Chapter 171 Flame Chicken VS Snorby Beast!

The fire-breathing dragon let out a roar of victory, and the roar hit Ji Zheng's face like a slap, burning hot.

Ji Zheng took back the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus silently, and sent out his fifth elf: "Come out, Snorkel!"


The elf ball was opened, and a heavyweight Snorkel appeared opposite the fire-breathing dragon, squinting its eyes, looking very kind, but Xiao Luo knew very well that the Snorkel was the most difficult to deal with.

Seeing the fire-breathing dragon panting non-stop, Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and took it back.

"Flame Chicken, this game is up to you."


A white light flashed, and the flame chicken roared loudly, standing tall and straight opposite the Snorkel.Facing a tonnage-level opponent like Snorby, he didn't shrug at all. He grasped the chicken's claws, and the flames of fighting spirit sizzled.

"Hmph, Snorbeast, use Tarzan to suppress the top!"


Snorkel rushed a few steps, jumped up slightly, and pressed its huge body towards the flame chicken.

"Use the jet flame after avoiding it!" Against a huge and slow-moving elf like the Snorlax, the jet flame is still easy to hit.


The flame chicken jumped back slightly, jumping out of a height that ordinary elves could not reach. After easily avoiding the top of the Snorby beast, before landing, a jet of flame swept towards the Snorby beast.



A green protection appeared around the Snorbeast, offsetting the flame chicken's jet flame attack.

Seeing that the flame chicken hadn't landed yet, Jizheng immediately directed Kirbymon to say: "Kirbymon, destroy the dead light!"


Snorkel opened its mouth, and a little bit of golden light condensed to form a huge ball of light. Then, a golden energy ray roared and shot at the flame chicken.

Xiao Luo was startled, and suddenly became a little anxious.Seeing the destruction and death light getting closer, and the flame chicken showing a frightened expression, Xiao Luo thought quickly.

"That's right!" Xiao Luo had a flash of inspiration, and immediately had an idea, "Flame Chicken, use the flame jet to the ground."


The flame chicken absolutely trusted Xiao Luo, and immediately spewed scorching flames towards the ground.

After the flame hit the ground, the powerful back thrust pushed the flame chicken to the sky again.

This move also brightened the eyes of Xiaozhi and Xiaoqian who were present.


Seeing the destructive death light pass under the flame chicken, Ji Zheng was very unwilling.

"Flame Chicken, here's your chance, use flying knees!"

As soon as the flame chicken landed, it kicked the ground, and flew towards the Snorkelling beast gorgeously.


The flame chicken slammed into the face of the Snorby with a flying knee, and the huge force made the Snorkel stagger and back away screaming in pain.

"Very good, next use Shangtian Fist!" Xiao Luo continued to command.


The flame chicken clenched its fist with its right paw, and a dazzling white light appeared, followed by the Snorby beast again.


However, this blow was blocked by Snorby in time. Snorkel stretched out his hand to pinch Flame Chicken's right hand, and the fist of heaven was only one centimeter away from Snorkel's face.


The Snorlax's face was gloomy and scary, as if it wanted to swallow the flame chicken whole.

Jizheng was very excited when he saw that the effect of Snorby destroying the death light disappeared, and stopped the flame chicken's attack in time, and said: "Good job Snorkel, now, use Taishan to press the top."


The gigantic body of the Snorlax pressed straight down towards the flame chicken.

Xiao Luo clearly saw big drops of sweat appearing on the forehead of the flame chicken.

"Boom" "Roar~"

The Flame Chicken was crushed by the Snorby beast and let out an extremely painful cry.As an elf world weight NO. 1 elf, this Mount Tai mountain pressure did not make the flame chicken directly lose its fighting ability, which has proved that the flame chicken is powerful.

"Flame chicken, use jet flame."


The flame chicken endured the great pain, opened its mouth and spewed out a flame, hitting the Snorby beast.


Attacked by jet flames, Snorlax finally stood up and stretched out his hands in front of his face to resist the flames.


The flame chicken moved its body in a humane way, and gasped slightly.

"Flame chicken, use the flame vortex!"


After hearing Xiao Luo's command, the flame chicken opened its mouth and spewed out rotating flames, enveloping the Snorby.

"Snappy, hurry up and avoid it!"


The Snorlax twisted its body to avoid it, but its slow movements were like snails in the eyes of the flame corns.In the end, Snorkel was wrapped in a vortex and fell into a burnt state.

"Next, use the Heaven Fist!"

The Flame Chicken charged up again, and hit the Snorby with its white-lit right hand.

"Snorby uses protection!"


Snorkel stretched out its hands, and a green protective cover appeared around it, resisting the flame chicken's fist.

After the protection, the burns broke out, and the Snorlax was wrapped in a ball of flames, which made the Snorlax show a painful expression.

"Damn it, Snorkel, go to sleep."

As soon as Jizheng finished speaking, Kirbymon yawned long and fell into a deep sleep.The scars on his body are being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nima, you can actually do this kind of trick!
Little Luo suddenly had a big head, and he could only hope to defeat the Snorlax while it was asleep.

"Flame chicken, flying knees!"


The flame chicken jumped high, and hit the Snorby beast's face with a flying knee.Such a fierce attack still failed to wake up the Snorlax.

"Again, flying knee!"


It was a flying knee strike again, the same trick and the same part, even the ground under the Kirby's head cracked, and the Kirby still didn't wake up.

"In that case, let's do it again!"


The flame chicken was already panting violently, but after hearing Xiao Luo's command, it still jumped up high and used the trick of flying knees.

However, whether it was intentional or not, the Kirby turned over at the right time, and the flame chicken hit the ground directly with a flying knee.At this moment, the flame chicken rolled on the ground with its knees hugged and howled.

This nima is also fine!
Little Luo was a little dumbfounded.


Kirby also woke up at this moment, with obvious signs of being attacked on his face.

"Karbymon, you finally woke up." Jizheng was very excited, "Now, use Tarzan pressure on the flame chicken."

Kabimon stood still and did not obey Jizheng's command.

Just when everyone was a little confused, Kabimon screamed and fell to the ground.

"This... Snorkel loses its ability to fight, and the flame chicken wins!"

The flame chicken stopped howling immediately, and looked at Snorkelmon with an inexplicable expression on its face. At this moment, Snorkelmon opened its mouth wide, its tongue hung out halfway, and its eyes spiraled, looking extremely embarrassed.

Can this win too? !
The flame chicken looked at Xiao Luo suspiciously again.

"Okay, don't look, you won!" Xiao Luo took out the poke ball and put away the Flaming Chicken. After facing the Snorlax, the Flaming Chicken has almost reached its limit, and the rest can no longer use it.

"How is this possible! Why is this...why..." Jizheng stomped his feet, seeing that victory was just around the corner, but the world was turned upside down. No one could bear such a result.

"Okay, hurry up and take out your last elf!" Xiao Luo said lightly to Ji Zheng.

"Damn it, come back Kirby!" After taking back the Kirby, Ji Zheng took out another elf and said to Xiao Luo: "This is my last elf, I will show you how powerful it is! "

(End of this chapter)

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