Chapter 167 War Manjin Guild Hall

After Xiaozhi left, Xiaoluo, Cole and Xiaogang found a place to sit in the elf center.Xiao Gang and the two of you told Xiao Luo the matter one by one.

It turns out that the challenger of the guild hall is not the owner Xiaoqian, but the owner's cousin Ji Zheng.Jizheng's strength is very strong, and he defeated Xiaozhi's blue crocodile, circle bear and Pikachu with only two elves.And threatened that, based on Xiaozhi's strength, as long as he was in the Manjin Guild Hall, Xiaozhi would never get the badge.

When Xiaozhi and others were about to leave, Ji Zheng even asked the three of them to bring a message to Xiao Luo, saying that he knew that Xiao Luo had never challenged the Manjin Guild Hall, and that he would wait for Xiao Luo in the Manjin Guild Hall.

After hearing this, Xiao Luo's nose almost crooked.He had never seen such an arrogant Gym Master.Based on his attitude, it would be easy for him to sue him in the league.

Xiao Luo asked: "Didn't the owner Xiaoqian say anything?"

Xiao Gang replied: "Xiaoqian's owner is also very dissatisfied with Ji Zheng's attitude, but she said a few words about Ji Zheng, but... It's just that it can be seen that Ji Zheng doesn't take her words to heart."

Xiaoxia continued: "Xiaoqian, the owner of the pavilion, personally sent us away. Xiaoqian planned to give the badge to Xiaozhi, saying that Xiaozhi's strength is enough to get this badge, but Xiaozhi refused."

Xiao Luo smiled and said, "This is a bit like Xiao Zhi's character."

"I think brother Xiaozhi is just stupid, why don't you want the badge you sent! Anyway, he can't beat that guy named Ji Zheng." Cole expressed his opinion beside him: "Besides, you can get the badge again Go challenge. You need to get two badges, keep one and give it away, and get mad at that guy named Ji Zheng."

The other three were startled, and thought to themselves: It seems that this method is indeed very soothing!
Xiao Luo pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah! Why are you so smart?"

"Hmph, that's because Brother Xiao Luo has done this kind of thing before!"


Seeing Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looking at him suspiciously, Xiao Luo immediately blushed slightly, and changed the subject: "Listen to what you said, I am very interested in this Jizheng, anyway, it's fine, I will talk to you tomorrow Let's go to the Manjin Guild Hall together to have a look."

Xiao Gang nodded and said: "Alright, if you are not his opponent, Xiao Zhi can only give up this badge."


Afterwards, several people went to see Pikachu's situation together.Pikachu's injury is not particularly serious, and Miss Joey said that he will recover tomorrow, which reassures Xiaozhi a lot.

Afterwards, a few people ate something briefly, Xiao Luo took Cole and Meow Miao to the park to continue training the elves, while the three of them stayed in the elf center to rest.

The next morning, Xiao Luo got up early, and after meeting Xiao Zhi and the three in the lobby of the Elf Center, they went to the Manjin Guild Hall together.

Pushing open the door of the Manjin Guild Hall, Xiaoqian was talking with a red-haired boy in the hall, but the owner of the hall was full of anger, obviously the content of the conversation was not pleasant.

"Xiaozhi?" Xiaoqian's expression softened when she saw Xiaozhi and the others.The red-haired boy stared at Xiao Luo with burning eyes, which made Xiao Luo a little puzzled.

After Xiaozhi and others greeted Xiaoqian, Xiaozhi introduced Xiaoluo: "This is Xiaoluo, a trainer from the same town as me. Today we are here to accompany him to challenge the guild hall."

Xiaoqian glanced at Xiaoluo with deep meaning, then stretched out her hand to Xiaoluo and said, "I am Xiaoxi, the owner of Manjin Guild Hall, and I accept your competition."

Xiao Luo nodded, took a special look at the red-haired young man, and asked, "Who is this handsome guy? Owner Xiaoqian, is he your brother?"

Xiao Qian was startled, and explained: "No, he is my cousin, named Ji Zheng."

"So it's your cousin, he looks so young."

Xiaoqian was speechless for a moment, he couldn't believe that Xiaoluo didn't know about Ji Zheng.And she could also see that Xiao Luo actually came for Ji Zheng.

"Little Luo, I know you!" Ji Zheng said frivolously, "You are the champion of the Quartz League!"

"It seems that you are not too ignorant!" Xiao Luo raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smile.


Ji Zheng looked at Xiao Luo angrily, and also stared at him, and the two had already collided with sparks before they started fighting.

"You came here for me, right? It seems that Xiaozhi passed the message to you very well."

"That's right, I'm here for you. If I don't let you know why the flowers are so red today, I will stay in the Manjin Guild Hall permanently."

Ji Zheng glared at Xiao Luo, and said to Xiao Qian: "Xiao Qian, you heard me, leave this match to me."

"Then... alright! I'll be the referee for you." After Xiaoqian knew that Xiao Luo was the champion of the Quartz League, she didn't stop them from fighting.After all, she knows her level very well.

"All members fight against each other, dare you or not?" Ji Zheng asked Xiao Luo.

"Don't dare, I'm afraid of you..."

Ji Zheng: "..."

Although Xiao Luo said so, he took the initiative to stand on the field: "Come here, let the young master teach you how to be a man!"

Ji Zheng said: "Damn guy, let me tell you that you can win the championship of the Quartz League because of my absence."

"Kele..." Xiao Luo called out with a smile.

"What are you doing, Brother Luo." Cole blinked his big eyes at Xiao Luo.

"Remember what I told you? Cows are flying in the sky..."

"Keer remember, the next sentence is the people on the ground blowing it..." After finishing speaking, he asked Xiao Luo innocently, "Is what Cole said right?"

"That's right!" Xiao Luo smiled happily, praising Cole for his strength in his heart.


Everyone was stunned by their conversation and didn't react for a long time.

"I'm so mad, let me see whether you are stronger or your mouth is stronger."


Xiao Luo snorted and looked at him with disdain.

"Now we are holding a challenge with badges as a bet. The challenger, Xiao Luo, is fighting against Ji Zheng of Manjin Gymnasium. All members will fight, and the game will begin!"

"Go fork bat!" Ji Zheng couldn't wait to release the first elf.

A white light flashed, and a huge forked bat appeared in midair, flapping its wings at a very fast frequency, shuttling back and forth in the air, and one could tell it was a very powerful Lord at a glance.

Xiao Luo wanted to show his prestige, and shouted: "Geng Gui!"

"Hey hey hey..."

A series of sinister laughter rippling from the center of the field, Geng Gui slowly appeared, looking at the cross-word bat with great interest.

"The challenger goes first!" Seeing that both sides had sent elves, Xiaoqian gave her final instructions.

"Geng Gui, illusion!"

"Forked bat, let's fly!" Ji Zheng also gave a very appropriate command, "Hmph, I want to hit my crossed bat with tricks like illusion, you made a mistake... what..."

Before Jizheng could finish playing, the cross-word bat was hit by Geng Gui's illusion technique and bound in mid-air.

"'s that simple!" Geng Gui's telepathy spread throughout the audience.

(Dad has a guest today, and I just came back, trying to type ing. This week, Luoyi works the night shift, and I haven’t slept yet. It’s hard work. Please comfort me! I will continue to type)
(End of this chapter)

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