Chapter 170 Charizard VS Super Iron Tyrannosaurus

Pi Kexi received the freezing light stiffly, and glared at King Hippo.

"It's really difficult!"

Xiao Luo looked at Pi Kexi with some headaches, whether it was illusion or freezing light, in front of Pi Kexi who had used instant amnesia, the damage was really small and pathetic.

"Pikaxi, shake your finger again!"

"Hippo King, Illusion!"


Pixie was restrained once, however, the final result was still unsatisfactory, and Pixie struggled hard to get away.

After the space of deception flashed away, it finally turned into fragments and dissipated.

After a long period of exhaustion, the two elves seemed a little powerless, and gasped for breath.

"It's finally over!" Ji Zheng showed a smile, and commanded again: "Pikexi, shake your finger again!"


Pixie's fingertips shimmered, and they shook again.

This time, Xiao Luo didn't continue to use illusion to interrupt.Without the help of the deceiving space, the finger shake must be activated before the illusion.

"Fight it!" Xiao Luo gritted his teeth and directed Hippo King to say: "Hippo King, concentrate on attacking!"


The Hippo King rushed forward, and his short arms began to glow white.

And over there, Pixie quickly completed the movement of shaking his fingers, and yellow lightning was lingering around his short arms.

"Lightning palm?" Jizheng smiled slightly, and stretched out a hippopotamus king: "Come on, Pippi, let him see how powerful you are!"


Pippi rushed up to meet the Hippo King.

Two elves who were not good at melee attacks finally collided together in melee.


The Lightning Palm and the Concentrated Slam collided together, and after a moment of stalemate, the two streams of energy mixed together and exploded.The two elves were thrown out at the same time...

After struggling for a while, the two elves lay obediently on the ground at the same time, their eyes spiraling.

"Pikasi and Hippo King lost their fighting ability at the same time!"

Xiao Luo was very satisfied with the result, and the elf ball put the Hippo King away.

Ji Zheng frowned a little, but didn't say anything, and took Pi Kexi back with a flat expression.

Afterwards, Jizheng took out another elf ball and threw it out: "Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, it's your turn to play."


White light fell, and a super iron Tyrannosaurus rex with a strong physique and thick armor appeared on the field.

"Hmph, fire-breathing dragon, I'll leave it to you!" Xiao Luo took out the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball and threw it out.


The elf ball was opened, and the fire-breathing dragon roared, and its scarred eyes scanned the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus sharply.


The super iron tyrannosaur roared at the fire-breathing dragon, and a gust of wind rushed towards him.


The fire-breathing dragon didn't dare to show weakness, and after a response, a jet of flame burst out instantly, sweeping across the super iron tyrannosaurus.

The super iron tyrannosaurus raised its arms and stood in front of it, easily resisting the fire-breathing dragon's attack.

"Boom" "Boom"

The super iron tyrannosaurus hammered each other's arms, making a muffled sound, and then waved at the fire-breathing dragon with a look of disdain.

How could the fire-breathing dragon be provoked by this kind of provocation, its wings stretched out, and it seemed that it was about to rush up to do a big fight, but it was stopped by Xiao Luo.

At this time, Jizheng stared blankly at the mage evolution stone on the neck of the fire-breathing dragon, and said to himself: "It actually has this kind of thing... How is this possible..."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Luo looked at Ji Zheng talking to himself and asked aloud.

Only then did Jizheng come to his senses, and instead of answering Xiao Luo, he directed the super iron tyrannosaurus to attack: "Super iron tyrannosaurus, rock sharp blade!"

The Super Iron Explosive Dragon let out a roar, and two white bands of light intersected and appeared around its body, and then turned into sharp stones, hitting the fire-breathing dragon.

"Hmph, Charizard Flame Shock!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and the whole body burned with blue flames, like a blue meteorite, and charged towards the super iron tyrannosaurus with great momentum.

The rock blade was scattered all the way by the impact, and with the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, it hit the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus fiercely.


Although the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus tried its best to resist, the huge body was still thrown backwards by the impact, and hit hard on the wall of the clubhouse. Large cracks appeared on the wall centered on the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.

Afterwards, blue lightning flashed across the fire-breathing dragon, and a painful expression appeared on the fire-breathing dragon's face.


The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus climbed out of the wall, looking at the Charizard with scarlet eyes, with a ferocious expression.

However, before the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus could move, a flame burned on its body again, which also made the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus show a painful expression.


Xiao Luo's eyes lit up, and he commanded the fire-breathing dragon again: "Spray flames!"


The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and spewed a red flame towards the super iron tyrannosaurus.

"Hmph, super iron tyrannosaurus, don't let it be underestimated, use gas bombs!"


The super iron tyrannosaurus pulled his hands together, and a blue energy ball formed in his hand, and shot out against the jet flame.


The blue energy ball broke through and sprayed flames. Before the fire-breathing dragon could react, it hit its face and exploded.

The huge body of the fire-breathing dragon staggered back after being blown up, almost falling to the ground.


After being attacked, the fire-breathing dragon was extremely angry, flapped its wings, flew up, and looked down at the super iron tyrannosaurus.

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, another rock blade!"

The super iron tyrannosaur once again issued a rock blade and shot towards the fire-breathing dragon in the air.

"Charizard, use Steel Tail after avoiding it!"

The fire-breathing dragon swooped down against the sharp edge of the rock, and after tumbling its body in the air to avoid the attack of the sharp edge of the rock, its tail glowed with bright white fluorescence and gathered all its strength to draw towards the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, next!"


The super iron tyrannosaurus stretched out its hands, ready to catch the fire-breathing dragon's steel tail trick.


Seeing the super iron tyrannosaurus like this, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes became more fierce, and it roared angrily, adding a little more strength.

"Boom" "Boom"

The fire-breathing dragon's steel tail fell steadily into the hands of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, but the field under the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus instantly collapsed and shattered.

"Whoosh hooh~"

After the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus caught Steel Tail, it gasped.

"That's it, use the horn drill!" Ji Zheng commanded excitedly.

Xiao Luo snorted coldly: "Don't think about it, Charizard, hug the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus instead, pay attention to its horns."

After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the fire-breathing dragon didn't care about getting its tail into the hands of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, and hugged the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus' neck with its backhand, and stuck the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus' head tightly.

Although the super iron tyrannosaur's horn drill has been activated, but due to movement restrictions, it cannot hit the fire-breathing dragon.

"Damn it, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, push it away and use the Horn Drill!"


Super Iron Tyrannosaurus dropped Charizard's tail, trying to push Charizard away.However, it was obviously not strong enough after the blow just now, but it couldn't push the fire-breathing dragon away.

And Xiao Luo saw the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus throwing off the tail of the Charizard, but showed an excited expression: "The Charizard, right now, use the most powerful throw on the earth!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, stretched its wings to the maximum, and flew up holding the super iron tyrannosaurus.


Ji Zheng also realized his mistake, and his face became ugly.

"Call" "Call"...

The fire-breathing dragon hugged the super iron tyrannosaurus and began to circle at high altitude. Then, after the fire-breathing dragon gathered enough strength, it hugged the super iron tyrannosaurus and rushed towards the ground.


The whole venue shook, smoke and dust filled the air, and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus was vaguely seen wading on the ground.

Even so, Xiao Luo was still a little uneasy, and said again: "Charizard, come to Iron Tail again, and get rid of it!"

"Roar" "Boom"

The super iron tyrannosaur flew out of the smoke and dust, and was already dizzy after falling to the ground.

"The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus loses its ability to fight, and the Charizard wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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