land Shark, can you continue to fight?"


Yuan Lusha nodded, looking at Pikachu with a slightly provocative gaze.It and Pikachu can also be regarded as old rivals.

The round land shark has an absolute advantage over Pikachu in terms of attributes, and Xiao Luo doesn't really want to take it back, after all, he also hopes that the round land shark will evolve sooner.

"Xiaozhi, it's up to you to attack first."

Xiaozhi smiled slightly, and said, "Then I won't be polite, Pikachu, there's a flash of lightning!"


Pikachu held up a white light and rushed towards the round land shark like lightning.

Xiao Luo stared, he could see that Pikachu's speed was faster than before.It seems that Xiaozhi has worked hard on Pikachu.

However, it is useless to be quick.Xiao Luo smiled confidently, commanding Yuan Lusha: "Bump!"


The round land shark glowed with fluorescence, dragging streaks of blue light, striding towards it.

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, revealing an imperceptible smile.

"Pikachu!" Xiaozhi called out with deep meaning.


After Pikachu responded, when he was about to collide with the round land shark, he jumped up slightly and jumped over the round land shark.

Fuck!Little Luo was taken aback by Pikachu's actions, and suddenly felt a little bad.

"Now, come on, Pikachu!" Xiaozhi commanded very loudly.

Pikachu's jump is small, so he quickly falls behind the round land shark, and the trick of the electric flash is not lost because of Pikachu's jump.


Before the round land shark could turn around, Pikachu had already slammed into it heavily, knocking it into the air.

"Very good, use Iron Tail next!" Xiaozhi directed while clenching his fists.


Pikachu's tail glowed white, and he quickly caught up with the round land shark, jumped up again, and slammed the round land shark with his tail from top to bottom.

"boom" "boom"

The round land shark was slammed to the ground, rebounded a bit, and rolled to the ground again.

Xiao Luo was completely taken aback by this set of attacks.Nima, do you want to be so ruthless!Iron Tail knows everything, this nima has improved too fast.

"The round land shark lost the ability to fight, and Pikachu won!" Xiaogang announced the result with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, well done Pikachu!"

"Pikapi~" Pikachu also happily made a victory gesture.

The people watching the battle also burst into applause, and the applause was even more generous.

With a wry smile, Xiao Luo took Yuan Lu Shark back.This time I was really careless. I thought Xiaozhi hadn't improved much, but Pikachu's performance completely exceeded his expectations.This guy actually learned Iron Tail at this time, the plot is too advanced.

"It's really beyond my expectation, Xiaozhi, it seems that your progress is really not small." Xiao Luo changed out the elf ball while talking, "In this case, use all your means Come on, let me see how much stronger you have become. Go, flame chicken!"

The elf ball flew out in a spin, opened in mid-air, white light fell, and the tall and straight body of the flame chicken appeared on the field.

The chicken eye glanced at Pikachu with contempt, the chicken paw clenched its fist slightly, and the flame on the wrist instantly ignited, chirping.


The sharp and powerful cry spread throughout the venue, and a faint coercion rippled.The audience who were still applauding Pikachu were instantly overwhelmed by the power of the flame chicken and fell silent.


There was another soft cry, and the flame chicken assumed a fighting posture, staring at Pikachu with burning eyes, and waved to it gently, signaling it to attack.

"P... Ka..."

Big drops of sweat appeared on Pikachu's forehead, showing a fearful expression.When it met the flame chicken's fiery eyes again, it immediately turned its head, ran to Xiaozhi's feet, and hid behind Xiaozhi.

"Pikachu..." Xiaozhi called out in disbelief.


Pikachu yelled pitifully.

"Pikachu, you don't have to be afraid of it, believe me, you are stronger than it, you will definitely win."


Pikachu shook his head, apparently not believing Xiaozhi's words.


Flame Chicken tilted his head, and looked at Pikachu with a puzzled face. The frightened Pikachu hid behind Xiaozhi, not daring to show his head.

Xiao Luo couldn't laugh or cry watching this scene. It seems that Pikachu's strength has grown, but his temperament has not changed much.It is still far from the point where he will dare to challenge the beast in the future.

Xiaozhi persuaded him patiently for a while, but Pikachu remained unmoved, as if he would not fight the flame chicken even if he was killed.

The surrounding audience saw this scene but did not laugh at Pikachu. They more or less saw the power of the flame chicken. It really takes a certain amount of courage to dare to fight against such a powerful elf.

Xiaozhi, in desperation, could only take out a poke ball, and said, "Since Pikachu doesn't want to fight, let this guy go. Go, circle bear!"

"Kuma~" (imitating the cry of Shinji's circle bear at the lily of the valley conference!)
A white light flashed, and a circle bear with fingers in its mouth, pretending to be silly and cute, appeared opposite the flame chicken.

And the appearance of this circle bear made Xiao Luo petrified. He stared blankly at the circle bear, and kept muttering in his mouth: "Quiet bear, circle bear...Xiaozhi actually has a circle bear... Quan Xiong, how could this shit..."

However, the Flame Chicken didn't care about this. Seeing that the opponent was the majestic Huanquan Bear, the Flame Chicken immediately became excited, and once again assumed the fighting posture, the flames on his wrists became more and more blazing.

"Come on, circle the bear, use the arm punch!"


After hearing Xiao Luo's command, Quanquan Xiong's expression changed, his face was ferocious, his arms were wrapped in white light, and he rushed towards the flame chicken.

"This... so fast!"

"It's a lie, the circle bear has such a speed!"

"It's unbelievable, such a powerful circle bear!"


As soon as the circle bear moved, the onlookers continued to burst into exclamation.Even the red-haired young man was surprised.

"Flame Fist!" Xiao Luo no longer cared about thinking about how Xiaozhi would have a circle bear, and immediately issued an order.


The flame chicken clenched its fist with its right paw, and a raging flame was burning on the fist, and it rushed straight to punch the circle bear's arms.


A wave of air erupted between the two elves, and the circle bear slid back a certain distance, while the flame chicken was completely blown away, and it took two weeks to toss and turn before landing gracefully.

"Spray flames!" Xiao Luo commanded again with a serious face.


A crimson flame spewed out from the flame chicken's mouth, sweeping towards the circle bear like a fire dragon.

"Circle bear, use protection!"


Quanquan Xiong stretched out his hands, and a green protective cover covered him, blocking the ultimate move of spraying flames.

"Hmph, Flame Chicken, use Flame Kick."

The Flaming Chicken rushed up quickly, jumped high, and ignited a raging flame on its right foot. With a handsome heel kick, it kicked down towards the head of the circle bear.

"Come on, circle bear, hit with your arm!"


The circle bear's right arm glowed with white light again, and it punched from bottom to top in the form of an uppercut.


It was another strong collision, and the flame chicken was bounced upside down by the huge force of the circle bear.The circle bear also knelt down on one knee due to the excessive force it endured, and tiny cracks appeared on the ground.

(Please ask for votes, please click, please collect, please comment! All kinds of requests! I will work hard and work hard, and you should also work hard! The so-called knowledge of mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good! Luoyi decided to correct the evil and work hard to code words, don’t you also Help me out! Although there is no hope of signing this book, I feel better if I can achieve some results. There will be another chapter later, and I will continue to work hard!)

(End of this chapter)

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