Chapter 168
"Telepathy, how is this possible." Ji Zheng said in surprise.

Xiao Qian also looked at Xiao Luo in surprise, and thought to herself: It seems that it is not a fluke that he became the league champion.

Xiao Gang laughed and said, "You actually sent Geng Gui, it seems that Xiao Luo is very angry."

Xiaoxia relieved her anger and said, "It's what he deserves! Let him be more arrogant!"

Xiaozhi also smiled and said: "With Geng Gui around, Xiao Luo has a great chance of winning. I really didn't expect that he would actually take Geng Gui out on a trip."

"Brother Luo, come on, brother Luo is the best!" Seeing Geng Gui's successful blow, Cole jumped up and down happily.

"Forked Bat, break away quickly!"

After hearing Ji Zheng's command, the cross-word bat struggled hard.

"Little reptile, be honest!" Geng Gui glared, and the force of the restraint increased instantly, almost pinching the cross bat into a ball, which also made the cross bat cry out in pain.

"Ghost, stop playing, solve it!"

Geng Gui chuckled and said, "Look at me!"

After finishing speaking, Geng Gui stretched out one hand, and continued to draw circles in the air. Following Geng Gui's movements, the cross-shaped bat also spun in mid-air, turning faster and faster.When it was almost too late to see the figure of the forked bat, Geng Gui pressed his hand down hard, and the forked bat turned into a blue light and hit the field at an extremely fast speed.


The forked bat's body bounced twice on the ground before it stopped.

"Forked bat..." Jizheng cried out in distress.

"I'll give you another shadow ball."

What Geng Gui said, he pulled his hands, and a huge shadow ball formed in his hands, and smashed down towards the forked bat.


With an explosion, a deep pit was blown into the field, and the cross-word bat was lying in the center of the deep pit, foaming at the mouth, and its eyes spiraled.

"The cross-word bat loses its ability to fight, and Geng Gui wins!"

"Damn it, come back to the cross-bat." Jizheng retracted the cross-bat with an ugly face, and without any hesitation, took out a poke ball and threw it again: "Go, Absolu!"

"Solu~" (imitation of AG104's call)

A white light flashed, and a handsome dog elf appeared on the field.The whole body is covered with white fluff, the soles of the feet are large, and the claws are dark blue and very long. The fluff on the neck is particularly long.The fluff on the head is in the shape of hook jade, the eyes are shining like rubies, and there is a horn on the right side of the head that looks like a sickle.

"This is Absolu, what a handsome elf!" Xiao Luo looked at it with greedy eyes.

Off the court, Xiaozhi also took out the elf illustration book to learn about it...

"Absolu, a disaster Pokémon. It lives in the depths of steep mountain ranges and almost never appears in places where people live. But it is said that when it appears in front of people, disasters will definitely occur."

"There is such a spirit!" Xiaozhi was very surprised.

Xiaogang explained: "This is a rare elf, and it mainly inhabits the Fengyuan area, and there are almost no such spirits in Chengdu."

"Another little reptile!" Geng Gui cast a disdainful glance at Absolu.


After hearing Geng Gui's words, Absolu was obviously very angry, his body was slightly lowered, and he had a ferocious expression.

"Absol, let it see how powerful you are, use Whirlwind!"


Absolu's sickle glowed white, and as it was thrown out forcefully, a bright white blade flew out, slashing towards Geng Gui.


Geng Gui snorted coldly, pulled his hands together, and a shadow ball formed in his hands, smashing towards the light blade.


When the two tricks collided, there was an explosion in the field, and a mushroom cloud rippled.

"call out"

Just when the black smoke blocked it, a shadow ball shot towards Absol through the smoke.

"Absol, hurry up and avoid it."


Absolu moved very quickly, easily dodging the shadow ball's attack.Afterwards, Absolu glared at the smiling Geng Gui, his expression becoming more and more ferocious.

"Absol, use Fantasy Slash!"


Absol's sickle glowed with colorful brilliance, his limbs moved, and he rushed towards Geng Gui at an extremely fast speed.Then he jumped up high, and slashed at Geng Gui fiercely with the sickle.

Geng Gui's figure was erratic, and he avoided the attack by only moving a short distance.

"Absol, continue to attack!"


After Absolu landed, he recoiled again, but was still dodged by Geng Gui.When Absolu charged towards Geng Gui for the third time, Geng Gui's right hand was already glowing with white light. While avoiding the phantom slash, he hit Absolu hard on the back of the head with a concentrated blow, knocking him down. It hit the ground.

"Little reptile, have a good time!" Geng Gui looked triumphantly at Absolu who fell to the ground.The fighting type restrains the evil type, and the concentrated slam is another big move. Even if Geng Gui's physical attack is not particularly high, this is enough for Absolu to feel uncomfortable for a while.

"Absolu, you can't lose, use evil waves!" Ji Zheng clenched his fists and directed.


Absol struggled to stand up, but before it could use the evil wave, Geng Gui suddenly appeared in front of it.Geng Gui's eyes glowed with a dim light, releasing circle after circle of purple light circles, and Absolu's eyes in the center of the light circle blinked slower and slower.

After a while, Absol fell to the ground again and fell into a deep sleep.

Geng Gui didn't wait for Jizheng to speak, and hit Absolu's head hard with another blow, knocking him into the air.

"Absolu, wake up quickly, wake up quickly." Ji Zheng called anxiously.

Perhaps Jizheng's call played a role, and he woke up slowly after Absol fell to the ground. However, Jizheng was already dumbfounded at this moment, staring at Absol in a daze.

Without it, because at the moment Absol woke up, it saw a huge shadow ball constantly enlarging in front of its eyes...


Absol was blown out again and fell to the ground.This time, Absolu struggled a few times before lying quietly on the ground.

"Absolu lost his ability to fight, and Geng Gui won!" Xiaoqian glanced at Jizheng while announcing the result helplessly, and could only sigh and shake her head slightly when she saw his lost expression.

"Brother Luo is great, he won again!" Cole exclaimed excitedly.The three of Xiaozhi were also very happy.

"Come back, Absol." After taking back Absol, Jizheng did not take out the third elf for a long time, but fell into thinking.

Looking at Ji Zheng's appearance, Xiao Luo knew that he was at the end of his rope, so he simply didn't bully him and called Geng Gui down.He took out the Poké Ball of Yuanlu Shark and threw it out.

And Jizheng watched Xiao Luo send Yuan Lu Shark, and he was also slightly stunned. Then, he took out an elf ball and said to Xiao Luo: "It's not that I can't deal with your Geng Gui, it's just that I don't want to expose my strength too early That's all. This is just right, I will end up with your Geng Gui. Go Picosi!"


The poke ball was opened, and a chubby Pixie appeared opposite the round land shark.

Xiao Luo looked at Pi Kexi, then shook his head and said to Ji Zheng: "I don't believe you have a way to deal with Geng Gui."


Ji Zheng pointed at Xiao Luo and said angrily, "Just wait and see, I will make you believe it."

Xiao Luo glanced at him and said with disdain, "I'll just watch!"

(Ahhh... I'm going to die, there's another chapter! I have to go to work at twelve o'clock, I'm really going to die!)
(End of this chapter)

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