Chapter 166 Victory!

The circle bear roared angrily at the flame chicken.


The flaming chicken claws were slightly clenched, and the flames of fighting spirit on the wrists sneered.

"Circle Bear, use Begging Rain!"


The circle bear raised its head to the sky and roared angrily, the sky suddenly darkened, thunder bursts, and then large raindrops fell on the field.

He could still beg for rain, Xiao Luo immediately frowned. In this way, the flame chicken's fire element trick would be greatly weakened, and the situation was obviously not good for the flame chicken.


The rain fell on the flame chicken, and the flame chicken also showed disgust.

"The flame chicken is not only good at fire-type tricks. Come on, flame chicken, use the heaven fist."

The flame chicken screamed angrily, rushed up again, its right paw was tightly wrapped by white light, and hit the circle bear.

"Huanquan Xiong, another arm punch!"


The circle bear's arm fist was launched again, and he mustered all his strength to meet the flame chicken's heaven fist.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

A series of fighting sounds sounded, and the two spirits kept colliding in the rain. The flame chicken was better at being light and flexible, while the circle bear was better at being strong and heavy. It was impossible to tell who was stronger for a while.

After colliding with each other more than a dozen times, the two elves used the shock force to distance themselves in the last confrontation, and looked at each other panting.

"Kuma~" "Roar~"

After a short rest, the two elves put on a fighting posture again, waiting for a new round of confrontation.

Xiao Gang smiled and nodded while watching from the side.He is very clear about the strength of the circle bear, seeing that he can tie with Xiao Luo's flame chicken, this makes Xiao Gang very happy for Xiao Zhi.At least Xiaozhi finally had an extra trump card in his hand.

The spectators off the court watched with enthusiasm, the two elves were surprisingly powerful, such battles were rare in the park.Therefore, even if Quanquan Xiong used the trick of begging for rain to put them in the rain, very few people left.

"Zuoquan Xiong, use gas bombs!"


Circle Xiong put his hands together and pulled, and a light blue energy ball was slowly forming in his hands.

"Hmph, flame chicken, spray flames!"


Even in the rain, the scorching breath could still be clearly felt, and the flames were in the shape of a regular column, hitting the circle bear extremely quickly.


The gas bombs take too long, so when the jet flames hit, the circle bear doesn't have time to dodge.He was hit directly by the jet of flames and staggered back.

Although begging for rain has weakened the power of the fire element's ultimate move, it doesn't mean it has no power.In particular, the power of the flame chicken's unique move was already strong enough after being trained by Xiao Luo.

"It's now, Flame Chicken, Heaven Fist."


The flame chicken screamed excitedly, and rushed forward with its glowing bird fist.

"Circle bear, counterattack, use arm punch!"


Because of the loss in the previous round, the circle bear has lost the best opportunity to defend. When the flame chicken rushed, it could only attack with the arm in a hurry, trying to resist the flame chicken's attack.However, its charged blow was easily dodged by the flame chicken.

The flame corns were sharp, and the Shangtian Fist hit Quanquan Xiong's chin without hesitation.The huge force made the face of the circle bear obviously deformed, and the huge body also took off involuntarily.

Shangtian Fist is a unique move of the fighting system. For the ordinary type of Quanquan Xiong, such a blow is enough to make it take a long time to slow down.

"That's it, use the fire kick next!"

The flame chicken jumped up lightly, and quickly came to the top of the circle bear. With one move, the flame chicken stepped hard on the huge body of the circle bear, and stepped on it and fell towards the ground.

"Boom" "Kuma~"

With the scream of the circle bear, bigger cracks appeared on the field, the dark clouds dispersed, and the rain finally stopped.

The flame chicken stepped on the circle of bears so arrogantly, screaming loudly, and a jet of flames shot straight into the sky.

"The circle bear lost the ability to fight, and the flame chicken won!" Xiaogang announced the result helplessly.

Off the court, Xiaoxia shook her head lightly. This result was not beyond her expectations, and she also knew that Xiaoluo did not use her rights.It is not difficult to see this from the choice of flame chicken's trick.

"What a domineering elf, is this the flame chicken from Fengyuan area?"

"So handsome, so powerful..."

"It's so exciting, I haven't seen such a wonderful battle for a long time!"


"Xiaozhi..." Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi and signaled him to let Pikachu play.

"Pikachu..." Xiaozhi retracted the circle bear and looked at Pikachu at his feet.


Pikachu yelled loudly, still hugging Xiaozhi's leg, refusing to let go.

Xiao Luo saw Pikachu like this, so he chuckled, put away the flame chicken and said to Xiao Zhi: "This is the end of this game, we are considered a draw."

"I obviously lost this game!" Xiaozhi was a little depressed.

Xiao Luo stepped forward, put his arms around Xiao Zhi's shoulders and said, "If you lose, you lose. If you haven't lost before, what do you care about. You must know that failure is the mother of success. If you lose, you will win. "

" there still such a saying?" Xiaozhi was a little stunned.

"Of course, I often lose too!"

"No way, who did you lose to?" Xiaozhi asked.

"This... Anyway, you don't know it. Anyway, you know that I often lose as well."

Xiao Luo greeted Xiao Gang, Xiao Xia and Ke Er, and said, "Let's go back to the Fairy Center first. In fact, I have a lot to say to you."

Mostly, Xiao Luo wanted to find out why Xiao Zhi changed so much, it was completely different from the original plot.This was absolutely beyond his expectations.

When Xiao Luo left the park with a few people, the red-haired boy was looking at Xiao Luo's back with a smile: "Xiao Luo, is the champion of the Quartz League? Soon we will fight. Very good."


That night, Xiao Luo learned that Xiaozhi's thoughts had changed drastically, and he continued to fight and sharpen his elves, hoping that they could evolve earlier.In addition to the elves in the original plot, Xiaozhi not only tamed a circle bear, but also tamed a dark crow.And the little giant crocodile in the original plot also evolved into a blue crocodile.

This kind of situation gave Xiao Luo a sense of crisis, but he was more happy for Xiao Zhi. After all, Xiao Luo still liked Xiao Zhi very much, and he was happy to see Xiao Zhi strong.

Early the next morning, Xiaozhi went to challenge Manjin Gym, but Xiaoluo didn't accompany him because he wanted to find Miss Joy to know about Bangira's situation.

In Xiao Luo's impression, the first time Xiao Luo challenged Manjin Gymnasium in the original play was a failure.The host Xiaoqian has a very powerful big milk tank, and Xiaozhi's strength is not strong, so he can only end in failure.However, it is different now. Not only is Xiaozhi's strength soaring, but he also has a super powerful elf like the circle bear, so he should be able to get the badge easily.

But the facts were far beyond Xiao Luo's expectations. It didn't take long for Xiao Zhi to challenge, and rushed back to the elf center with the injured Pikachu in his arms again.

"Xiaozhi?" Xiao Luo was very surprised, stopped Xiaozhi and said, "You failed?"

Xiaozhi smiled bitterly, and said, "Let Xiaogang and Xiaoxia tell you, I'm going to treat Pikachu first."

After Xiaozhi left, Xiaoluo looked at Xiaogang and Xiaoxia suspiciously.With Xiaozhi's current strength, Xiao Luo can't believe that he can't beat Xiaoqian's owner.

(Three chapters a day, if there are no big things in the future, there will be no less. Please give me your support. If there are more recommendations, I will add more chapters on the basis of three chapters.)
(End of this chapter)

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